‘A’ is for Atheist?

Top 15 Quotes By Famous Atheists – listverse.com:
1. Creationists make it sound like a ‘theory’ is something you dreamt up after being drunk all night — Isaac Asimov

2. I don’t believe in God. My god is patriotism. Teach a man to be a good citizen and you have solved the problem of life. — Andrew Carnegie

3. All thinking men are atheists. — Ernest Hemingway

4. Lighthouses are more helpful then churches. — Benjamin Franklin

5. Faith means not wanting to know what is true. — Friedrich Nietzsche

6. The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one. — George Bernard Shaw

7. Say what you will about the sweet miracle of unquestioning faith, I consider a capacity for it terrifying and absolutely vile. — Kurt Vonnegut

8. I believe in God, only I spell it Nature. — Frank Lloyd Wright

9. Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest. — Denis Diderot

10. A man is accepted into a church for what he believes and he is turned out for what he knows. — Samuel Clemens

11. The whole thing is so patently infantile, so foreign to reality, that to anyone with a friendly attitude to humanity it is painful to think that the great majority of mortals will never be able to rise above this view of life. — Sigmund Freud

12. Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful. — Edward Gibbon

13. The church says the earth is flat, but I know that it is round, for I have seen the shadow on the moon, and I have more faith in a shadow than in the church. — Ferdinand Magellan

14. Not only is there no god, but try getting a plumber on weekends. — Woody Allen

15. It’s an incredible con job when you think about it, to believe something now in exchange for something after death. Even corporations with their reward systems don’t try to make it posthumous. — Gloria Steinem

  1. JimR says:

    Mr. Mustard, you don’t make any sense, and the reason is that you are imagining you are standing on both sides of a wall at the same time.

    At least hugh school experiments can PROVE the basics of science. The basics of religion … zero proof at any level of education.

  2. Hivemind says:

    #57 – “Where do you get all your “scientific knowledge” then? You certainly don’t conduct the experiments yourself! No matter, whether it’s USA Today, Popular Science, or the New York Times, you’re getting it from people you BELIEVE, not on any first-hand knowledge. So, first-handedly, you know as little about science (aside from some Mister Wizard experiments in junior high) as you do about religion.”

    Uhh, experiments don’t give you scientific knowledge, you can look at the results of an experiment and conclude something from it, which you could say was knowledge. Having “scientific knowledge” doesn’t mean what you ‘know’ is correct, it just means you understand – at least on some level – how different parts of the universe are thought to work, or how you have deduced they work. Overall, knowledge is difficult to define though.

    Also, if a scientist believed without doubt anything in a scientific sense, then they wouldn’t be being scientific.

    “Where I come from, that sounds like a good reason to STFU.”

    Yeah, you sound really tolerant.

  3. PoliticallyVeryCorrect says:

    “I am amazed at the gall of Atheist to look at this infinite universe and claim with certainty there is no force acting other than what they know and can measure.”

    There is, but it is not your “god”

    When people didn’t knew electricity in ancient times, thunderflash was an act of god to them and a proof oh god’s existence…
    You don’t believe in it today, do you? 😀
    Science is slowly debinking all the myths until there will be none left of your religion(s).
    Unfortunately we (people in general) spend more money on killing ourselves than on advancing ourselves all the time, thus the progress is slow.

  4. >>Where is this altar and can I sacrifice
    >>goats on it?

    Ask about it next week, at Atheist Sunday school.

  5. cheese says:


    An athesist is someone who, at their own funeral, is all dressed up with no where to go

    An athesist is someone who has an orgasm with nobody to scream to

    A pragmatist was once asked if he believed in God. He said he did. He was asked if that was contrary to being pragmatic. The answer was this: “If I believe in God and there isn’t one, then I haven’t lost anything. But if I don’t and there is one, then I’m in a big heap of trouble”.

    Merry Christmas

  6. >>The basics of religion … zero proof at any
    >>level of education.

    That’s because faith and spirituality don’t deal with “Mystery Powders” and mixing vinegar with baking soda, and other “scientific” “experiements” you may have conducted.

    >>you are imagining you are standing on both
    >>sides of a wall at the same time.

    And you say **I** don’t make sense? Christ on a crutch! Have you been drinking this afternoon, sir?

  7. PoliticallyVeryCorrect says:

    >>An athesist is someone who, at their own funeral, is all dressed up with no where to go<>An athesist is someone who has an orgasm with nobody to scream to<>A pragmatist was once asked if he believed in God. He said he did. He was asked if that was contrary to being pragmatic. The answer was this: “If I believe in God and there isn’t one, then I haven’t lost anything. But if I don’t and there is one, then I’m in a big heap of trouble”.<<

    good one 😀

    Merry Christmas to you

  8. JimR says:

    Reffer, God is like your mommy. Don’t worry, everything will be alright because you don’t REALLY die. There’s a magical place where only the good people go, and if you’re good you’ll go there too. Better now?

