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MOST modern number one hits could fit into one of their guitar solos. Led Zeppelin returned to the stage last night with their first full set in 19 years — and younger members of the crowd had heard nothing like it. Manufactured pop is ruling the charts and young music fans are an impatient sort. Maybe that’s why the bars at the O2 Arena in Greenwich filled during some of the band’s winding rock epics. But their classics proved music doesn’t rock like it used to. Tracks like Whole Lotta Love and Stairway to Heaven had every one of the fans — who included Liam Gallagher and Sir Paul McCartney — on their feet and shaking their fists.

Fans of all ages had travelled from around the world to see the group and they weren’t disappointed – giving huge ovations and raving after the show. American Lisa Anderson, 57, said: “Everyone around me agreed it was an absolute triumph. “I saw them a few times when I was younger, but for me this was the best show they’ve ever done. “It was worth every penny.”
Support act Paolo Nutini, 20, told The Sun: “I wasn’t alive the first time around but I’ve seen the footage on DVD. “Now watching them live, I’ve been taught a true musical lesson.“They were just so intense and so tight, even after all these years. “I was just blown away.”

I was lucky enough to see them in the early days, and hoping to get lucky again.

  1. gquaglia says:

    Still rockin? How about still suckin. Never cared for this band one bit.

  2. morbo says:

    Thats good information #1, deep, thought provoking. Might be worth saving this data point.

  3. gregallen says:

    I was totally of that era but, I have to say, I never really like Zeppelin as much as the other super bands of that era.

    Mostly, I didn’t like the whiny vocals and the misogynistic lyrics. The guitar was pretty great, though.

  4. moss says:

    Lots of folks who never were music-makers don’t get Led Zeppelin.

    Robert Plant still feels it and gets it. He’s crazy enough to stop for a minute on a nice echoey cobblestone street and doo-wop the BeeGees Holiday with this particular 1960’s refugee – a few years back.

    Smile and walk away – nuthin’ else needed.

  5. McCullough says:

    #1. Obvious ABBA fan?

  6. Valhalla says:

    moss, that’s a memory to cherish! wow.

    Led Zeppelin created the phenomenon of the super bands. there was no such thing as a super band before them. nor was there anything like them. they might not have contributed to music per se as did the Beatles. but their musicianship is undeniable. and as a whole, as a group, they brought to life a new Rock that has its own place in music history.

  7. Thomas says:

    “Other” superbands of the era? There was only one other “superband” of that era and that was The Beatles. In terms of rock bands, there is no other comparison. Most modern rock is inspired in some way by Zeppelin.

    > Mostly, I didn’t like the
    > whiny vocals and the misogynistic lyrics.

    You mean there are rock bands that *didn’t* make misogynistic lyrics?

  8. Sean says:

    God, if you could just do one small, tiny little thing for me.. please, oh please make Zeppelin tour again in ’08.

  9. Jamie says:

    Led Zeppelin is great!! I believe the Beatles paved the way for live shows to be as great as this. They “stood on the shoulders of giants”. I’m just glad that we don’t get the gratuitous crotch shots anymore. Music is still good nowadays, its just not on MTV. Heck Zep didn’t even care for T.V. If they play Bonaroo I am there!!
    What? Stairway denied.

  10. Temple Of Zep says:

    We will now proceed to entangle the entire area –

    @ #3 & @ #7
    The Beatles are a great band in their own right – but they gave up

    The Supergroups to Include Among Led Zeppelin in no particular order:
    The Jimmy Hendrix Experience
    Emmerson Lake & Palmer
    The Moody Blues
    Crosby Stills Nash & Young
    The Who
    Rush-(a little at the end of the era, but…)
    The Rolling Stones
    Frank Zappa
    Jefferson Airplaine/Starship
    Pink Floyd
    Black Sabbath
    Alice Cooper
    Jethro Tull

    Some were there before Zeppelin, And King Crimson was right there in 1969 too. so much of the mystique of a supergroup is the raw persistence to do what they will, be who they are, in the face of popular opinion.

    @3 What misogynistic lyrics?

    @1 what nobody would squeeze your lemon? must be the sour puss.

    I had the great opportunity to meet Plant & Page in Chicago back around 1995 when they were touring, thanks to the then Drummer Michael Lee. Got back stage passes and when Jimmy and Michael came shopping the next day Jimmy signed my tour shirt. He was really nice. Back when John Bonham died we were all ready to get tickets, so it was great to see them in 95.

    Rock Till You Drop Guys, and Go To Chicago

  11. bobbo says:

    So if #10’s groups form “the standard” for rock (I think the Stones must be on any list?), what bands today rock–as opposed to pop?

    U-2 is about as close as I can come and they are more ballad oriented rather than rock?

    Guns and Roses is the last “real” rock band I can think of.

    Not putting anyone down–want to increase my listening options.

  12. Jack says:

    #7 “There was only one other “superband” of that era and that was The Beatles.”

    I’m not sure I would place The Beatles in the same era as Led Zeppelin. The Beatles recorded 12 studio albums between 1962 and 1970. Led Zeppelin recorded 8 studio albums between 1969 and 1979. Sure there was a slight overlap but The Beatles were at the end of their recording career when Led Zeppelin were at the start of theirs.

    I just hope they enjoyed last night enough to tour one more time.

  13. BubbaRay says:

    #10, Thomas, thanks, nice list. I think I’ve got pristine vinyl (and even some 8 tracks 🙂 ) from most if not all of those bands. But you missed Santana. Carlos is still around and belting it out.

