He was looking for a shot at fame. Instead, police in Conyers are looking for the man who shot up a night club. Police say the gunman opened fire after he was booed on stage during a rap music contest…

Investigators say the gunman took the stage, but could not handle the criticism he received, so he pulled a gun and fired into the ceiling. People ran for the exits as the shooter brandished his gun. In the parking lot he fired more shots, then drove off.

No one was reportedly hurt during the incident, but the club was damaged.

How in the world can you possibly tell that a rapper is musically incompetent?

Thanks, KB

  1. comhcinc says:

    why do you say that Mister Hairball? how do you know that i’m not the son of a musician who is a musician himself, that has spent his entire life surrounded by black music and black musicans? how do you know that i am not black myself?

  2. Brock says:

    Rap music is the reason music sales are down 7% this year. Thinking people have taken their entertainment dollars elsewhere.

    While Al (the drug dealer) Sharpton takes hypocritical aim at Imus for repeating the verbage the rap “artists” routinely say, he stays silent over the black rappers use of the words. Yet another reason NOT to spend a cent on the rap crap. I personally think the talented musicians who used to rap have moved on to other avenues of entertainment.

  3. GetSmart says:

    Gangsta Rap: Street Poetry or Rhymes Against Humanity? I can’t decide. But Sturgeon’s Law still seems to apply. 90% of it ( And everything else) is crap. YMMV

  4. Mister Catshit says:

    #32, comhcinc

    I don’t know what you are. Your post shows you are not very bright. You make many spelling errors and can’t use punctuation. You claim “Blues” is all about marital cheating. You claim “Jazz” is about premarital sex. Or was that pre matial sex.

    Mozart was a genius. If you were a musician you would know there is no way to compare anything he wrote to (ahem) “Rap”. Mozart gave beauty to mundane, ordinary things. (ahem)”Rap” denigrates everything. Mozart wrote so much beautiful music, including operas. I don’t know of any opreas though.

    Elvis enticed? Gee. I wonder if that is why it is called “Pop Music”. Hey, he did have a very good singing voice and some acting ability. He didn’t have to go “spitta spitta boom boom” into the mike while grabbing his crotch and wearing his hat sideways like a three yr old.

    So are you a musician? I don’t really know. If you are, you suck big time. Why? Because you have no respect or admiration for true giants in the music field. Real musicians know who is good and respect their betters. You didn’t. So I don’t have any respect for you.

  5. comhcinc says:

    oh no! you noticed i can’t spell! all my points must be invaild! curse you!
    really you have no clue what you are talking about Mister Catshit. when blues first became popular said it by people like you that it was only about cheating and wife beating. when jazz became popular it was by people like you that it would lead to premarital sex. people like you say rock’n’roll is only about sex and drugs. people like you say that all heavy metal music leads to devil worship.
    ignorant people like you take a couple of songs as a example and apply it to a whole music genre. people like you mocked the beatles for their haircuts. they did the same with elvis. people like you didn’t understand the genius of mozart.
    i am a musican as were my father before me. (to answer my own other question i’m not black). i understand there will always be people like you that dismiss music without every giving it a chance. when it comes to people like you, there is nothing new under the sun.

  6. DeLeMa says:

    Damm it ! I wish I didn’t work such fukked up hrs !! I missed the “sex based” picture here ?!? Oh well, back to the wifey then..sigh..

  7. Whole lotta “Misters” here. 🙁

  8. OvenMaster says:

    Remember: the “C” in CRap is silent.

  9. Mister Catshit says:

    #36, asshat,

    when blues first became popular said it by people like you that it was only about cheating and wife beating. when jazz became popular it was by people like you that it would lead to premarital sex. people like you say rock’n’roll is only about sex and drugs. people like you say that all heavy metal music leads to devil worship.
    ignorant people like you take a couple of songs as a example and apply it to a whole music genre. people like you mocked the beatles for their haircuts. they did the same with elvis. people like you didn’t understand the genius of mozart.

