‘A’ is for Atheist?

Top 15 Quotes By Famous Atheists – listverse.com:
1. Creationists make it sound like a ‘theory’ is something you dreamt up after being drunk all night — Isaac Asimov

2. I don’t believe in God. My god is patriotism. Teach a man to be a good citizen and you have solved the problem of life. — Andrew Carnegie

3. All thinking men are atheists. — Ernest Hemingway

4. Lighthouses are more helpful then churches. — Benjamin Franklin

5. Faith means not wanting to know what is true. — Friedrich Nietzsche

6. The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one. — George Bernard Shaw

7. Say what you will about the sweet miracle of unquestioning faith, I consider a capacity for it terrifying and absolutely vile. — Kurt Vonnegut

8. I believe in God, only I spell it Nature. — Frank Lloyd Wright

9. Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest. — Denis Diderot

10. A man is accepted into a church for what he believes and he is turned out for what he knows. — Samuel Clemens

11. The whole thing is so patently infantile, so foreign to reality, that to anyone with a friendly attitude to humanity it is painful to think that the great majority of mortals will never be able to rise above this view of life. — Sigmund Freud

12. Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful. — Edward Gibbon

13. The church says the earth is flat, but I know that it is round, for I have seen the shadow on the moon, and I have more faith in a shadow than in the church. — Ferdinand Magellan

14. Not only is there no god, but try getting a plumber on weekends. — Woody Allen

15. It’s an incredible con job when you think about it, to believe something now in exchange for something after death. Even corporations with their reward systems don’t try to make it posthumous. — Gloria Steinem

  1. >>Believe me Nietzsche was wrong on a lot of
    >>things…..But, he is right about organized
    >>religion making slaves of its followers.

    How prescient of you, knowing when he was wrong and when he was right. Are you God, by any chance?

    Or are you just cherry picking quotes from every Tom, Dick, and Harry in the rag-tag history of mankind (including the ones suffering from dementia of tertiary syphilis) to support your dogmatic views on spirituality and faith?


  2. Sinn Fein says:

    So? And their point being?
    As usual, there is no point. How about some equal time for 15 Quotes by Famous Theologians? Dang, I forgot, liberalism is about no debate lest exposure to fraud be entertained.

    Now, correct me if I’m wrong but, isn’t this America where we’re **allowed** to believe as we please? And from the looks of it, I must be wrong since personal freedom is apparently defined by self-deified elitists who have all the answers we’ll ever need. Thanks for the reminder, lib little gods.

  3. JimR says:

    Only REAL ships can sink MM, and newer improved REAL ships replace them. Your ship just floats around happily in the sky, and when it crashes to earth some day and rots into the soil… no problemo. It will just reappear in the happy ship yard better than new and float forever, right? That’s fine by me, as long as it keeps you calm.

  4. Dennis says:

    “When religious folks claim they talk to an imaginary being and it tells them what to do and how to live their lives, they are called faithful.
    When I do it, they prescribe me more medications”


  5. Benji says:

    >>If you believe that the universe was made with
    >>magic, then you’ve pre-chosen your reason as to
    >>how and why it works.


    When you speculate that the universe came into its own out of nothing you’ve also “pre-chosen” your reason as to how and why it works.

  6. JimR says:

    “When you speculate that the universe came into its own out of nothing you’ve also “pre-chosen” your reason as to how and why it works.”

    That’s just one speculation of many. No one sane believes that it is fact like Christians believe God is fact. The beginning of the universe may never be deduced, but that’s reality. We keep looking, testing, discovering. For you, its all in the handy-dandy Bible of Everything Imaginable.

  7. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #26 – You should really go back to that Atheist Sunday school and try to learn a few things.

    I’m just curious… What are a few of the things you’d like atheists to learn so we would have at least a small percentage of the theistic wisdom you are so blessed with?

    Seriously… Beyond blind faith, what leads you to accept the notion of a living god?

  8. Beonarri says:

    I love being an atheist. I get to sleep in on Sundays, eat all the delicious pork I want, my days aren’t interrupted by any sort of required prayer…

    Unlimited ham beats all patriarchal, sky-fairies any day.

  9. j0nkatz says:

    I really hate any religious institution pushing their dogma on me but what the fuck is with all this religion bashing on this site? I know this is Dvorak’s blog, but do you have to be such fucking trolls???

  10. brady maxwell says:

    A disdain for the “Church” and its many obscenities does not an atheist make.

    -Brady Maxwell

  11. Jim W. says:

    What!! no Madalyn Murray O’Hair quotes? Blasphemy.

    Personally I prefer the statements of this atheist to any of the others.

  12. >>I’m just curious… What are a few of the things
    >>you’d like atheists to learn so we would have
    >>at least a small percentage of the theistic
    >>wisdom you are so blessed with?


