Jamie Leigh Jones
ABC News

A Houston, Texas woman says she was gang-raped by Halliburton/KBR coworkers in Baghdad, and the company and the U.S. government are covering up the incident. Jamie Leigh Jones, now 22, says that after she was raped by multiple men at a KBR camp in the Green Zone, the company put her under guard in a shipping container with a bed and warned her that if she left Iraq for medical treatment, she’d be out of a job. “Don’t plan on working back in Iraq. There won’t be a position here, and there won’t be a position in Houston,” Jones says she was told. In a lawsuit filed in federal court against Halliburton and its then-subsidiary KBR, Jones says she was held in the shipping container for at least 24 hours without food or water by KBR, which posted armed security guards outside her door, who would not let her leave.

It felt like prison,” says Jones, who told her story to ABC News as part of an upcoming “20/20” investigation. “I was upset; I was curled up in a ball on the bed; I just could not believe what had happened.” Finally, Jones says, she convinced a sympathetic guard to loan her a cell phone so she could call her father in Texas. “I said, ‘Dad, I’ve been raped. I don’t know what to do. I’m in this container, and I’m not able to leave,'” she said. Her father called their congressman, Rep. Ted Poe, R-Texas. Jones told ABCNews.com that an examination by Army doctors showed she had been raped “both vaginally and anally,” but that the rape kit disappeared after it was handed over to KBR security officers.

  1. Unspeakable says:

    OK asshole here we go:
    -people are not killed deliberately by their own side in war (generally speaking).
    -it is never acceptable for a person to be raped, male or female even in a time of war.
    -Men do rape other men (surprise dim wit!)
    – Women and men both should be protected by the people who sent them there, not raped by them!

    If you were talking about an enemy action I could at least understand What the fuck you’re talking about (though I would still disagree). However, you are saying it is expected that YOUR OWN SIDE WILL DO THIS TO YOU!
    So…any questions fucktard?

  2. Phillep says:

    Well, what’s “morally equivalent” to what these days? We already have torturing people to death being morally equivalent with putting panties on someone’s head, right?

    Men do gang rape other men, and boys, in war zones. Historically, the losing side, any taken alive, was thoroughly buggered before being enslaved. Or killed. This practice continues today in 3rd world countries.

    Incidentally, I’ve read claims that most gang rape victims are male. One source, and I have not investigated to verify.

    As for the woman being raped, “men who won’t fuck, won’t fight”. No whore houses, no messing with the local women. I’m surprised there isn’t more rapes. The US military really should be making provision for a whore corps to go with the troops, and to hell with the evangelicals’ whining.

  3. ArianeB says:

    – People that lack virtue in one area tends to lack virtue in all areas – Aristotle
    – war is immoral
    – war profiteering is immoral
    – rape is immoral
    – covering up rape is immoral
    KBR is run by a bunch of scum who should all be in jail

    – condoning the rape because of a sexist belief that “she shouldnt have been there in the first place” is also immoral, PVC, what other secrets are you hiding?

  4. Lerch says:

    to put it in a way that you might comprehend, #27:

    Not News: atrocities committed during wartime

    News: atrocities committed during wartime by U.S. Government contractors

    Shameful news: atrocities committed during wartime by U.S. Government contractors that the government covers up.

    PS, a crime is a crime regardless if you are completely clueless or if you’re completely informed and taking a gamble. Still a crime.

  5. Fahrquar says:

    This is one of the many reasons they moved they’re operations to Dubai so they could try and avoid retribution and prosecution! Apparently the company is flush with cowards and crooks from top to bottom!

  6. PoliticallyVeryCorrect says:

    #35 i completely agree with you on all accounts!

    But what it has to do with women pushing their way to the war zones and military, against any logic?
    playing with fire = huge chance to get burned

  7. musetafa says:

    Rape?!? I like rape :o)

  8. >>But what it has to do with women
    >>pushing their way to the war zones and
    >>military, against any logic?

    It has nothing to do with it, but that’s not the topic of this thread. The topic is American-sponsored mercenaries raping and imprisoning an American woman in the supposedly “safe” Green Zone, and having the rape and imprisonment be covered up by the war-profiteering fuckballs sent there by the US Government.

  9. PoliticallyVeryCorrect says:

    #38 the key word here is “mercenaries”

    the rest is bullshit, there are no “safe zones” in any war zone, wars themselves are best quick and big bucks to be made by chosen few, govts always cover up and lie, woman should not volunteer to work in a war area, etc etc – what else is new?

