Click pic to take a good look

I wonder if it’s considered counterfeiting to create one and try to use it since it states right on it that it isn’t worth anything.

  1. edwinrogers says:

    Is this blog becoming stranger or are my standards improving?

  2. PoliticallyVeryCorrect says:

    and “in godwe trust” will be replaced with “9/11 Forever!”

  3. eyeofthetiger says:

    Hahah, more like -3 trillion + your house. And the 10 pennies or whatever is cost to print it. Sounds like China, just give me the bullet and have the relatives pay for it. Oh, Sarkozy is meeting Gaddafi in France today.,8599,1693121,00.html
    Nice jacket.

  4. Uncle Dave says:

    #1: Neither. The world is getting stranger.

  5. Mark Derail says:

    I’m surprised nobody has suggested this before.

    The US must emulate Canadian Coins !

    It took a few years, but the 1$ and 2$ coins have strengthened the Canadian economy in many ways.

  6. PoliticallyVeryCorrect says:

    #5 weak US dollar strenghten Canadian dollar, not the coins LOL
    which still doesn’t mean their economy is any better than before, it only means their products are now more expensive to us, and guess who is their main exporter? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  7. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    I believe George can give you change for one of those.

  8. Oh Geeese, Your in rare form! LOL

  9. Tim says:

    The reason that zero-dollar bills aren’t printed is because the cost of printing and distributing them would exceed the value of the bills themselves.

  10. Ben, only if you use cut and paste

  11. Hey, Uncle Dave and you make a Dvorak Bill also???

  12. Awake says:


    The reason that one-dollar bills and five-dollar won’t be printed is because the cost of printing and distributing them would exceed the value of the bills themselves.

    $100 for a loaf of bread anybody? It’s happened in plenty of countries before, and they never expected it either.

  13. Improbus says:

    You could always use the money to start a fire in the fire place your very own depreciating McMansion hovel.

  14. Mister Catshit says:

    Love it. Where are all the Right Wing Nuts with their shorts bunched up?

  15. qsabe says:

    What seven total republican controlled years can bring. He started with a three trillion dollar excess in the budget, now has a six trillion dollar deficit. The world loved us and looked on us as protectors of the good, now we are the most hated people on earth who brings fear to good people everywhere.

    Where were we when he started.
    Gas was 98 cents a gallon.
    The Canadian dollar was worth 64 cents.
    The Euro was worth 98 cents.
    Seven thousand more Americans were alive.
    The National Guard was still a home guard, like when he was a service member.
    My stock market account was worth three times what it is today. And that was in real dollars.
    If you wanted to go to the Taj Mahal they would accept your American money, today you have to exchange it for something stable, like Indian rupees first. Of course back then it was possible to go to other countries.
    The only increase in employment has been in the domestic spying trade.

    But I don’t think he got a blow job in the oval office, maybe gave a few but I don’t think received any.

    Proud America

  16. Petrov says:

    # 17 qsabe said, on December 10th, 2007 at 1:42 pm

    What seven total republican controlled years can bring. He started with a three trillion dollar excess in the budget, now has a six trillion dollar deficit. The world loved us and looked on us as protectors of the good, now we are the most hated people on earth who brings fear to good people everywhere.


    The world loved us… heh, good one.

  17. PoliticallyVeryCorrect says:

    #18 yeah i laughed at that one too ๐Ÿ˜‰

    World loved our strong and stable *dollar* only ๐Ÿ™‚

    First WTC attack was when exactly – 1992? 1993? – and there was no Bush in the oval office, but your ‘lovely’ cuban-dipping Clit-on …

  18. Dallas says:

    400 days left for this goon to leave?

    In other news …..Dallas/Ft Worth had to cancel the passenger train project that connected the two cities and the airport together. This was a big infrastructure improvement and employment opportunity for a decade. The cost exceeded projections at $1.8 Billion.

    That is the tax payer expense of ANY mon-wed in Iraq. Bush is a national disaster of epic proportions.

  19. hhopper says:

    It takes two to equal a Canadian zero dollar.

  20. MikeN says:

    >stock market account was worth three times

    That’s some crazy investing. What did you bet against the Dow or something? Or did you ignore John Dvorak and go tech-heavy?

  21. T.J. says:

    #8 – You need to get hooked on phonics, dumbass.

  22. >>400 days left for this goon to leave?

    406. You should get the FireFox plugin. Most of us are counting the days until The Chimp is back clearing brush full-time.

  23. Mister Catshit says:

    #21, Mister Hopper,

    That sounds about right.

  24. Joe says:

    That’s what you get for having the economy ruled by an unconstitutional federal reserve.

    Your debt is their gain..

  25. TIHZ_HO says:

    The country of Ecuador adopted the USD as their local currency… (CIA website – cool)

    …when they could not stabilize their own.

    Perhaps this is an out for the US to abandon the US dollar for some other stable strong currency.

    The Chinese RMB would be a good choice I think. Get on board what is destined to be the premier economic superpower within the next 10-20 years (or sooner).

    The problems with the USD and the US economy brings to mind the idea where if you owe the bank 10,000 dollars you’re in trouble but add a few zeros and owe the bank 10,000,000 dollars they are in trouble. This perhaps is the US economic strategy – owe everyone a lot and everyone will make sure you stick around in hopes you can pay it back.

    BTW Economists are financial lawyers and like lawyers they are happy to take either side and try to win. ๐Ÿ˜‰



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