    >>Seriously… Beyond blind faith, what leads you
    >>to accept the notion of a living god?

    Personal belief. You know, the same way that you believe things you haven’t proven for yourself, but have only read about in USA Today.

  13. >>I love being an atheist. I get to sleep in on
    >>Sundays, eat all the delicious pork I want, my
    >>days aren’t interrupted by any sort of required

    Hey, that’s just some of the reasons why I love being a Christian. Of course, I usually get up before 11:30am, even on Sundays, even if I sleep in.

    Plus, I get to enjoy the inner peace.

  14. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    A lot of these quotes are clever, but I think the most useful view is from Edward Gibbon… “Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful.”

    It reminds us to be wary of those who use religion to further their own ends. Even true believers should remain vigilant to the wolves in sheep’s clothing amongst them.

  15. bamf says:

    creationism is for people who are too stupid and/or too lazy to do the hard work to understand science.

    oh and understanding the bible isn’t easy either — there are so many parables, and metaphors and so on. jesus was obviously a pretty complex guy.

    but that’s why creationists want to take it literally — because memorizing words without attempting to understand their deeper meaning is easy.

    oh and it empowers the priests.

  16. brady maxwell says:

    I think the model of the universe that has emerged in the last few decades makes comments made hundreds of years ago dated. Basing any scientific argument regarding the super natural on the understandings of enlightened individuals from centuries past, shows a complete lack of respect for what the human species has managed to accomplish in the last few hundred years.

    Personally Religion and Science are mutually exclusive in my opinion. Plenty of people like to argue that science disproves god or religion. This statement means nothing. Its like holding an apple in your hand and insisting regardless of all evidence that the crowd of people in the room are all holding apples as well, when in reality you are the only one in the room.

    You can not use science to disprove religion anymore than you can use religion to disprove any science, however I am sure that many more clergyman have made this attempt that scientists.

    I would like to see mathematical proof that good does not exist peer reviewed in a academic Math or Theoretical Physics Journal.

    Until then I will hold on to the possibility that no matter what I choose to believe about science, gods, spirits, or God that I can be wrong.

    Anyone that believes otherwise is a fool.


  17. Todd Anderson, III says:

    Can anyone help me here? Factoring out free-will does not solve the conundrum of predestination.

    To wit:
    #I have free-will
    #God is all-knowing.
    #God is eternal.
    #Being all-knowing means that he knows the outcome of every choice I have made or will make.
    #Being eternal, he has always known this.
    #Ergo, regardless of my free will, either my destiny is fated from before my birth, or God is not all-knowing or not eternal?

    My question is then, why did he bother?

    If you say God works in mysterious ways, then you are a stupid person without an original thought and should shut the hell up and let the big boys play.

    If you say that i have free will, then you have proven yourself to be incapable of reading and have admitted that God is not perfect. (And that would be blasphemy, so tread lightly.

    If you say I have to just accept it, then you have proven that you don’t understand God.

    Any real theologians out there?

  18. Hivemind says:

    #20 “Most churches have already done it.”

    Good for them, so they managed to prove with 100% certainty that the way they think the universe works is correct? In a way which is scientific?

    Interesting, since a key element of science – and the scientific method – is that all theories (or even laws) can be shown to be false(or at least shown to be false as far as the scientists can tell at that time).

    As Wikipedia says “Scientists never claim absolute knowledge of nature or the behavior of the subject of the field of study.” If tomorrow, it was shown that overwhelming (scientific) evidence suggested that a god does exist the scientific ‘system’ would have no trouble accepting it.

  19. grog says:

    what’s up with the church of jesus christ, scientist?

    anybody know what they’re all about?

  20. brady maxwell says:

    [Duplicate post, deleted – Ed.]

  21. >>Good for them, so they managed to prove with
    >>100% certainty that the way they think the
    >>universe works is correct?

    Of course not, silly. The “way the universe works” is the realm of science. The meaning of life is the realm of religion.

    Try and maintain the distinction.

  22. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #33 – to support your dogmatic views

    A view isn’t dogmatic if you got there on your own.

    Dogma is drilled in by, oh say, a religious leader.

    #42 – A disdain for the “Church” and its many obscenities does not an atheist make.

    True… and there are many “spiritual” people who reject organized religion and worship peacefully on their own… and they might be offended by being called atheists.


    #44 Tolerance.

    I meant about the existence of God… but really… Blow me with you snide “tolerance” quip. You know that I’m an atheist and you know that I am fervently against religious dogma being codified into law… but beyond that, you have no knowledge from which to claim that I or any other atheist is “intolerant”.

