While Ron Paul may have it right about Iraq and a few other things, you might find some of his other policies rather shocking. This article details each of the 10 points listed below. They almost make Romney and Huckabee seem reasonable. Almost.

1. Ron Paul does not value equal rights for minorities.
2. Ron Paul would deny women control of their bodies and reproductive rights
3. Ron Paul would be disastrous for the working class
4. Ron Paul’s tax plan is unfair to lower earners and would greatly benefit those with the highest incomes
5. Ron Paul’s policies would cause irreparable damage to our already strained environment
6. A Ron Paul administration would continue to proliferate the negative image of the US among other nations
7. Ron Paul discriminates on the basis of sexual orientation and would not provide equal rights and protections to glbt citizens
8. Ron Paul has an unnatural obsession with guns
9. Ron Paul would butcher our already sad educational system
10. Ron Paul is opposed to the separation of church and state

  1. Urinal Pooper says:

    His wife makes the best fish sticks!

  2. Uncle Dave says:

    #62: So, just to make sure I understand.

    If you and everyone else attacking this post (and me for posting it) go to Ron Paul’s website and read his mostly Libertarian positions on all issues, you agree with all of them?

    If so, more power to you. This will become a vastly different country than we live in now (or did before the BushBoy) if he gets in and his policies are implemented. From my point of view, while in many respects he is a breath of fresh air compared to ANY one else running, his policies are as extreme as the religious, authoritarian right or the ‘tax ’em all now and figure out what to do with the money later’ looney left who control the major parties now.

    For the record (again) I am middle of the road politically, wanting to pull the best from the right and the left and scrap all the rest. Never happen, unfortunately. We’re too screwed up and controlled by special interest money for that to ever happen.

  3. Jeff says:

    As far as item 6 goes “6. A Ron Paul administration would continue to proliferate the negative image of the US among other nations” check out this site and see for your self how the rest of the world feels. http://www.whowouldtheworldelect.com/

  4. ECA says:

    Do you really think he has ALL the power, to control the Gov?? NOT, he has to get threw the Reps, and Demos FIRST.

  5. RickCain says:

    Kudos to Dvorak for putting up that crap article in order to get website hits.

  6. gregallen says:

    Phillep said, Take a look at the inner city schools and see how white kids are treated. They are being driven out of the schools by bigots and school boards who refuse to put a stop to the rampant bigotry and racial violence. Grass roots arpartheid.

    Honest to goodness, Phillep, I just have no patience for the whining from the white folk that they are some oppressed sub group.

    I’m a white guy and for every small bigotry I’ve faced, I’ve been ADVANTAGED by my race about a hundred times.

    As for fixing segregated schools, clearly busing was a pretty bad solution. That’s why it was generally abandoned and why the white bigots keep harping on it.

    The best solution, IMHO, is the one conservatives hate the most: fund the inner city public schools until they are good enough that white families will want to send their kids there.

  7. Jordan says:

    Wow. I had just bookmarked your blog after watching you on Tivo and then I came across this. -delete bookmark-

    Did you even bother to look at his record before you posted this B.S. list? Lame, John.

  8. Mister Catshit says:

    It would be nice if those calling bullshit could reference Paul’s actual position on that point. If you can’t post facts, then it is just another opinion.

  9. Russell says:

    Woah, cool! I didn’t know he was such a cool guy! (seriously!) My opinion of this guy has INCREASED because of your negative article. I do have to agree with some of the other posters, everything said in the article was spun in a negative light. This did nothing to “illuminate the issues” but only served to _obfuscate_ them by not saying exactly what it was he supported but simply offering some sensitive, negative buzz words associated with his name.

  10. TomB says:

    72 ->


    has a quite a large assortment of his videos and writings — too many to list in a simple blog.

    If the link doesn’t work, please type in the URL exactly as depicted. I only give instructions because you seem incapable of figuring out how to find the information yourself.

  11. raytube720 says:

    I’ve noticed that dvorak’s content has been going downhill for a while now, and this frosts the big enchilada with poop. I used to respect the information presented here. Passing this pile of misinformation along to your readers has just turned me off the Dvorak blog for good now. I guess I’ll just stick to the PCmag column (which actually is written by JDvorak.)

  12. TomB says:


    I’ve wondered about that recently as well.

    In one of his recent articles, he said that Vista was all Bill Gates’ fault.

    Then in his podcast, he said that Bill was the solution to all of Microsoft’s problems and begged him to return.

    Both of these were within a month of each other.

    Will the real JCD please stand up!

  13. lloyd_la says:

    This is nonsense, pure and simple

    I used to read dvorak.org, but am leaving now

  14. James Armstrong says:

    Dude! The Birchers were the Jedi! (And we are about 15 min from the end of Episode 3).

  15. Mister Catshit says:

    Yup, I didn’t see any specifics on what was incorrect in the list. Only generalized bullshitting.

    To all those who claim they’ll never again grace this site I say, “Don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out. If leaving in a huff instead of correcting an error means something to you, fine, bye.”

  16. Cameron Kain says:

    7. Ron Paul discriminates on the basis of sexual orientation and would not provide equal rights and protections to glbt citizens

    umassdood said: False. He believes, rightly so, that you don’t get special rights because of who and how you like to have sex. He wants to get rid of special and unfair protections for gays at the Federal level. That way everyone is given the same equal protection under law. States can still enact whatever special protections they choose.

    This is the problem with so many people. There are no “special rights” for gays anymore than there are for any other group of people. Gays don’t want special rights and unfair protection. They want equal rights and equal protection. Those that know the true history of marriage know that it wasn’t always what Republicans call “traditional marriage”, and they would know that gays got married frequently in olden times before a certain religion stopped it. As for protection, gays deserve the same protection as everyone else. Look what happened to Matthew Sheppard. Similar things happen more often than you think and at certain state levels the law turn a blind eye because of their own twisted religious beliefs. Without a net to protect gays the same way that other groups are protected at the federal level, there will be even more Matthew Sheppard cases (though I’m sure many Republicans would love to see that).


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