  9. PoliticallyVeryCorrect says:

    >>An athesist is someone who, at their own funeral, is all dressed up with no where to go<>An athesist is someone who has an orgasm with nobody to scream to<<

    It is actually called masturbation.
    Every religious moron having orgasm to his “god” is also masturbatng, but (unlike atheists) is also schizophrenic 🙂

  10. PoliticallyVeryCorrect says:

    sorry for doubleposting, somewhat anonymizer cut the first part of my reply 🙁 “God’s will”? 😉


    “An athesist is someone who, at their own funeral, is all dressed up with no where to go”

    You are so mistaken.
    Its the living who dress the carcas, and its the living who think they have somewhere to go 😀

    “An athesist is someone who has an orgasm with nobody to scream to”

    It is actually called masturbation.
    Every religious moron having orgasm to his “god” is also masturbatng, but (unlike atheists) is also schizophrenic 🙂

  11. OK, PVC. You’ve convinced us all: You’re shitfaced.

    Go sleep it off!

  12. JimR says:

    Mr. M, you are the only person I know that refers to NaCl as a mystery powder.

    “Christ on a crutch”… now that I could believe!

  13. PoliticallyVeryCorrect says:

    #71 another sin, Mustard!
    Your god may not forgive you, aren’t you worry?

  14. Dennis says:

    Also, the point about believing in god and losing nothing….You lose the ability to believe in yourself. You lose the time spent worrying if this is part of your gods doctrine. You wasted all that time in church that you could have been out actually DOING good works.
    If there is a heaven, I would imagine it to be the most boring and horridly dull place…what with everyone having to praise another being constantly (little bit of a self-worth issue there I would imagine), of never getting to drink or smoke or have sex, and especially all the damn hippies that must be there. If you read the book, thats all it says happens. What a dull eternity. I would rather that I live my life to the fullest while I can still enjoy it physically, help those I can, revile those that are ‘evil’, and basically live like this is the only shot I get at it.
    I would also have to ask…if the afterlife is SO great…..why are you still here?

  15. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Why is it that Christians believe that human beings, so distinctly different from all other animals in the kingdom, deserve an afterlife, without which their time here on earth would have absolutely no meaning or purpose?

    I tend to hear the frequent description of “pathetic” applied to the lives of non-believers by the Christians who look down on them, reveling as the Christians do in the deep, rich, glorious “meaning” of their own lives.

    I guess I define “pathetic” a bit differently than some of the believers, who are happy to exist for the sole purpose of worshiping and glorifying a Creator who has never even given them the time of day to prove he exists.

  16. cheese says:

    #70 I think you need a laugh…

    A mother and son found a dead sea gull on the ground. “Mommy, what happened to him?” the son asked. “He died and went to heaven,” the mother replied. Her son thought a moment and then said, “And God threw him back down?”

  17. PoliticallyVeryCorrect says:

    #74 the main problem with christian doctrine is… living, exactly 🙂
    According to christianity we are “living” “here” as some sort of test, which will result in our going to heaven or hell after we die.
    According to christianity “god” knows everything.
    Therefore “god” knows already in advance. long before even we are born, how our “test” will end.
    So what’s the point of doing this test at all?

    But, “god” has his own ways, of course, don’t you worry about that, just “pray” and everything will be alright 😉

  18. >>Mr. M, you are the only person I know
    >>that refers to NaCl as a mystery powder.

    I guess that’s why you stayed back in 5th grade, huh? NaCl wasn’t one of the Mystery Powders. They were talcum powder, baking soda, flour, and several others. Salt was not among them.

    Goes to show what happens when you think you know it all.

  19. PoliticallyVeryCorrect says:

    #76 well, i knew that one 😉
    Nevertheless it is a good one 😉

  20. ejes says:


    man, mister mustard is so clueless. lol,
    i haven’t laughed this hard at “god” in a long time!!!!

    thanks mustard, you’re the greatest!

  21. >>who are happy to exist for the sole purpose of
    >>worshiping and glorifying a Creator who has
    >>never even given them the time of day to prove
    >>he exists.

    Woops! Back to Atheist Sundsy school with you too.

    It might be advantageous, if for nothing else than your self-esteem, to learn something about the topic of your derision before you undertake to deride it.

    Right now, you look like quite a dummy! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  22. >>i haven’t laughed this hard at “god” in
    >>a long time!!!!

    Did you have a point to make here, or were you just trying out the computer while Mom and Dad are out picking up dinner?

  23. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    #81 No, Mustard, I was a dummy when I was a Christian. I’m fighting to raise my IQ from that *pathetic* level.

  24. PoliticallyVeryCorrect says:

    There are no “atheist sunday schools”, are you stupid or something?
    Almost every atheist puts his brain to use, and almost every atheist came to conclusion of god’s nonexistance on their own (shows you how intelligent we are 😀 )

    I have no problem with religiousness, most religions are actually good for society since they prevent possible chaos and bad things the weaker minds could have unintentionally commited without restraints of their religion, but please: stupidity is unacceptable 🙂

  25. JimR says:

    “Mr. Mustard, you don’t make any sense, and the reason is that you are imagining you are standing on both sides of a wall at the same time.”