    That Christian Persecution Complex is getting tiresome. You aren’t likely to meet more tolerant people than atheists… and theists have NO claim on any moral issue, of any kind. You might be all touchy feely, but a big honking percentage of “believers” are intolerant almost to the point of violence.

    Personal belief. You know, the same way that you believe things you haven’t proven for yourself, but have only read about in USA Today.

    So… nothing… I apply logic to the natural universe and realize that God is amazingly unlikely, so I reject the premise until some shred of evidence appears. You fall back on blind faith. It would be nice if there was a God, so you decide to arbitrarily believe there is. If it helps you sleep, have at it. Since you aren’t one of the ones pushing fake Xian morality on the greater society at large, I have no bone to pick with you…

    I don’t read USA Today. It’s not written at a high enough grade level to meet my needs.

    For a tolerant guy, you sure make a lot of ignorant assumptions and use them to insult your imagined opponents.

    #52 – The meaning of life is the realm of religion.

    The meaning of life is the realm of philosophy. Fleecing the flock is the realm of religion.

  23. JimR says:

    #52 Mr.M, so you’re saying that god didn’t create the universe, because that would be supernatural and not science.

  24. Hivemind says:

    #52 “Of course not, silly. The “way the universe works” is the realm of science. The meaning of life is the realm of religion.

    Try and maintain the distinction.”

    Your comment “Most churches have already done it.” was a reply to someone else commenting about finding out how the universe works.

    #14 said
    “#5 – Isn’t it possible to believe in God /and/ want to know how the universe works?


    But once you get that universe thing figured out, you’ll probably feel pretty silly about all the god stuff.”

    #16 you said
    “>>But once you get that universe thing figured
    >>out, you’ll probably feel pretty silly about
    >>all the god stuff.

    Let us know, OFTLO, when you “get that universe thing figured out”, won’t you?

    Any estimated date for completion of the task?”

    #19 said
    “#16 – Any estimated date for completion of the task?

    I estimate I’ll have that task done before any church does. To narrow it down any more, I’ll need more information.

    Lucky for me, there’s a “method” for doing “scientific” things.”

    And in #20 you said
    “>>I estimate I’ll have that task done before
    >>any church does.

    Most churches have already done it.”

  25. Mikey Twit says:

    Quote#12 I believe was originally attributed to the philosopher Seneca The Younger. Yes/no?

  26. >>Dogma is drilled in by, oh say, a
    >>religious leader.

    Oh, like Madalyn Murray O’Hare?

    >>you know that I am fervently against
    >>religious dogma being codified into law

    As am I. So why can’t we all just get along? It wouldn’t be because of your dogmatism, would it?

    >>You aren’t likely to meet more
    >>tolerant people than atheists…

    Hahahahahhaahha! Was that a joke, or were you trying to be funny? That’s rich!

    >>I don’t read USA Today.

    Where do you get all your “scientific knowledge” then? You certainly don’t conduct the experiments yourself! No matter, whether it’s USA Today, Popular Science, or the New York Times, you’re getting it from people you BELIEVE, not on any first-hand knowledge. So, first-handedly, you know as little about science (aside from some Mister Wizard experiments in junior high) as you do about religion.

    Where I come from, that sounds like a good reason to STFU.

    >>The meaning of life is the realm of
    >>philosophy. Fleecing the flock is the
    >>realm of religion.

    Back to Atheist Sunday school for ya, OFLTO. “philosophy” will get you dementia and tertiary syphilis, like it did Nietzche. Faith and spirituality will get you inner peace.

    Try it. You’ll like it. Nothing but dogmatism stands in your way.

  27. Reffer says:

    Poor taste Davorak to put this atheist rant right above the story of Church members being shot. Sad to see your mind works this way.

    I am amazed at the gall of Atheist to look at this infinite universe and claim with certainty there is no force acting other than what they know and can measure. And death with no purpose will mark the end their pathetic little lives. We’ll see how brave and arrogant they remain when that end arrives. My bet is they won’t be reading these quotes for comfort.

  28. >>I am amazed at the gall of Atheist to look at
    >>this infinite universe and claim with certainty
    >>there is no force acting other than what they
    >>know and can measure.

    That’s because many worshippers at the altar of Atheism imagine that they ARE God.

    In the addiction/ recovery field, that is called “grandiosity” and “narcissism”.

    I see a lot of parallels.

  29. J says:

    “That’s because many worshippers at the altar of Atheism imagine that they ARE God.”

    Where is this altar and can I sacrifice goats on it?

    We live in a computer simulation so there is no GOD only code.

  30. J says:

    “That’s because many worshippers at the altar of Atheism imagine that they ARE God.”

    Where is this altar and can I sacrifice goats on it?

    We live in a computer simulation so there is no GOD only code.


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