The New York Public Library is displaying an unusual set of photographs: images of Bush administration officials doctored to make them look like police mug shots.

The half dozen pictures were created by two Brooklyn artists, Nora Ligorano and Marshall Reese, as part of a privately financed exhibit called “Line Up” in the main library building on Fifth Avenue.

Also in the mug shot gallery are images of Vice President Dick Cheney, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, former Bush adviser Karl Rove, former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and former Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld…

Matthew Walter, spokesman for the New York Republican State Committee, said: “It is simply inappropriate to have political attack in the form of egregious doctored photographs of the president and other high-ranking officials who have dedicated their lives to public service in a taxpayer-funded building frequented by schoolchildren and the general public.”

The dork left out “motherhood and apple pie”.

Here’s the whole gallery of thugs.

  1. Cinaedh says:

    “Inappropriate” is not a word I would ever associate with those images.

  2. soundwash says:

    seems nobody has a sense of humor anymore..

  3. bobbo says:

    Missing are the mugs of the Dems who won’t impeach and/or continue to fund the Iraq War.

    Welcome to the Imperial Faith Based Presidency.

  4. Improbus says:

    Let me know when they have pictures of this group swinging by their necks for treason. Those pictures would be worth having.

  5. Bigby says:

    I Like it! It’s somehow appropriate. I’d just like to see the rest of the politicians in the US lined up alongside these sleazy bastards.

  6. Phillep says:

    Where are the mug shots of the Democrats that got us into Viet Nam? Are there any Democrat mug shots at all?

    Hey, wasn’t there supposed to be 100,000 deaths in Iraq because of the embargo (on Clinton’s watch) and the high altitude bombing in Iraq (on Clinton’s watch), and in the Balkans (on Clinton’s watch). No Democrat mug shots at all?

  7. Eric says:

    It’s humorous watching the current administration and it’s believers running around crying foul about doctored information. I guess it’s OK to doctor intel to push the War Machine into overdrive, just don’t you dare call them on it.

    Yes, if you want to be “fair and balanced” there certainly ought to be some Democrats up there as well, however, it IS the Imperialist Republicans occupying the Executive Branch of Government right now.

    While the Democrats may have been taken down by a hypocritical, puritanical Republican witch hunt by obstruction of justice, the Republican controled White House is bringing back into the vernacular one of only two crimes mentioned by name in the Original Constitution of the United States of America, Treason.

    I’m just flat surprised that, as yet, the accusation of treason towards this White House has only stemmed from what amounts to be fringe elements in the media. I guess the Democratic strategy of Political Judo where they just sit back and hope that the Republicans destroy themselves is running it’s course as it always does. By 2012 the Republicans will be back as strong as before, with a whole new crop of Rich White Men to “lead us to the Promised Land”.

  8. jbenson2 says:

    Where is the real murderer?
    Fatso Ted Kennedy?

    Or the spineless Harry Reid?

    Or the buffoon Nancy Pelosi?

  9. qsabe says:

    #8, you are sick. One dead drunk against 10,000 who apparently don’t count. Get your head out of you ass so you can see around you.

  10. Bud says:

    The picture on the right looks like Johnny Carson to me. What gives?

  11. Mister Cheez Whiz says:

    I want to see the one of him behind bars.

  12. Dallas says:

    Interpol (not Washington DC) would have been a more accurate depiction of what awaits Dick and Bush.

  13. [violation of posting guidelines…]

  14. Mister Cheez Whiz says:

    Relax Mustard! No one else has resorted to calling you names. Take a chill pill dude! Live and let live, we’re just having a little fun here. Man, hopefully someone will get you a pair of wad-less panties for Christmas, Heineken or the Flying Spaghetti Monster Holiday. Er, Hanukkah not Heineken. Not a fag here, this thing is an “exit only.”

  15. Mister Mustard says:

    [another violation of posting guidelines…pressing your luck here]

  16. the Three-Headed Cat says:

    That ain’t Mustard…

  17. Mister Cheez Whiz says:

    #17 – Thanks Cat!