    Mr. Mustard, if you don’t understand something, just ask. The above is a metaphor for the relationship between religion and science. Religion is on one side of the wall (impervious), and science is on the other side. You believe you are on both sides at the same time. That’s nice, now calm down.

  26. >>Almost every atheist puts his brain to use,

    You’re a racist bastard, you know that?

    And Jimbo, if you can’t ascertain how someone can be spiritual AND faithful AND scientific at the same time, I suggest you go back to Atheist Sunday school.

  27. >>There are no “atheist sunday schools”,
    >>are you stupid or something?



  28. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    >>Dogma is drilled in by, oh say, a
    >>religious leader.

    Oh, like Madalyn Murray O’Hare?

    She was an atheist, so by definition, not a religious leader. We’ve schooled you on this before.

    Anyway, from what little I’ve read of her she strikes me as the Bizzaro World version of Marge Schott (for those of you who remember the late Cincinnati Reds owner)

    >>you know that I am fervently against
    >>religious dogma being codified into law

    As am I. So why can’t we all just get along? It wouldn’t be because of your dogmatism, would it?

    No. It’s because you refuse to let go of your persecution complex. You write like you think you are smarter and better than others because you got that yummy ooey gooey feeling of Jesus all inside of ya… Again, whatever gets you through the night… but religion is a crutch, which is okay. Fundamentalist religion, which is what I rail against, is an enemy of civilization representing a clear and present danger.

    >>You aren’t likely to meet more
    >>tolerant people than atheists…

    Hahahahahhaahha! Was that a joke, or were you trying to be funny? That’s rich!

    It’s no joke, and its true. But I’ll remember that next time I’m hearing some Bible thumping right wing pitchman for The Jesus Corporation going on about homosexuality being a sin, or how Katrina was punishment by God for our “sins”.

    >>I don’t read USA Today.

    Where do you get all your “scientific knowledge” then?

    There are things called schools that teach this stuff.

    You certainly don’t conduct the experiments yourself!

    No… because I am not a research scientist.

    No matter, whether it’s USA Today, Popular Science, or the New York Times, you’re getting it from people you BELIEVE, not on any first-hand knowledge. So, first-handedly, you know as little about science (aside from some Mister Wizard experiments in junior high) as you do about religion.

    I know far more than enough to make informed conclusions about the information that is available to all of us.

    Where I come from, that sounds like a good reason to STFU.

    A familiar refrain from populist boobs who fear the power of actual understanding and real information.

    >>The meaning of life is the realm of
    >>philosophy. Fleecing the flock is the
    >>realm of religion.

    Back to Atheist Sunday school for ya, OFLTO. “philosophy” will get you dementia and tertiary syphilis, like it did Nietzche. Faith and spirituality will get you inner peace.

    Right… Because ALL philosophers die of syphilis. Here is a news flash. Syphilis is spread through sexual contact with others who have syphilis. It does not spontaneously appear in people who simply pursue knowledge.

    Nietzche was human. He liked having sex. Apparently he wasn’t the most careful guy in town.

    Try it. You’ll like it. Nothing but dogmatism stands in your way.

    Try what? Syphilis? I think not. But you are right, dogmatism stands in my way… but its not my dogmatism. I think on my own, and am thus by definition, not dogmatic.

  29. JimR says:

    I’ve only been to a Christian Sunday school.

    –“And Jimbo, if you can’t ascertain how someone can be spiritual AND faithful AND scientific at the same time, I suggest you go back to Atheist Sunday school.”

    Of course anyone can ascertain THAT. All you have to do is follow your lead MM, and imagine standing on both sides of a wall at the same time while ignoring conflicts.

    BTW, did God create the universe MM?

  30. >>She was an atheist, so by definition, not a
    >>religious leader. We’ve schooled you on this

    No, you’ve argued about it before. Unsuccessfully.

    >>You write like you think you are smarter and
    >>better than others because you got that yummy
    >>ooey gooey feeling of Jesus all inside of ya…

    Only smarter and better than you, OFTLO. You might try the ooey gooey feeling, it might dampen the bitter resentment that you are so obviously suffering from.

    >>Fundamentalist religion, which is what I rail
    >>against, is an enemy of civilization
    >>representing a clear and present danger.

    OK, I agree with you. So why can’t we all just get along? Is it because I insist on pointing out the self-evident fact that Atheist fundies are every bit as dangerous as Christian (or Jewish, or Muslim) ones are??

    >>But I’ll remember that

    OK. And I will remember it too, the next time I read something about how great it is that Christians died, or how they’re all “sheeple” who don’t deserve the rights accorded a cockroach. If you think Christians (or people of faith in general) have a monopoly on intolerance, you need to get out more. A lot more.

    >>There are things called schools that
    >>teach this stuff.

    Yeah, and you take what they tell on ON FAITH. Just like the holy rollers. Except when you don’t believe what they say, then you’re smarter than the schoolmarms. Wowie!

    >>Try what? Syphilis? I think not.

    Not unless you want to. I meant try tolerance. Even for those who don’t hold the same dogma that you hold. It’s very liberating. You’ll like it!


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