Jamie Leigh Jones
ABC News

A Houston, Texas woman says she was gang-raped by Halliburton/KBR coworkers in Baghdad, and the company and the U.S. government are covering up the incident. Jamie Leigh Jones, now 22, says that after she was raped by multiple men at a KBR camp in the Green Zone, the company put her under guard in a shipping container with a bed and warned her that if she left Iraq for medical treatment, she’d be out of a job. “Don’t plan on working back in Iraq. There won’t be a position here, and there won’t be a position in Houston,” Jones says she was told. In a lawsuit filed in federal court against Halliburton and its then-subsidiary KBR, Jones says she was held in the shipping container for at least 24 hours without food or water by KBR, which posted armed security guards outside her door, who would not let her leave.

It felt like prison,” says Jones, who told her story to ABC News as part of an upcoming “20/20” investigation. “I was upset; I was curled up in a ball on the bed; I just could not believe what had happened.” Finally, Jones says, she convinced a sympathetic guard to loan her a cell phone so she could call her father in Texas. “I said, ‘Dad, I’ve been raped. I don’t know what to do. I’m in this container, and I’m not able to leave,'” she said. Her father called their congressman, Rep. Ted Poe, R-Texas. Jones told ABCNews.com that an examination by Army doctors showed she had been raped “both vaginally and anally,” but that the rape kit disappeared after it was handed over to KBR security officers.

  1. J says:


    Oh and you work for a Zoo in Tulsa.

    Well I guess It wasn’t really that hard to find.
    Now let this be a lesson to you. I don’t intend to sue you for slander because you are young, (29) by my estimate, and ignorant of the way the world works. But the next time you want to play slander with the big boys maybe you should think twice before doing so.

  2. PoliticallyVeryCorrect says:

    #92 sue him, you arogant jewish prick, but ask moderator to remove his personal data from your post right away.
    It is fedeeral crime to publish anyone personal data on the web without his consent (unless im wrong, so why dont you make sure with your jewish cousin lawyer?)

  3. J says:

    # 93 PoliticallyVeryCorrect

    It is public information and he posted the links.

    And yes I think the point is made so if there is a moderator please go ahead and remove it.

  4. PoliticallyVeryCorrect says:

    “It is public information and he posted the links.”

    Then its all fine.

    Back to ignoring you 😀

  5. J says:

    No your probably right. I think I made my point

  6. EdgyDude says:

    if they do this to their own fellow american you kinda wonder (and cringe)thinking what they probably do to iraquies

  7. Mister Catshit says:

    # 96 J,
    No your probably right. I think I made my point

    If you wear a hat, no one will notice your point.

    You’re just a smutty little asshole. You can’t discuss any point let alone debate ideas. It is my understanding that so far two people have been banned from posting at DU. Hopefully, you become the third.

  8. J says:

    # 98 Mister Catshit

    “You’re just a smutty little asshole.”

    It is so good to hear your view.

    “You can’t discuss any point let alone debate ideas”

    I think I do just fine. A bit on the argumentative side but I think I make valid points.

    Should I take lessons from you and start with phrases like “You’re just a smutty little asshole.” because that sounds a little bit on the aggressive and impolite side.

    “It is my understanding that so far two people have been banned from posting at DU”

    Really? I wouldn’t know.

    “Hopefully, you become the third.”

    Well I would think there are many that may be in line for banning. You know people like you who start their comments out like “You’re just a smutty little asshole.” I can’t remember but that may be against the terms of use. Since I don’t see a link to that anymore I am going off my memory.

    But I see your point. Anyone who stands up and calls out a hidden racist onto the carpet should be punished. Lets remember too that He told me to let him know when I got his info. So I did.

    I am not the one making racial slurs and calling people names(well I did call a few names but it was in response to the like, which is no defense but…)

  9. >>Keep it up asshole!

    Are you talking to me, boy? You are truly delusional. And a bullshit artist, to boot.

    [deleted: and if it keeps up, I’m shutting it down…ed.]

    If YOU want to “play with the big boys”, put on the Big Boy Pants. And suck it in, ya pushy bastard.

    Oh, and quit following me around.

    People might get the wrong idea.

  10. J says:

    # 100 Mister Mustard

    “Are you talking to me, boy? You are truly delusional. And a bullshit artist, to boot.”

    Well good. I am glad I was wrong. I felt kind of bad. But make no mistake if you cross the line again I won’t warn you and I will get your contact info Then you will receive a nice polite letter from my attorneys

    “Oh, and quit following me around. People might get the wrong idea”

    I will post when ever and where ever I want unless I am banned. I, unlike you, will try to avoid calling people names and acting like a racist

    BTW IF I am wrong you really show remove that persons web page from your “Website” entry because one could assume that that is you.

  11. I seriously doubt that I’m going to be getting a letter from anyone’s “attorney” (I guess you meant lawyer); CERTAINLY not yours. You may make all the threats your little heart desires. And you know what? I just don’t give a fuck (apologies to Eminem).

    You appeared to be a petulant little fellow in short pants when you first started posting; then you mutated into a “smutty little asshole”. Better stop while you’re behind.

    And btw, Mister I-Get-My-Secret-Information-from-the-website-entry”, here’s what the Terms of Service says:

    We do not do pop-ups and do not give a rat’s ass about your personal information.

    Keep looking. You’ll find it. It’s there.

    This is the guy I’m supposed to be concerned about getting my “contact information” and siccing his barracuda-like lawyers on me?

    Haw! HAW HAW HAW!


  12. gregory says:

    “Greg you my not understand the history. Or maybe you do and you are just a racist too.”

