He was looking for a shot at fame. Instead, police in Conyers are looking for the man who shot up a night club. Police say the gunman opened fire after he was booed on stage during a rap music contest…

Investigators say the gunman took the stage, but could not handle the criticism he received, so he pulled a gun and fired into the ceiling. People ran for the exits as the shooter brandished his gun. In the parking lot he fired more shots, then drove off.

No one was reportedly hurt during the incident, but the club was damaged.

How in the world can you possibly tell that a rapper is musically incompetent?

Thanks, KB

  1. Stu Mulne says:

    Well, the good news is that this can’t possibly happen in Ohio if the venue serves alcoholic beverges.

    Nobody but on-duty Law Enforcement can bring a gun into these locations.

    Sure works well….

  2. steelcobra says:

    “How in the world can you possibly tell that a rapper is musically incompetent?”

    If they made an album less than ten years ago?

  3. the Three-Headed Cat says:

    See? If America wasn’t such a racist society and rappers weren’t unfairly stereotyped as violent, gun-toting thugs, he wouldn’t’ve had to do that…

  4. jbusch7 says:

    what does the picture have to do with the story??

    A lot of people enjoy your work, you really do not need to play the sex card to get people to read the stories.

  5. Mister Trigot says:

    Tsk, tsk, knee grows…

  6. Phillep says:

    “Holy Gong Show, Batman!”

    The Joker was originally a small time crook who wanted a career as a comedian, but got laughed off stage at a night club where mob members hung out. He killed Bruce Wayne’s parents in a robbery attempt about the same time.

    Later on, Batman traced him down and tried to capture him. The chase lead through a chemical plant in the middle of the night and the crook fell into a vat of chemicals. The crook crawled out of the vat after Batman left, thinking the crook had died. The chemicals had turned the small time hood into the Joker.

    One of the Joker’s first acts was to return to the night club and pull a mass murder of the audience.

    (I wish I’d kept those comic books, they are probably worth a fortune to a collector these days.) (Even taking inflation into consideration.)

    So, the owners of the bar where the rapper got the laugh had better watch out for white faced guy’s with green hair.

  7. TVAddict says:

    What happened to the original pic? You replaced it because one uptight prig complained?
    As far as the story goes…rap sucks. Conyers has it’s share of idiots and this guy is one of them.

  8. Cinaedh says:

    “Witnesses describe the shooter as being 5’6, and weighing approximately 220 pounds.”

    At least the audience didn’t have to worry about ‘the artiste’ chasing and catching them.

  9. DNieves says:

    Funniest thing I’ve read all day. Andrew Dice Clay… Micheal Richards… move over… now THIS is how you treat an audience!

  10. JimR says:

    Three Headed Cat (#3), gawd you’re funny! I’ve got coffee in my sinuses now.

  11. the Three-Headed Cat says:

    I dunno, Jim… d’ya think my wit’s improved any since I evolved from a fish to a feline? (with no ‘missing links’ in between, mind you!)

  12. MikeN says:

    >How in the world can you possibly tell that a rapper is musically incompetent?

    The racism on this blog is coming out. ‘Black music isn’t music’

  13. JimR says:

    #12, I wondered if that was you LG. 🙂
    Um, the wit is just as good (LG was great), but THC’s is more succinct, more bang for the buck in the humor dept.

  14. JimR says:

    Geez, “if that was you…” my eyes are terrible.

  15. the Three-Headed Cat says:

    Thx, Jim, all three of us try to give good value for money…

    “my eyes are terrible”

    Consider yourself lucky. My Visine bills are 3X what yours are.

    • • • • • •

    #13 – MikeN

    Jeez, are you an idiot or do you just play one on TV?

    “The racism on this blog is coming out. ‘Black music isn’t music’”

    Now I’ll be the first to admit my reading skillz have declined with age, but I just now went over this entire thread twice and tried to find the comment you cited there, but I guess it was deleted while I wasn’t paying attention.

    Have I got a flash bullletin for you, chum. Let’s see if you can grasp the meaning of this simple equation:

    Black music ≠ rap music.

    Is that too deep for you? Or is it that you actually think that rap shit is all there is to black music? Blacks are historically overrepresented in the history of American music, and for good reason. Blues, funk, soul, R&B, Motown – have you perchance ever heard of any of those musical genres, indispensible parts of our collective musical heritage that they are?

    Goes to show exactly what kind of dishonest, deceptive jerkoffs you PC clowns are. As soon as anyone says anything critical of anything blacks do, good or bad – but strangely enough, especially when it’s something definitely bad, like the violent, stupid and socially corrosive influence on American culture of rap “music” – then you beauzeauz pop outta your hiding places and start droning, “Racism-racism-racism” like it’s your fucking PC mantra.

    Crikey, what a pathetic joke you knee-jerk capital-L Liberal ideologues are! Single-handedly you’ve alienated most of America from liberalism and made it a dirty word. Thx mch.

  16. JimR says:

    Black is to music, what Apple is to computers.

  17. OvenMaster says:

    Q: “How in the world can you possibly tell that a rapper is musically incompetent?”

    A: You don’t. You let them stink up FM radio and let them be blamed for its downfall.

  18. the Three-Headed Cat says:

    That’s it, Jim. The creative minority that the unoriginal drone majority imitates.

  19. edwinrogers says:

    Put him on, “Idol”.

  20. hhopper says:

    #17 – 3HC – You took the words right out of my mouth.

  21. gquaglia says:

    Rap music = no talent, thug music. The sooner the world stops giving any of these criminals credibility, the better off we’ll be.

  22. the Three-Headed Cat says:

    Media megacorp execs will keep pushing it as long as it pays for their fucking Bentleys and NetJet shares. Shit, they’d sell rat poison as candy if there’s enough profit in it. After all, WTF is social responsibility? Especially when, if you object to this moranic shit polluting the culture, some brainwashed “Liberal” dickweeds like MikeN there’ll go all Al Sharpton on your ass.

  23. I hate to say it, tetrahydrocannabinol, but you’re beautiful.

  24. the Three-Headed Cat says:

    I bet you say that to all the tricranial quadrupeds…

  25. comhcinc says:

    to all those stating that rap is not music or is morally corrupt, or that all rappers are “no talent”, just remember, the same things were said about rock’n’ roll, blues, the beatles, jazz, disco, mozart, elvis, and just about every other important music in the world.

    quit being old farts, and let the kids dance.

  26. gquaglia says:

    to all those stating that rap is not music or is morally corrupt, or that all rappers are “no talent”, just remember, the same things were said about rock’n’ roll, blues, the beatles, jazz, disco, mozart, elvis, and just about every other important music in the world.

    BULLSHIT, Rap is about killing, raping and otherwise criminal behavior. Worse is the rappers often commit the crimes they rap about, or entice their fans to do so. Its not the same thing, not even a little.

  27. comhcinc says:

    and blues is about cheating on your wife ( or her cheating on you) and jazz is about pre matial sex and rock’n’roll is all about using drugs. Mozart did an oprea about a whore house and Elvis enticed teenage girls. like i said same thing different time.

    i can tell by you post gquaglia that you haven’t really heard a rap song since the early 90s. check out the billboard charts. most of the songs are about dancing.

  28. eyeofthetiger says:

    Rap sounds better with gunfire. How is this not in some troll line on news channel 24/7?

  29. Mister Hairball says:

    #27 & 30, comhcinc

    Rap ain’t music and it sure the hell ain’t poetry.

    You don’t know what “Blues” is either. Or Jazz, Reggae, Calypso, Soul, Ragtime, Gospel, or any other music genera popularized by black musicians.


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