Major crude producer Iran has completely stopped carrying out its oil transactions in dollars, Oil Minister Gholam Hossein Nozari said…

“At the moment, selling oil in dollars has been completely halted, in line with the policy of selling crude in non-dollar currencies”…

“The dollar is an unreliable currency, considering its devaluation and the oil exporters’ losses,” he added.

Nozari did not specify in which currencies Iran was now being paid. In the past, officials have said most oil income was in euros, with a significant percentage in yen.

The dollar is as worthless as our government.

  1. Tippis says:

    #33: “Most of Europe is more or less Muslim controlled all without firing a shot.”

    LMAO. No, unless by “more or less” you mean “not at all.”

  2. Fredrick the Great says:


    What do you call it when freedom of speech is no longer an option if for no other reason than fear of retaliation or death.

    I’d say the wheels are turning and the destination is complete domination. If you don’t recognize what is happening, then I guess you lose.

  3. Dylan says:

    #38: I call it the “Bush Doctrine” but, your too blind to see it.

  4. Richor says:

    “The dollar is as worthless as our government.”

    I agree, but note, 2/3 of the our Government is Democratic!!

  5. Greg Allen says:

    Want to know what direction conservative policies will take America? Listen to what they say. Then you’ll know they will take us in the EXACT OPPOSITE DIRECTION.

    Bush and the cons have sanctimoniously finger wagged about a “strong America” and “sound fiscal policy” for DECADES.

    They get total control of the government and they made America is WEAKER than we’ve been in our lifetimes.

    Ruining the dollar is huge. Because conservative tax-cuts have ruined public education, most Americans have no idea what this means.

    For example, if the “petro dollar” had been ended — as many Arabs argued for after the invasion of Iraq — we’d be paying our current high price PLUS the cost of the devalued dollar.

    The most common proposal is the “petro euro”.

    So, the dollar has lost 44% on the dollar since 2003. So, you in my city, that would make gas about nearly $4.50 a gallon.

    But worse than the just the price of gas… the conservative STUPIDBUTT economic policies mean that we are now economically vulnerable to the policies of of Saudia Arabia, China and others who hold the debts we ballooned during the six years when the GOP was spending like drunken sailors, cutting revenues and Bush couldn’t find his veto pen.

  6. TIHZ_HO says:

    #36 >>>kinda wordy and vacuous compared to your earlier positings.

    Oh well I was waiting for something to load and got carried away.

    I do stand by the point that Americans are rather “out to lunch” with democracy. While I am at it let me throw in “freedom” as well in all its forms.

    Don’t want to speak out about only teaching science in science class…not unless you want to be ostracized.

    That’s brief 🙂

    Oh and by the way Freddy the Great so the are Muslims ruling Europe – bull! Let’s look at the USA. The US is free and a democracy (gosh) so why can’t the American Christian majority have public Merry Christmas greetings and Christmas trees without some kind of BS? Hmmm?


  7. MikeN says:

    Could someone explain how China will cash in their bonds?

  8. TriggerHappy says:

    for cryin out loud, JUST NUKE’m ALL and let god or allah sort’em out, what are we keepin all those nukes for?

  9. Fredrick the Great says:


    “Why can’t the American Christian majority have public Merry Christmas greetings and Christmas trees without some kind of BS?”

    Sadly, you are right. Political correctness is a virus that extends throughout the free world. It doesn’t help that the news media amplifies a few dissenting voices which often results in a misrepresentation of numbers that actually agree. That’s how the minority of people are able to rule the majority.

  10. PoliticallyVeryCorrect says:

    #45 not really.
    Its the inane “whatever” that rules the majority society nowadays.
    Also if it were true what you said, O. Barack would be the next President, but we all know he isn’t white enough to land in the White House.

  11. Greg Allen says:

    MikeN said, Could someone explain how China will cash in their bonds?

    Just like any other bonds, I assume. What’s your point?

    Please don’t wear us out by claiming that conservative fiscal “borrow and spend” policy has actually be FANTASTIC for the economy!

