While Ron Paul may have it right about Iraq and a few other things, you might find some of his other policies rather shocking. This article details each of the 10 points listed below. They almost make Romney and Huckabee seem reasonable. Almost.

1. Ron Paul does not value equal rights for minorities.
2. Ron Paul would deny women control of their bodies and reproductive rights
3. Ron Paul would be disastrous for the working class
4. Ron Paul’s tax plan is unfair to lower earners and would greatly benefit those with the highest incomes
5. Ron Paul’s policies would cause irreparable damage to our already strained environment
6. A Ron Paul administration would continue to proliferate the negative image of the US among other nations
7. Ron Paul discriminates on the basis of sexual orientation and would not provide equal rights and protections to glbt citizens
8. Ron Paul has an unnatural obsession with guns
9. Ron Paul would butcher our already sad educational system
10. Ron Paul is opposed to the separation of church and state

  1. bobbo says:

    Yep, “idealogues” and “true believers” are good for court jesters, ditto head talk show puppet masters, and last rank political gadflies. Not for much else.

  2. Spectre says:

    This list is total bullshit. FUD

  3. Don Moore says:

    Did you notice that the “Jesus” at the referring website was WHITE!

  4. TomB says:

    Wow! He must really be scaring people for them to write such crap. I could rewrite this entire list and slant it against any of the candidates.

    Read or listen to his own words if you want to know what he stands for.

  5. RonK says:

    And the Neocons open their holes again.

  6. bobbo says:

    #2–Spectre==yes, the list looks suspiciously “vague” in spots but such weaknesses seem fully supported at the linked website.

    What issues are unfairly reported?

  7. KevinL says:

    Sounds good to me. I thought the list was going to be “shocking” but he actually has a lot of positives going for him. Not a waffling wussy like all the other candidates.

  8. Rabble Rouser says:

    Failed to be mentioned here is that Ron Paul is a bigot, and is backed by one of the most disgusting organizations on the planet, The John Birch Society.

    I am not surprised that many people are being duped by Dr. Paul’s BS. They are more than likely the same ones who were duped in 2000 and 2004.

  9. the Three-Headed Cat says:

    Those ten points are no secret from those who have been paying attention – and not drinking that faux-populist “both parties are the same”-flavor Kool-Aid.

  10. phelonyphil says:

    That list is preposterous, especially the first. Paul protects the rights of ALL citizens. He recognizes that the problem of racism is one in the hearts of many and government has shown no success in changing the hearts of men. What trash.
    Paul must really be ruffling feathers if lists like this are being put out.
    It’s funny actually.
    I have been watching this election cycle closely and all of the “smears” I have seen of the other candidates at least are based on some sort of factual evidence of what the candidate being attacked had done. Except Paul. People have to make things up or blatantly distort his position or attribute a ghostwriters words to him in order to attack the most principled man in Washington. Sickening.

  11. STEVE says:


  12. Improbus says:

    He is still the only “Republican” I would support for president. Frankly, this entire group of candidates (Democrats and Republicans) make we want to get drunk and mourn for the America of my youth.

  13. FRAGaLOT says:

    He probably said this when he was a anti-social teenager at a local Klan meeting, maybe he saw the light after 50 odd years or so as he grew up. People do tend to change as they learn, and opinions change with it. I doubt that list is valid now.

    However, it doesn’t matter what a politician says today, or 50 years ago, he’s still a politician.

  14. jlm says:

    even if all that is true he is still better than all of the other Republican candidates.

  15. apeguero says:

    Just another Republican bashing article by the leftists here! Once, just once, I’d like to see a political article here that isn’t bashing Republicans. And for the record, Ron Paul’s a RINO.

  16. bobbo says:

    “Basically” libertarians are social darwinists and think it is an infringement of human rights to tax one person to provide a social safety net for another.

    So, you good folks like #11-Rogel==yes the opinion is stated as a fact and is very argumentative “on its face.” Go to the referenced website and see what back the claim up. If you support Ron Paul AND the working class–you really should.

    Oh, the other true believer soon to be savaged?==Huckleberry. Yes, he wants to be a happy mininster, but he too, is a mangy politician, speaking out of both sides of his mouth, to get your vote. Does he believe in evolution or not?==etc

  17. Cinaedh says:

    Why would any of those items be any kind of surprise to anyone at all? He’s a Republican, isn’t he? They might not talk about them all the time but I thought each and every one of those points were standard fare for Republicans. Yawn.

  18. orangefly says:

    # 16
    Ron Paul bashing comes from the right….

  19. Chris says:

    I’ll give this the Ron Paul readover.

    #1 is false. Don’t need to go any further.

  20. Li says:

    For a racist, Dr. Paul sure did deliver a lot of black babies for no charge.

    Ignore -> Laugh -> [Fight] -> Win

    Only one step away from victory, I say.

  21. the answer says:

    #10 is enough to make me not vote for him, and probably throw tomatoes if he came to my town. We need more of that these days.

