Here’s the ad:

Here’s a weasel-out-of-it letter from Fox about it:

We cannot approve the spot with it being Danny Glover’s opinion that the Bush Administration is destroying the Constitution. If you have documentation that it is indeed being destroyed, we can look at that.

Sorry about that,

I guess checking claims like this is just too much work for a big news organization. You know, tough things like using Google, reading newspapers, books and magazines, talking to people, comparing Bush’s speeches to reality, thinking… Here’s Bill:

As one of the chief (loud)mouthpieces of the authoritarian/totalitarian state Bush & Co. are working on building, this o’really is no surprise.

  1. bobbo says:

    How do you get to “Anti-American” from here?

    Seems to me Fuax Noise made a very American BUSINESS decision not to post an article that would insult their targeted/coveted base?

    Who can be against making $$$$ and pandering to every sliver of the population that gives you theirs?

  2. flyingelvis says:

    Danny Glover is a ‘tard. The ad is dumb and pointless as are most of the ideas that hollywood ‘stars’ promote.

  3. eyeofthetiger says:

    Since when has advertising been sold on principle and ethics?

  4. John Dean says:

    Fox News needs to listen to their own legal analyst, Judge Andrew Napolitano, who’s been making speeches about the erosion of the constitution, especially by the Patriot Act. He’s a really good speaker. Here’s a clip:

    Here’s his bio on,,2933,2155,00.html
    which contains the following excerpt:

    “Napolitano has written two books: ‘Constitutional Chaos: What Happens When the Government Breaks Its Own Laws,’ and the New York Times bestseller, ‘The Constitution in Exile: How the Federal Government Has Seized Power by Rewriting the Supreme Law of the Land.'”

  5. Mister Catshit says:

    #1, Mister Bobbo,

    You are quite correct.

    It is too bad that the FCC has removed equal access for political commentary. That is how shows like all the right wing nut proselytizers remain on the air unopposed. They don’t need to back up any assertions.

  6. >>#1, Mister Bobbo

    Quit schtealing my schtick, huh Kitty?

  7. GigG says:

    #5 Even under the old fairness doctrine the FCC wouldn’t have had authority over FOX or CNN because it wasn’t broadcast TV.

  8. Rooc says:

    Danny Glover the big Hugo Rafael Chávez fan? Now that is a monster to worry about. I’ll bet you it is Chávez who paid for this ridiculous advertisement. How about some CNN bashing on this newsgroup?

  9. F. Cisco says:

    the Government keeps chiseling away at our basic constitutional rights

    to protect us from the ‘terrorist’

    you will wake up ‘soon’ to a police state and all scratch your wooden heads

    the democrats stalled the new updated version of ‘the patriot act’ really the ‘police state act’

    and let it go through and voted for it being afraid to act with a backbone

    go to the airport my young lads – and talk out of line – and get arrested –

    the beginnings of the U.S. ‘Police State’ is here and growing

  10. T.J. says:

    Fox News is a joke. They will get behind anything Dubya and his gestapo try to do. They don’t seem to realize that once the Constitution, and our rights, are finally gone for good they won’t be safe either.

  11. Uncle Dave says:

    #9: I guess you don’t read the blog much. No love of CNN around here.

    And who cares who the actor is speaking the lines? Doesn’t change the truth of the ad.

  12. Eric says:

    I just ask myself, what would the reaction be if the roles were reversed? What if it were a Democratic President running around using the Constitution for toilet paper and systematically deleting parts of it for the preservation and expansion of the powers of the President and Government? The Republican’s collective heads would explode! That’s when I know that partisan politics has closed in on it’s most absurd and frightening conclusion, dedication to the party line regardless of the cost or moral compromise that is required to achieve it.

    Whatever happened to the Freedom of the People from Governmental intrusion into Private affairs? Whatever happened to the right to speak freely about any discourse, no matter how inane? Whatever happened to an American’s ability to look at a situation as it stands on it’s own merit and judge it accordingly?

    You know why America hasn’t suffered follow-up attacks to it’s native soil since 9/11? Because on 9/11 the terrorists won. The Bush Administration has done everything to eliminate in America the very things that the Terrorists are out to threaten by their acts while systematically expanding the very Imperialism that gave rise to their radical beliefs and hatred of America in the first place.

    Why should the Terrorists risk their own lives to do something that the current Bush Administration is doing for them? Mainly destroying our freedoms and hindering our ability to speak out against threats to the America.

