Apple is opening their new store in the Meatpacking District of NYC, this evening. The Gothamist did a sneak preview – which starts off with a view of this 3-story glass staircase. Phew!

  1. Jimd says:

    All that glass and open space gives me the willies !!! Also expect to see some disappointed Mac Fanboys end it all over the railings when they can’t get their fill of iSmack !!!

  2. Named says:

    Hello, upskirt photos!

  3. Ubiquitous Talking Head says:


    But knock off the bling and cut the prices by a few bucks.

  4. Mister Anal Retentive says:

    Pretty much overshadows the Microsoft store.

  5. matrixghost1286 says:

    Not just any upskirt photos, but by the new app for the iPhone, iPervert, to be used only with the iGlassStaircase.

  6. Phillep says:

    Web cam under the stares?

    (Sorry, couldn’t resist.)

  7. edwinrogers says:

    Apple discovered long ago that quality, as perceived rather than as delivered, is what pads the bottom line. The building is uber-moderne and open, reassuring images for tech consumers. Once they work out how to make their shop staff invisible, that would be even better.

  8. dwright says:

    A nice computer whorehouse.

  9. the answer says:

    I wanna slide down the banister

  10. Steve S says:

    Holy barracuda, Batman. When did you find time to remodel the batcave?

  11. Angel H. Wong says:

    It reminds me of the last two Matrix movies, they were literally a very expensive ad for consumers to buy their merchandise.

  12. Glenn E says:

    “Apple is opening their new store in the Meatpacking District of NYC” Ok, so now their store icon should be a large pink pig with a red apple in its mouth, revolving. Or maybe a large red apple with a small pink pig wedged in its bite hole. Gee, I should work for them. I’ve got better good ideas.

  13. Awake says:

    One more proof that Apple products are for sissies.

  14. bill says:

    Microsoft would never have a store like this. More like metal shelves with press wood furniture.

  15. JimR says:

    Microsoft will eventually come out with their stors, 5 years from now, but the glass on the stairs will be too thin to walk on and some doors won’t have hinges. Fixes will be implemented over the next 5 years, while Apple has moved on to levitation and doorless security.

  16. James Hill says:

    Funny part is that history is repeating itself. In the 80’s it was grand pianos and motorcycles, today it’s grandiose retail locations.

    Following the pattern, we’re 2 1/2 years away from an Apple downturn.

    #7 – The beauty of the strategy is that, due to the failings across the rest of the industry, that quality difference is reality. The question is how much of that quality is form, and how much is function.

    #13 – And more proof that the anti-Apple crowd can’t make any decent arguments. Your opinion is noted, and ignored… and will continue to be ignored until you manage to sound better than the Apple fanboys.

  17. bill says:

    Ok, who has the coolest offices in ‘the valley’? Does anyone else remember Apple before the Mac? The remember the image of the black grand piano in the lobby and the digital media things all around (when I had never heard of digital media) . What are the Microsoft offices like?

    I think we need a ranking “a top ten” so to speak… I think it says a boatload about the company and their products…

  18. dannyc says:

    I like how the Genius Bar waiting list screen (see last pic in story) looks oddly like the Windows XP Welcome Screen.

  19. eyeofthetiger says:

    Looks like they might serve espresso.

  20. TIHZ_HO says:

    Ehh what’s so special about a three story glass staircase? The multistory glass staircase edge lighted with RGB LEDs that the Westin Hotel in Shanghai has had for years blows that away.

    If you want to see jaw dropping, head on a swivel buildings that make you say “Damn” go to Shanghai and see how your money is being spent. 😉



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