She’s got enough money to buy the Presidency for him. And the audience should look under their seats for keys because everyone gets a NEW CAR!!!! YEEEEAAAAAHHHHH!

Oprah Dazzles Crowds for Obama in Iowa
Talk-show diva Oprah Winfrey said worry about the direction of her country and a personal belief in Barack Obama pushed her to make her first endorsement in a presidential campaign, invaluable support in a tight race for the Democratic nomination.

The weekend “Oprahpalooza” lends A-list star power to Obama’s campaign, drawing huge crowds that Obama hopes will translate into votes. Tens of thousands were expected to turn out for Winfrey’s Iowa stops and her Sunday visits to South Carolina and New Hampshire with Obama and his wife. In South Carolina, the campaign ran out of the 18,000 tickets originally available for the biggest event and moved it to the 80,000-seat University of South Carolina football stadium.

“The amount of time you spend in Washington means nothing unless you are accountable for the judgment you made,” Winfrey said.

You think I was kidding about a cabinet post?

“You want Oprah as vice president?” [Obama] asked the crowd that responded with enthusiastic cheers. “That would be a demotion, you understand that?”

Watch her in action (warning, there’s an ad first).

  1. Dallas says:

    Totally NOT digging Oprah leveraging her popularity to support Obama. I think he will likely lose more votes than he will gain.

    I supported Obama (and contributed money) but have gone cold with him since he started attacking my queen – Hillary.

  2. B. Dog says:

    If he’s black enough for Oprah, that’s good enough for me.

  3. gquaglia says:

    How much you want to bet Obama has seen her naked.

  4. MikeN says:

    My question is, why shouldn’t Oprah be allowed to donate 10 million to Obama’s campaign? Why do politicians have to stay bogged down with fundraisers to meet people’s idea of a ‘clean campaign?’ How many other candidates aren’t getting off the ground for lack of money?

    Eugene McCarthy could never have run for president under the current system.

  5. jlm says:

    better Oprah than big oil. I’m all for it anyway, I’d take any Dem candidate over Hillary. She talks big and then votes right along with the Republicans. Can someone remind me why she isnt on the Republican ticket? Oh yeah, she pretty much is.

  6. eyeofthetiger says:

    What’s the deal with Obama wifes dress? It’s like she is concealing some orgone lightening ball in her panty hose. Mmmawwh, Iowa and the voting machine. That is an episode I’d like to see on Oprah. How to vote your deceist relatives and get a colonoscopy.

  7. Mister Wetback says:

    I’d vote for Oprah before I’d vote for Hillary, if I were a U.S. citizen here legally that is.

    Anyone have a towel?

  8. Improbus says:

    I think we should replace elections with celebrity death matches instead. I would get my entertainment and lawyers would die. That is totally a win-win scenario.

  9. Awake says:

    In retrospect, if the elections 7 years ago had been Oprah -vs- Bush, the better choice for the country would be clear. Oprah all the way.

    Why not Oprah as VP? We already tried Darth Vader!

  10. NappyHeadedHo says:

    Don’t boo him, we don’t want him or Oprah shooting guns.

  11. Fahrquar says:

    Imagine that, she’s supporting a black man that barely has any experience in politics and is completely unpatriotic to our flag. Sounds like she’s creating her own affirmative action.
    Why doesn’t she try to get Bill Cosby to run, him I’d vote for!

  12. Imposter says:

    [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  13. Imposter says:

    [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  14. Joshua says:

    She has the right to support anyone she wants. What makes this different is the fact that she has never supported anyone for any office publicly.

    My problem with Obama is the fact that he was an Illinois legislator for 6 years, one of the most corrupt groups of state legislator’s in the country and he was a player in that group. Then he got elected a Senator and 105 weeks later started running for the Presidency. Senator’s are notoriously lousy Presidents and the last one elected President was Kennedy.

    The guy just has no experience at all of any kind that qualifies him for the job. After Bush, who only had 5 years as a Governor on his resume, I don’t want another **starry eyed visionary** with zip experience thank you very much.

    The next President must have the ability to restore some semblance of respect for this country, and solve some very serious problems here at home. It’s just not a time for an on the job education program for President. He has to have some vision of what he wants and how to get there, and a knowledge of what government can and can’t do. He has to be bi-partisan, even though the loony left and the wacky right will make that tough.

    Trouble is, when you look at the field of candidates arrayed out there for us, you want to cry. The 2 or 3 that might be good President’s don’t have a chance to win.

  15. Angus says:

    Weird thing going on here. I’d not underestimate Oprah’s power to sway hearts and minds. Imagine, come next November, we get a choice between Obama/Edwards and Romney/Huckabee. Is there a “None of the Above” choice?

  16. PoliticallyVeryCorrect says:

    “none of the above” = Presidiot Bush stays for next term 🙂

    I’d take any racist duo over him…

  17. PoliticallyVeryCorrect says:

    … or maybe she says “next time lets do Jackson-Timberlake”



    Go Oprah! We ALL know if anyone can’t take the attention off of obama’s no experience lack of leadership, refusing to show up and vote in the senate on Iran, Abortion measures etc… Seeking a trillion-dollar tax hike and raising the retirement age for Social Security!!!! Is not in favor of a health care plan to cover all children rich or poor and that he cannot make a decision on his own. You can….YOU have disgraced American woman, now as a last ditch effort you throw Dr Kings name at the black voters, now American knows where you stand on race…


    WAKE UP AMERICA! Its time we stop playing with Oprah and elect a QUALIFIED PRESIDENT!!! not just a man because he’s black and oprah says so, she may know soap and books, but why in he world would anyone jeopardize your future because a TV talk show host said so?… This weekends Oprah circus, will not help obama, its make us all realize Oprahs running the show not obama…Our great country needs a qualified leader, maybe if oprah was legally running, but obama is…. Glad the dog and pony show is over

  19. PoliticallyVeryCorrect says:

    Well, lets face it – the racial card is very strong in the USA.
    Barack obviously needed Oprah (or any other ‘real black’ public person) to confirm his blackness because many US blacks were very confused… perhaps even some whites mistaken him for latino…


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