  18. Angel H. Wong says:


    Clinton left the Whitehouse with a surplus. I doubt Bush Jr will leave it in the same way.

  19. Mister Hairball says:

    #6, Miss Phillep,

    You never cease to astound. Crying because of what happened 40 years ago. Jesus H. Christ. Instead, let’s discuss all those involved after the American Civil War. You remember those staunch Republicans. Grant, Hayes, Rutherford, Arthur, Cleveland, then as we enter the 20th century, who could forget the depredations against Americans as practiced by Taft, Coolidge and Hoover. Heck, then we could jump a few years to Nixon, Reagan and Bush I.

    AND, we mustn’t forget that model of Republican virtue, the standard bearer of all that is good, the hero of right wingers everywhere, the definition of patriotism, Senator Joe McCarthy.

    Yup. Clinton was such a bad guy. Bush I put the embargo in place and Clinton got the blame. Bush II screwed up and Clinton gets the blame.

  20. Haux says:

    controversial or treasonous or inappropriate.

    i don’t care.

    they’re sloppy. not good poses. not good compositing. most are very fake looking.

    better photoshop chops.


  21. eyeofthetiger says:

    Not to sound like a 3 legged cat trying to bury a turd on an ice lake but criminality has been redefined. Have you hugged a brown person today?

  22. domc says:

    To bad it’s fake!

  23. Phillep says:

    Let’s see, a what a retired Marine said in 1933 is considered relevant, Iraq is compared to Viet Nam and that’s relevant, but criminal behavior by Democrats in Viet Nam is not relevant.

    And nothing said about all the children Clinton was supposed to have killed in Bosnia and Iraq using area barrage missiles or high altitude bombing is relevant.

  24. jim h says:

    My opinion of Bush and his people could hardly be lower. But I think this is bad stuff – it trivializes some deadly serious realities. What these people have done isn’t funny.

    And regardless of who’s President, this sort of crosses a line. They’re not cheap crooks after all, but foolish and egotistical people who got in control of the biggest military machine on the planet. They were elected. They are us.

  25. Axtell says:

    Love it, and, if there truly was justice in this country, these types of photos would exist in reality and not have to be fabricated.

    Amazing that the blind right-wing neocons still follow their king to the extent that they do. How does bush still have a 25% approval rating? 1 in 4 people approve of the job he’s been doing? Who are these people?!?

  26. Mister Catshit says:


    Right Wingers Whine Over Mug Shots.

    Miss Phillep shows he is a dedicated Right Wing Nut and whines. For Christ’s sake Phillep, get a life.

    What about all those people Bush killed in the car accident while at Yale? Are you forgetting all those kids Bush gave blowjobs to or packed fudge with? How about the affairs he had in the Oval Office? What about when he raided the pension fund of the oil company he bankrupted? So far there is only innuendo about him fucking his two daughters, but I wouldn’t put it past him. And what about his responsibility for the homeless veteran who froze to death only 800 miles from the White House gates?

    Nooo, Miss Phillep has to bring up Bill Clinton and tell us he killed 100,000 people in Bosnia. All kids too. On their way to church. And they were all Western diplomat children too. White women children. Blonde white Western diplomat women children on their way to church. During school hours. Carrying flowers. Holding giant Red Cross flags clearly visible from 85,000 feet.

    Ya, we better get mug shots of both of ’em.

  27. QB says:

    Sorry guys, but lighten up and grow up. A little message from Canada. We respect our leaders, even if we vehemently disagree with them. They are just one of the guys, even if they have a stick up their ass.


  28. Rich says:

    If it were pictures of the Clintons, the Republicans would call it comic genius. It all depends on your agenda.

  29. TIHZ_HO says:

    #26 That’s right.

    Funny how people whine about how Clinton did this and screwed this and caused 911…he was in office when? And if he really DID screw things up why hasn’t either of the Bushes fixed it? Hmmmm

    Yep, good ole US Democracy at work – the world can breath easy. 😉



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