    Now, who is generalizing? You sure the hell have no clue how Blues originated. Or Jazz. You also have no idea what I have to say about other music generas.

    No, I don’t care for Elvis but I respect him for his talent. I don’t care for Alan Jackson, but I respect his talent. I don’t care for Alanis Morriset, but I respect her talent. I don’t care for “Doc” Watson, but I respect his talent. I have no respect for “Rap” simply because it requires no talent. Rap might be art to some, but it sure the hell isn’t music.

    Rap is to music what a $0.25 tin whistle is to a Symphony Orchestra.

    BTW, I paid my way through college as a musician. It didn’t pay the whole way and it was hard. But I did it. I learned much from people better than I. Many of them I owe much to.

  10. Mister Catshit says:

    #38, Mrs Mustard,

    Whole lotta “Misters” here.

    Ain’t it grand?

  11. comhcinc says:

    Mr. Catshit, do you even have a clue what you are arguing about? one second you say rap isn’t music the very next sentance you admit it is music in your analogy. you don’t seem to understand that your thoughts on other genres of music doesn’t matter. your reaction to rap is the same reaction that people had to the blues,etc,etc,etc. you dislike it and don’t understand it, thus you dismiss it.

    oh you might be interested in knowing that i also am paying my way through college by playing music. it’s paying the whole thing and isn’t hard at all. this time next year i will have b.a. in music theory. so i guess i am an “asshat” and don’t know a thing about music.

  12. Mister Catshit says:

    #42, Asshat,

    oh you might be interested in knowing that i also am paying my way through college by playing music. it’s paying the whole thing and isn’t hard at all.

    If it isn’t hard then you aren’t doing it. You’re just another bullshit punk. I suppose you tell the women you’re the lead singer in the band because that way you don’t really need to play.

    Effen moran

  13. PoliticallyVeryCorrect says:

    “…during a rap MUSIC contest…”

    which part of rap is music?
    The 2 chords bass, the vinyl scratching sound, or the primary-school-grade level limericks?

    How come it doesnt say what RACE was the shooting loser?
    (well, omitting the race in the news already tells me he was black of course, thank you politically correct news pigs 😉

  14. Paul Kierstead says:

    Characterizing all rap music under one roof just shows a lack of openness, knowledge and love of music.

    Certainly a huge portion of Rap is total crap, but that is true for all musical genres. With an open mind and a good sampling, you’ll find some Rap to be interesting (and good) both musically and conceptually, whether or not it becomes your favored music.

    Listening to a bit of radio and on that basis deciding you don’t like it and damning all artists of a particular genre is the sort of judgmental attitude of uneducated idiots.

  15. PoliticallyVeryCorrect says:

    I’d rather be labeled uneducated idiot than listen to black ghetto limericks with bass called “rap music”.

    Thank you

    Uneducated Idiot
    (who listens to music, not rap).

  16. Paul Kierstead says:

    Your characterization of Rap as “black ghetto limericks with bass” reveals the uneducated part.

  17. Mister Catshit says:

    #45, Mister Paul,

    Certainly a huge portion of Rap is total crap, but that is true for all musical genres.

    Uuhh, nope.

    Rap is total crap. Period. It isn’t music and it isn’t poetry. And it is fucking annoying to hear. I can not think of a musical genera (and I don’t consider Rap a genera) that is total crap. Sure, there is a lot of bad music out there, Sheet, even Shakespeare wrote some lemons. But they meet the classifications of music, harmonics, shifting tones, a melody, and timbre,. Rap is just noise. Call it art if you wish, (sheet, human shit in a jar is art to someone) but it isn’t music.

  18. Mister Paul (I like that) says:

    Rap covers a pretty big range of artists, with a lot of diversity, including some with some pretty-close-to-conventional music (in the modern sense). Clearly you either a) consider things you don’t like to be crap (i.e. have no appreciation of things not directly appealing to you) or b) don’t know rap beyond what some Hot xx.x station plays or c) Are completely closed to new music (probably consider electronica and techno to be crap as well) I’d be guessing (b).


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