  12. Greg Allen says:

    Fredrick the Great said, “Why can’t the American Christian majority have public Merry Christmas greetings and Christmas trees without some kind of BS?”

    I live in one of the most “PC” cities in America, now, and I see trees everywhere and hear Merry Christmas about a thousand times a day.

    I have no idea what you’re talking about.. Seriously, I have witness ABSOLUTELY ZERO of this “war on Christmas” that the O’Reilly crowd says is sweeping every corner of America.

    Best I can tell, it’s pure paranoia.

  13. PoliticallyVeryCorrect says:

    #48 you see and hear what you want to see and hear.
    “Happy Holidays” is not “Marry Christmas”, and “jingle bells” in the stores have as much with christianity as any candleholder to menorrah.

    All over NYC you can count “Merry Christmas” on your fingers, everywhere is “Happy Holidays” and “Holiday tress” not “Christmas trees”. Some places even sell “Season’s Trees” LOL (like any other than christian religion would use christian’s unofficial christmas attribute…)

  14. Smartalix says:


    Christmas trees are pagan, not Christian. They stole that symbolism in the philosophy of “if you can’t beat them, join them”. Ditto the Easter Bunny.

    In a multi-ethnic environment where multiple belief systems live side by side (like America) and all are considered equal, the term “Seasons Greetings” is a good thing. Besides, the Christians stole the holiday season too. It used to be called Saturnalia.

  15. PoliticallyVeryCorrect says:

    #51 who the f* cares LOL

    The “Christmas Tree” as the name suggests, is attributed to Christianity.
    Does it really matter christians stole it from pagans, pagans from even older pagans, and so on?

    Is USA lesser military power because the modern rocket’s idea was actually derived from ancient Chinese toys?

    Does italian pasta/maccaroni taste less because noodles were ‘stolen’ by Marco Polo from China?

    Or maybe you should deny the whole christian religion since it is offspring of old jewish religion?

    Either you’re full of it, or you’re plain stupid 🙂

  16. T.J. says:

    For those trying to push the “right” and “left” and “Republican” and “Liberal” thing, and assign blame, remember that this has been coming for years. Both of the main two parties are flushing our country down the tubes.

    Pitting you against each other with this moronic left/right crap is a distraction. Go back to sleep, it’ll all work out. Give up your rights like good little sheep and the Government’s gonna keep you safe…

  17. MikeN says:

    >explain how China will cash in their bonds?

    >Just like any other bonds, I assume.

    Exactly. Most bonds have a specific timeframe for cashing in and how much, some just paying interest in the interim, others paying nothing. Yet, people keep coming in with this notion that China’s going to pull a fleet of trucks up to the Treasury Department, ‘cash in
    their bonds’, and the US is then bankrupt.

  18. TIHZ_HO says:

    #48 >>>I live in one of the most “PC” cities in America, now, and I see trees everywhere and hear Merry Christmas about a thousand times a day.

    Oh yeah?

    How many people in national shops have “Merry Christmas” signs and not “Happy Holidays” or “Seasons Greetings”. What do the shop staff say to you – not Merry Christmas surely.

    I was just in the US in November (MN & CO) and although I saw decorations they have all been “cleansed” of the “C” word (Christmas). I said Merry Christmas to every shop assistant I met (Target, Wal-Mart, Radio Shack, McDonalds, Burger King etc) and a few said they aren’t supposed to say that anymore – company policy.

    #51 So…??? What say you?

    Back to my point Muslim majority Indonesia has no problem with Merry Christmas…

    Funny how you state the US is multi-cultural as it seems Americans are (absolutely totally) American first heritage second.

    That is why people who want to be nationalized (US citizen) are required to speak English, and pass a US history / knowledge test. If the testing officer does not think the applicant has strong ties to the US they do not get nationalized.


    #50 Pedro – Yes the PC liberals. As you know I live in China and China does very little to accommodate non Chinese speakers. If you can’t handle that…leave. So therefore I would not care if any Chinese person who can’t speak English can’t get by in the US. Tit or Tat


  19. Alex says:

    And what do you think of Obadiah Shoher’s arguments against the peace process ( )?


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