    Broken Government my ass. This government is working just fine, it’s just that what it’s working so efficiently at is dimming the beacon of light of hope and freedom that is America. We systematically compromise within ourselves that the unidentifiable fear we have is of greater concern than the intangible freedoms it takes giving up to pacify that fear.

  13. #13

    >>Whatever happened to the freedom…
    >>Whatever happened to the right…
    >>Whatever happened to an American’s ability …

    Dumbya stole the election in ’00. At that point, the terrorists won.

  14. Jeez. This site is being over-run by spammers.

  15. Imposter says:

    [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  16. DeLeMa says:

    #16 – You think it might be JCD doing this ?!?
    Sad to say, I watch/dl the Cranky thingie and I’ve heard him speak highly about no spam. I think he’s got a thing abour pR0n also ?

    John ? Where are you ? Do you really need the money ?

  17. Ms. Mustard;

    You KNOW I didn’t click the link. Why would I, with a hottie like you at home?

  18. >>You think it might be JCD doing this ?!?

    I don’t know, but whoever’s doing it, it’s getting annoying. I sure won’t be using the spam “filter” advertised on the left!!

  19. Thomas says:

    Thanks for continuing to reinforce the connection between Mustard and Bullshit. I’ll never look at my sandwich the same again.

  20. Imposter says:

    [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  21. Fahrquar says:

    Uncle Dave, it absolutely matters who is giving the message! Glover doesn’t give a crap about the constitution or America if he’s working for a wanna-be (mostly-is) dictator like Chavez. He is Chavez’s Leni Riefenstahl for God’s sake.

  22. gregallen says:

    This is why we must not allow media consolidation. When two or three companies own all the media, it’s a serious abridgment of free speech for those who don’t toe their corporate line.

  23. Eric says:

    Yeah, cause Danny Glover’s connection to Hugo Chavez has soooo much to do with George Bush using the U.S. Constitution as his personal toilet paper….

  24. >>Thanks for continuing to reinforce the
    >>connection between Mustard and Bullshit.

    Oooh, that’s not very saintly of you Tommie.

    Allow me to reiterate: “Dumbya stole the election in ‘00. At that point, the terrorists won.”

    And you know it’s true, son.

  25. traaxx says:

    Using your same logic, we should be using the constitutional rights for anyone we capture during war.

    The war criminals we’ve captured, during WW II and recently haven’t been given US Citizen rights even when brought to trial, because they aren’t US Citizens.

    These current Terrorist are soldiers for their cause, and it’s unfortunate that the Demoncrat commies are so pro-Islamic, and they are just waiting for the end of their war.

  26. Greg Allen says:

    flyingelvis said, Danny Glover is a ‘tard. The ad is dumb and pointless as are most of the ideas that hollywood ’stars’ promote.

    OK, it’s pointless NOW. But the Constitution USED to mean something!

  27. Greg Allen says:

    traaxx said, The war criminals we’ve captured, during WW II and recently haven’t been given US Citizen rights even when brought to trial, because they aren’t US Citizens.

    After many decades of hard work, we’ve developed three system.

    You can charge them as a domestic criminal, under our laws. As a soldier, under Geneva laws. Or charge them under international law as a war criminals.

    Under which of those laws are the Guantanimo prisoners held? Or the unknown ones the Bush administration “disappeared”?

    None. And thats the crime of the Bush administration they need to be held accountable for.

  28. >>The war criminals we’ve captured, during WW II
    >>and recently haven’t been given US Citizen
    >>rights even when brought to trial, because
    >>they aren’t US Citizens.

    The only “rights” that are unique to American citizens in the US are the right to participate in the political process, to run for POTUS and VP, and to live in the 50 states without any immigration requirements.

    Rights granted by the Constitution and Bill of Rights are afforded to all citizens, residents and visitors on United States territory. Additionally, prisoners of war are additionally protected by the Geneva Convention.

    >>it’s unfortunate that the Demoncrat
    >>commies are so pro-Islamic, and they are
    >>just waiting for the end of their war.

    Wow. You’re off the meds, huh?

  29. Thomas says:

    > You can charge them as a
    > domestic criminal, under
    > our laws.

    Only true if they commit a crime against the US (or US citizen?) or on US soil.

    > As a soldier, under Geneva laws.

    Definitely true if the country for which the soldier fights signed the Geneva Convention. It is not nearly as clear if they are not fighting for a country or the country for which they are fighting did not sign the Geneva Convention.

    > Or
    > charge them under international
    > law as a war criminals.

    I suppose that is possible, however I was under the impression that “war criminal” trials are for egregious crimes such as genocide or killing on massive scales as opposed to killing during the normal course of fighting a war.


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