  10. >>there are no “safe zones” in any
    >>war zone

    Yeah, but do you really expect to be brutally attacked by guys on YOUR OWN SIDE?? Especially by guys working for the Vice President of the United States’ company?

    As to your misogynistic attitude about women in the military, it comes back to the question “Did your mother not love you enough, or something?”.

  11. MikeN says:

    >it is never acceptable for a person to be raped,

    Unless it was by the president when he was in a previous job. Then it’s aok.

  12. >>Unless it was by the president when he was
    >>in a previous job. Then it’s aok.

    Hoo boy, Miguel, are you really going to trot out that tired old cock-and-bull story about Juanita Broadderick? The ditz who first said Bill Clinton never made “inappropriate sexual advances” towards her, then said he did, the recanted when interviewed by the FBI?

    I thought that crock of shit died an natural death years ago. Not among the neocons, though.


  13. PoliticallyVeryCorrect says:

    #40 perhaps your mother didnt love you enough as any *woman* should love her child ? (instead of going to war) Is this misogynistic attitude to you as well?
    By the way – Women have vagina, not men, thus women bore children, not men. It is not mysogyny, these are just facts LOL Perhaps ask your god why is that 😉

  14. >>perhaps your mother didnt love you enough as
    >>any *woman* should love her child ?

    Oh no, both my mother and father loved me.

    >>(instead of going to war)

    No one should have to go to war. Sometimes, it’s inevitable. And with a chickehawk like Dumbya in office, it was a foregone conclusion.

    >>Is this misogynistic attitude to you as well?

    It seems to be. Do you think they shouldn’t have jobs either? What about barren women, or women who choose not to have children? I think you just hate women, and your “she got what she deserved” attitude is strong evidence in favor of that hypothesis.

    >>Women have vagina, not men, thus women
    >>bore children, not men.

    You’re getting creepy now.

  15. PoliticallyVeryCorrect says:

    what is creepy to you about it?!
    Is it the fact that women have vagina, the fact that men dont have it, the fact that women have children because they have vagina, or the fact that men can’t have children for obvious lack of vagina, or all of them at once?!

    You are creepy if the obvious biological facts creep you out lol!

    I have never said “she got what she deserved”, dont project your thoughts on me. She played with fire and she got burned, and your public displays of “being sorry for her” won’t change the fact that it was *her own* stupid decision to “go to war” that led her to some god-forgotten country, among “friendly” mercenaries who raped her.
    The ‘positive aspect’ of this is that the “our” mercenaries can be prosecuted for this crime, while if she would have been raped by “enemy combatants” she probably would have never got even such little justice.
    Rape is rape, it doesn’t matter “what side” did it, to her it is the same horrible experience.

    I’ll just repeat: war is no place for women, and i don’t care how “mysogynistic” it sounds to you.

  16. RickCain says:

    The Romans made the same mistake, they hired mercenaries to defend the frontier so they could deploy mainstream Roman troops elsewhere. Rome was sacked by those same mercenaries.

  17. >>You are creepy if the obvious biological
    >>facts creep you out lol!

    No, it creeps me out that you seem hell-bent on talking about it. Lol! Lol! Lol lol lol!!

    I’ll bet any of those warfaring women would be more use in a foxhole than you, m’hijito.

    >>that led her to some god-forgotten country,
    >>among “friendly” mercenaries who raped her.

    Hey, maybe she was just idealistic. She didn’t think the Vice President of the United States would have rapists working for his company.

    The rest of your pablum is worthless. You sound like some tightass from Victorian England or something. It’s not 1850 any longer. Girls can shoot guns just as well as boys, pussy or not. You don’t hold the gun between your legs.

  18. MikeN says:

    When was she interviewed by the FBI? She was only ever interviewed by NBC News and a writer for the Wall Street Journal, though Christopher Hitchens claimed to have done so and that he found three other women telling similar stories. Not only that, but when asked about, Bill Clinton said he’ll let his lawyer’s statement be the last word.

    I would think most people when accused of being a rapist would sa a little more.

    That’s OK, keep believing your fairy tales.

  19. MikeN says:

    Why does everyone automatically assume this story is true. We have no idea what 20/20 will report, or what their sources are.

    Admittedly, I also think this is true to an extent, though I don’t see how a group of gang-rapists will then let her make a cell-phone call.

  20. PoliticallyVeryCorrect says:

    #48 sure girls can shoot and they often do better than boys.
    But its the girls who usually are raped during wars, not the boys.