    How to make friends and influence people… anyway. I want to make clear that I’m not defending any of his views, god knows I disagree with him enough… that said…

    Mr. Mustard thinks it’s ok to run around calling East Asians “Orientals”.”

    Many East Asians around where I live call themselves Oriental – or at least label their businesses as such. In the UK it’s a generic term for Chinese and Japanese. The term is not racist, it’s descriptive. It means “those from the east” and is not racist or derogatory.

    “Then in this post he accuses me of “stalking” him because I choose to comment on his staements. Well to falsly accuse someone of a crime is slander. Slander is a crime.”

    Er.. wrong. Slander is oral defamation. You are thinking of Libel. Both are covered by defamation law.

    However he can say you appear to be acting like a stalker, and that’s his opinion. You’d have to prove that he knowingly ‘said’ something he thought was false to even think about a libel case. Good luck with that.

    However publishing his information on this site is actually a federal crime, regardless of if it is available elsewhere, if you intended harm to him by posting it. It was obvious to all that you were using it as some kind of threat… so I’d get that removed pretty quick if I were you.

    Also – that action kind of is characteristic of a stalker… which doesn’t help your libel case.

  13. >>However publishing his information on
    >>this site is actually a federal crime,
    >>regardless of if it is available
    >>elsewhere, if you intended harm to him
    >>by posting it.

    Gee, maybe I should have my barracuda-like lawyers send HIM a letter.

    Naw, he’d accuse me of being an anti-“smutty little asshole” racist. If he HAD posted my personal information, I’d track him down like a dog. A putz like that though, he’s not worth the trouble.

  14. J says:

    “I seriously doubt that I’m going to be getting a letter from anyone’s “attorney””

    Slander me again and you most certainly will.

    “I guess you meant lawyer”

    Mine are both.

    “You appeared to be a petulant little fellow in short pants when you first started posting; then you mutated into a “smutty little asshole”. Better stop while you’re behind.”
    And you seemed like a decent enough fellow that mutated into a racist fucking pig. Better stop before more people realize it.

    “Keep looking. You’ll find it. It’s there.”

    Ok I will accept that as an open invitation to find it and then post it. If you object please say so.

    “This is the guy I’m supposed to be concerned about getting my “contact information” and siccing his barracuda-like lawyers on me?”

    Wow you must poke sticks at angry dogs too?


    I am really sorry you have such a small one but why do you keep bringing it up?

  15. >>Wow you must poke sticks at angry
    >>dogs too?

    More like an angry garden slug, in your case.

    And quit threatening to post my information. That’s the sort of thing a stalker would do. You’re not one of them, right?

    >>I am really sorry you have such
    >>a small one but why do you keep
    >>bringing it up?

    You’re either a 5th-grader, or you are really, REALLY creepy.

  16. J says:

    # 106 Mr. Mustard

    “And quit threatening to post my information.”

    Didn’t. read it again without your racist eyes.

    “Ok I will accept that as an open invitation to find it and then post it. If you object please say so.”

    You see it is really asking permission.

    “That’s the sort of thing a stalker would do. You’re not one of them, right?”

    Keep playing close to edge and you are bound to slip.

  17. J says:

    Mr. Mustard

    You know what fuck you I done playing games

  18. >>You see it is really
    >>asking permission.

    Yeah, but if you read my message carefully (ie without your racist eyes), you would have seen that what I was encouraging you to keep looking for was the FUCKING TERMS OF USE, which you couldn’t find, and which I already posted the relevant part of.


    Did too.

    >>Keep playing close to edge and
    >>you are bound to slip.

    Woo! Holy smokes! Behind the steely grey eyes and laser-like prose lies a threat too terrible to imagine.

    >>You know what fuck you I
    >>done playing games


  19. MikeN says:

    I don’t know about stalking, but I would think it is a crime to intimidate people from posting like J has been doing. Threatening lawsuits, looking up addresses illegally(Might be a crime to have employee friends at Microsoft look up someone’s hotmail account details.)

    And by the way, good luck with that slander lawsuit because someone says you are a stalker, on a message board. Unless your name is actually ‘J’?

  20. J says:


    “Threatening lawsuits, looking up addresses illegally”

    I never threatened a lawsuit and I never looked up anything illegally.

    “And by the way, good luck with that slander lawsuit ” Thanks

  21. >>I never threatened a lawsuit and
    >>I never looked up anything illegally.

    No, you threatened a “letter from your attorneys”, and you posted the name, address, and employer of some poor schmuck from East Bumfuck, Oklahoma, who works at the local zoo.

    I wonder how Mister [deleted, last warning….ed.] feels about having all that info put up on line maliciously? Hmmm.

  22. McCullough says:

    J and Mustard…you guys are making me work too hard here, knock it off.

  23. OK Mac, let’s have no more malicious posting of personal information on a public access web site, hm?

    That’s just creepy.

  24. J says:

    I am sorry McCullough

  25. MikeN says:

    Well you implied that you would have people you knew at Microsoft give out Hotmail information to you.

  26. guest says:

    I am amazed at the number of people missing the point. Yes, she probably knew there was some risk going to a wartorn country. Yes, there was always a chance that this tragic thing could happen in ANY country, especially a wartorn one. That’s not the point.

    The point is that her co-workers did it to her, then the company covered it up. If you cannot see how incredibly wrong that is, I question your humanity.

  27. americaexposed says:

    hello, guys? have you already known that the girl who was raped was formerly a man, who just had a sexual alteration?

    eat your hearts out, suckers!


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