    Alan Parsons Project is perhaps too late for the list, but the man’s a prolific writer and superb musician who surrounds himself with a lot of talented artists.

    Yes, I think I’d actually pay good money to see LZep at a good venue. What a blast that would be.

  14. Best homes says:

    I am not their fan but i highly respect this group like Pink Floyd and Rolling Stones. Their music will go down the years.

  15. bac says:

    What about Lynyrd Skynyrd? They had some pretty good music around the late 70s.

    I like some of Zeplin’s music. It definitely beats some of the modern crap being played currently.

  16. wbskeet37 says:

    I think you are confusing “Supergroup” with super group. While The Who are my personal favorite they were not a “Supergroup”. Check out the wiki page for a good list of “Supergroups”. All, or some, of these band members had achived fame individually or in another band before joining with others. The Beatles, the Stones, Lynrd Skynyrd and others would not be “Supergroups”. It is interesting that Led Zeppelin has been left off of the wiki list. I would argue that Jimmy came from the Yardbirds before joining Led Zeppelin.

  17. flyingelvis says:

    after looking at the garbage McCullough posts, it’s obvious that McCullough hasn’t gotten lucky for a very, very long time.

  18. McCullough says:

    #17. Another ABBA fan. But seriously, “luck” has nothing to do with it.

  19. flyingelvis says:

    #18, it would appear that you are, in fact, the real dancing queen. Based on your posts, at least. Additionally, I am more of an Ill Mitch fan. Abba is ok, but not as good as Ill Mitch. Also, I think I saw that Page character playing his guitar in the NYC subway the other day. I passed on giving him a dollar.

  20. McCullough says:

    #19. Ill Mitch, OK.

    pretty much sums it up.

  21. PaulinLA says:

    Regarding #’s 1, 5, and 18, I think these allude to the concept that one’s taste in music is somehow related to one’s intelligence or sensibility. The insinuation is that a fan of Abba is stupid, or at best, ill-informed regarding the world of music available, whereas the Zep fan is worldy and has impeccable taste. The fact is, musical taste is a tremendously individual attribute. I personally enjoy BOTH Abba and Zep, and have most of the albums (and box sets) of each – the world of music is indeed vast, and enjoying each of these two groups – for their separate musical strengths – is not a mutually exclusive task. It would be nice if music reviewers – and blog commentators – would review the music, and not the listener. For those who were lucky enough to see the concert, I’m sure it was terrific. I hear Abba was offered $1 billion for a reunion (but turned it down); so apparently
    SOMEONE out there has faith in their drawing power. Happy musical wishes to everyone – no matter WHAT your taste.

  22. Angel H. Wong says:

    One of the biggest defilement ever was done by Diddy when he did a cover of Kashmere for the American version of Godzilla, plus Diddy had the nerve to call Jimmy Page a mediocre guitar player.

    “Manufactured pop is ruling the charts and young music fans are an impatient sort.”

    99% of what today’s American female pop singers sing is about these 3 things:

    1.- I’m horny.
    2.- I had a shitty childhood because my father is an a$$hole.
    3.- My boyfriend dumped me but I don’t give a f*ck about it.

  23. Mister Catshit says:

    #10, Temple,

    Nice list. I would suggest they’re very influential groups instead of “super groups” though. There are some , “Black Sabbath” and “Jethro Tull” for instance that I seriously question why they are on the list. Then there are some you missed such as “The Band”, “The Birds” and “Beach Boys”.

    As with most things in life, one man’s perfection is another’s vomit excuse.

  24. Mark T. says:

    Ah, Led Zeppelin. No other band is considered so legendary, revolutionary, prolific, and long lasting that they get their own channel on XM Radio.

    XM Led, channel 59, 24/7 Led Zeppelin tunes! I found this one and listened to it for three hours straight during a Thanksgiving road trip. Awesome stuff!

  25. McCullough says:

    #21. It was meant as a joke. Comparing Led Zeppelin to Abba, is kind of like comparing Beethoven to N’Sync.

  26. Mister Catshit says:

    #26, McCullough,

    Beethoven was pretty and could shuffle his feet? WOW, the things you learn here at DU.

  27. Temple Of Zep says:

    I thought about The Band because of the Line Up, but I would Put them in the Category of Short on stamina, or Too Good For RockNRoll, artsy, we got better things to do than keep up with this charade of Rock and Roll. The Byrds Touched down – a little short on playlist time to have more than a passing influence, but great tunes for what’s there.

    The Beach Boys? The Beach Boys?!!! You must still be smoken that weed #24. while for their time they had some hip arrangements – and they have had some staying power – I would Have to agree with Jimmy Hendrix:
    “If I ever hear surf music again…”

    The Beach Boys? The Beach Boys?!!! You must be on that Dope! They are not even in the same genre let alone MEN. They Are Boys,Beach Boys-and their music is for boys- will always be. Grow Up would You #24.
    ;} sheesh.

  28. Alex says:

    What is your beef with the Beach Boys?
    Listen to the albums Smiley Smile, Wild Honey, Friends, 20/20, Sunflower, Surf’s Up, Carl and the Passions: So Tough, Holland, In Concert, Love You, and/or L.A. (Light Album), and/or Dennis Wilson’s solo album Pacific Ocean Blue, and I’ll bet your opinion on the Beach Boys will change.

    And when Hendrix said “we’ll never hear surf music again”, he wasn’t even talking about the Beach Boys. He was mourning the ill health of surf guitarist Dick Dale (who got better and is still alive), one of his idols.

    You’re forgetting not just The Beach Boys or the Byrds, but also Chicago, The Kinks, Bob Dylan…etc. etc.


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