  22. ArianeB says:

    At least half the list is restating Paul’s position in a biased way. More accurate would be things like

    #1 Ron Paul wants to end Affirmative Action
    #2 Ron Paul is pro life (this is one of his differences with the Libertarian view, his personal view comes from being a OB-GYN doctor)
    #3 Ron Paul is a Libertarian
    #4 Ron Paul believes in a flat tax
    #5 Ron Paul wants to continue offshore drilling
    #6 Ron Paul wants the US to leave the UN
    #7 Ron Paul does not believe in Gay Marriage (another difference with the Libertarian view)
    #8 Ron Paul believes in the second ammendment – and in all the other ammendments as well
    #9 Ron Paul believes education should be left in the states hands and the federal government should get out of the way
    #10 Ron Paul SUPPORTS the separation of church and state, he has a very good record on that

    I’m not a full fledged Ron Paul supporter, but I do believe that he represents the future hope of the Republican party if they can ever get rid of the damn war hungry neo-cons.

  23. Greg Allen says:

    apeguero said, Just another Republican bashing article by the leftists here!

    Ahh… and just another reactionary poster who attacks the messenger rather than the facts of the issue.

    After 25 years of this, we’re finally on to your methods!

    Paul is a libertarian… that alone should say enough to make all but the dope smokers rule him out as a serious candidate.

  24. Milo says:

    I will be enjoying the spectacle of the Republicans feasting on their own guts!

    Ron Paul will be the Perot to this Clinton!

  25. eyeofthetiger says:

    The answer to reason #1: He wants to abolish the IRS. I stopped reading after this point.

  26. Alex Hammer says:

    See also:
    Facebook – Leading Ron Paul Widgets, Resources and Tools

    Ron Paul – The $20 Million Man

  27. Phillep says:

    A blond Jesus? Nope. Semitic Jews are dark complected.

    #1, minorities.
    a) Affirmative action has served it’s purpose, it’s up to the minorities to get off their asses and roll up their sleeves instead of whining.
    b) Colleges use race as a factor in denying entrance all the time.
    c) Brown vs Board of Ed. Not sure what the point is here. Bussing?
    d) Citizenship of infants? Country of origin of mother.

    2.) I don’t get pregnant, I don’t make the rules. (But, unless the children or fetus are sold in interstate commerce, the feds have no business making laws on abortion one way or the other.)

    3.) Working Class
    a) Minimum wage repeal, Good. That will open millions of jobs for teen agers.
    b) OSHA, Rules made by college students who have not been on a job so they have no idea if what they are doing helps or causes injuries. And the recent attempt to outlaw ammunition indicates a political agenda.
    c) Social Security, Good. I hope it’s made an income tax deduction as well, just like a 401K.
    d) Davis-Bacon, Considering how many people apply for Davis-Bacon wage jobs, I have to wonder about just how “prevailing” the wages really are, or if they are higher for the amount of work done.
    e) Copeland Act, no knowledge.

    4) Income tax. No, I don’t see a problem, just a lot of speculation, red herrings, emoting, jingoism, and paranoia.

    5) Environment, Hey, I like the way this guy thinks.

    6) Negative Image, Like they have a positive image of the US? Even under Carter, the news media said that every other country on the planet hated our guts, held us in contempt, feared us, etc. They can suck the mud from between my toes.

    7) A statement that he discriminates on the basis of sexual orientation.
    Okay, the claim that follows indicates he would remove favoritism from the law, and that’s discrimination. Heh. Good joke.

    8) Guns. He would take our laws back to what they were before 1968. Guns being used for mass murders took off after 1968. Airplane hijackings took off after 1968. Crime rates increased about then.
    As for machine guns, the founders said “arms”, meaning “whatever the military uses in battle”, and that today that includes machine guns, crew served weapons, cannon, and tanks (all currently and legally in the hands of private citizens, and you just don’t know what you are talking about if you think otherwise). (Knobb Creek).

    9) Wasn’t it just last week that an article about how stupid US students were was published here?

    10) Church and State. I’m an Apatheist. I just don’t care. However, the BOR prohibits a State religion, not all mention of religion.
    Teaching Creationism in place of evolution, point. That is dumb.

    Maybe I’ll vote for Ron Paul after all.

    By the way, the Birchers are not racists.

  28. MikeN says:

    Unlike Ron Paul, for the makers of this list the Constitution is just a goddamn piece of paper.

  29. Greg Allen says:

    umassdood said, Overturning Roe. v Wade would return the matter to the states, not make abortion illegal.

    C’mon on. I expect more intellectual honesty from you.

    Paul’s desired reversal of Roe would mean that abortion becomes illegal in a number of Red states that have legislation warmed-up-and-ready-to-roll the day after Roe is overturned.

    You know that!

    Fine, be a Paul supporter. But be honest about it.

  30. Greg Allen says:

    eyeofthetiger The answer to reason #1: He wants to abolish the IRS.

    Abolishing the IRS is another GIGANTIC CONSERVATIVE GIVE AWAY to the super rich who cheat like the devil, all the time, on their taxes.

    And who picks up the tab the rich shirk on? Honest working guys like me.


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