    How come you are able to see so many things yet you always cant see the importants ones?
    I gave you example of women having children to freaking open up your eyes that even though women can shoot as good as boys, they are NOT the same.
    And I dont say women are worse or better than man, dont even try to go there.
    All I say is that a woman going to war have at least 1 more thing to worry than a boy – being potentially raped by enemies.

    Now, to mercenaries. I told you this is the key word in here.
    (by the way, are you that stupid to believe that it was ‘the man’ himself who hired those mercenaries? gosh, dude!)
    The govt clearly should have never hire any mercenaries at all, but there are many thing this govt shouldnt have done, so i guess hiring mercenaries is the last one to come to mind.
    If she would have been among our soldiers – NOT mercenaries, a bunch of people shooting for those who pay more – perhaps this would have never happened.
    Perhaps if she knew upfront she’ll work among mercenaries (im guessing, but wasnt she one of the mercenaries herself?) perhaps she shouldn’t have “go to war” there at all?
    (but thats too mysogynistic to you again I guess).

    And perhaps its all not true as #50 said?
    After all I find it hard to believe that they gang-raped her and still left her alive and even let her call for help? Very very strange at least.

  21. gregallen says:

    Big A said, There are “bad apples” and rapists out there–what a shock.

    Yeah, and it’s no shocker that mercenaries are badder apples than most.

    It’s just plain sick that the conservatives cheered as Bush & Co. privatize our military.

    We need to kick their sorry butts back to the the ugly side of the Bible Belt before they rot the very core of our beautiful country.

  22. T.J. says:

    I kinda hope most of the employees of Halliburton and Blackwater come home in a box, the profiteering pieces of shit.

  23. Phillep says:

    She is 22 now, and it happened “over 2 years ago”? She would have been under 21.

    Will Halliburton even hire someone for an overseas position who is not 21?

  24. >>when was she interviewed by the FBI?

    “She recanted her earlier sworn statement when interviewed by the FBI about the Jones case; the FBI found her account inconclusive, and the affidavit denying the allegations remains her only sworn testimony. Broaddrick later said of the affidavit, “I didn’t want to be forced to testify about one of the most horrific events in my life. I didn’t want to go through it again.”

    Ah, Mikie – she was a gold digger; though she was going to cash in on some easy Paula Jones/ Kathleeen Willey/ Gennifer Flowers money. Until she found out they were going to put her through the wringer and evaluate her claims.

    The absolute only reason you would even give a National Enquireresque story like this a second glance is because it’s something unflattering about Bill Clinton. I understand that; with Bill Clinton being 2450985098352096 times the president Little King Georgie could ever be, you’re looking for any port in a storm.

    It must be tough having to try and muster support for a Cro-Magnon like that.

  25. >>they are NOT the same.

    Nobody ever said they were “the same”. Except for a few SEAL/ Delta Force/ Green Beret kinds of activity, they make just as good soldiers as men.

    And non of your silly “but they have pussies; they were meant to have babies” gobbeldygook argues against that. I’m not sure if people in your town have discovered birth control (or even abstinence) yet, but not EVERY woman between the ages of 18 and 22 gets knocked up. No kid – no worry about the kid.

    The “mercenaries” argument doesn’t hold any water either. Sure there are a lot of mercenaries who are criminals, murderers, etc.; I would imagine the line of work attracts that sort of person. That’s no excuse whatsoever for war profiteers in the employ of the US Government for hiring such people; and it’s no reason those fuckers shouldn’t be castrated and left out in the desert to die.

    >>And perhaps its all not true as #50 said?

    Right. Get reality-based, dude. Maybe there’s no Iraq war at all. I’ve never been there, I’ve never seen the fighting in person; how do we know it’s not all an elaborate hoax, cooked up by neocon war profiteers like Dick Cheney, to justify pissing all that money away.

  26. >>francisbost707 said,

    Hoo boy.

  27. Juan Cardona says:

    Mr. Politically correct:

    You are soo wrong about the ” men don’t rape other men” and “women have one more thing to worry about at a warzone than men: being raped”.

    Tell that to Lawrence of Arabia, raped by some turks (male) well early in the 20th century and traumatized for that to such and extent that after escaping the prison where he was abused, developed disgust to even shaking hands with anyone again to his last day.

    You keep saying “don’t even go there”, because deep inside you know only your prejudices, and no fact or reality whatsoever backs up your meaningless rants.

  28. jlm says:

    “What was she looking for in a muslim country during war time? Emplyment?
    If someone takes the job in a war zone, you’d think they’d consider possibility of being killed or raped (when its a woman)…”

    please shoot yourself

  29. TonyB says:

    All of these mercenaries should DIAF.


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