• TV Guide to merge with Macrovision. Weird combo.
  • Microsoft HD, the unused JPEG clone getting a plug-in for CS2/CS3.
  • Jet Blue plows ahead with in-plane Blackberry connective and Wi-fi. VOIP not allowed!
  • Verizon being sued over GPL 2.0 violations.
  • People standing in line at new Apple Store just because one guy started standing in line.
  • Microsoft files 8-K using XBRL. Pioneers.
  • 25th anniversary of Commodore 64. Whoopee.
  • Fuji-Xerox shows a color touch screen e-paper.

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  1. Gasbag says:

    Hell John I just waiting for the first VOIP from a plane that going to crash 😛

  2. JS says:

    Lol, monkey see monkey do 😛

  3. Esteban says:

    According to Wikipedia, the HD Photo format is now officially called JPEG XR. So I guess John’s not the only one who thought the “HD” name sucked.

  4. twoeyedox says:

    My first computer was a Commodore 64. The nostagia factor probably exists for those whom first introduction to computing happened through this machine. I’m sure there are others such as the TRS-80, Apple IIe and others.

  5. moss says:

    Uh, they were giving stuff away at the opening of that Apple store. Like 10 MacBooks. iPods. Free is often worth standing in line for.

    I hear.

  6. anjinash says:

    The C64 wasn’t my first computer (that honor goes to an Apple II clone), but it was the first computer I owned that I really used on a daily basis. The rampant piracy with that thing was incredible.. all of the kids who had one would bring boxes of disks over to each others houses and have gigantic copy-fests. There were some amazingly fun games for it like Space Taxi that, to this day, I could still sit down and get suckered out of hours of my life playing. Damn I wish I still had that thing. At least there’s emulation to fill the void.

  7. James Hill says:

    Not only was the C64 my first computer, I still have it: Right next to my father’s toy train set he played with as a kid.

    And just think, the C64 was the first computer to come with an AOL disk! Granted, it was called Q-Link, but it had to start somewhere…

    …and maybe that’s the tag line for the device: Not the best of it’s generation, but a logical for starting point that can be easier traced to modern computing than the Apple II.

  8. old waterman says:

    My first pc was a Timex Sinclair It’s in the attic as is the 64 also my first functional pc my packerd bell 93 or 94 model.came with 3.11 finished with 95 went to college in 99 with my daughter.

  9. Jim says:

    My first “real” computer was a C64, not counting the interdata mini I worked on at school. Technically my first was the Vic20, but I got a 64 fairly soon after that.

    I had most of the interesting programs, including Geoworks. Nice little windowing desktop system. Not to mention typing in every machine language/basic program I could get from pcmag and the other computer mags. I even wrote a corrected mouse driver for the system and did some font stuff. A fun little system for what it was.

    So make fun all you want, but it really was a milestone worth celebrating.

  10. Zybch says:

    John, if you don’t actually know the difference between JPEG and MS HD Photo, then you might want to just keep quiet to help you avoid looking like a bit of a twerp.
    The same can be said for your constant bashing of vista when (as far as I can work out) you’ve never actually used it.

  11. >>The same can be said for your
    >>constant bashing of vista when (as
    >>far as I can work out) you’ve
    >>never actually used it.

    Hey, I’ve actually used it. And I continue to bash.

  12. Angel H. Wong says:


    But Soviet rations are not worth $2000+ and Mac Laptops are.

    For all the Mac bashing I would stay in line for one of those, you may not care because you can afford a dozen but I don’t.

  13. Mister Bar-B-Q Sauce says:

    I just love to hear the Vistards continue to defend a bad purchase.

  14. I agree with you, Mr. Sauce, but still.. knock it off. The horror! The horror!

  15. Zybch says:

    #14, I’m not defending it any more than pointing out that unless you have actually used the new OS and actually experienced the claimed problems, then you aren’t really in any position to justify the daily jabs and sniping about it.
    As soon as John uses it (on a machine thats truly capable), THEN he will be able to make valid points, but till then all hes doing is being a sensationalist hack. I’d say the same thing if he started complaining about how bad OSX 10.5 was without using that OS either and having no real 1st hand experience with it.

  16. Mister Apologetic says:

    #15 – I extend a humble apology if I ever offend. I’ll be the first to admit to a tasteless sense of humor but still, it is hard to have a clenched fist while you are smiling.

  17. But still. The horror. The horror!!

  18. Mister #16 Responder says:

    #16 – I guess you realize you can run Ubuntu on a “truly capable” machine that is 4 or 5 years old and achieve the same feature/functionality and will still be more responsive than Vista?

  19. Mister #18 Responder says:

    Actually it is only gross and horrible if you don’t take a bath.

  20. Cut the crap, dudes.

    [OK… Ho, MM and Fusion, very funny, but it’s getting old. – ed.]

  21. TakeIT2 says:

    John, TitanTV.CoM for Free TV/Cable/Satalite listings & Video – Plus it can plugin to your DVR on a pc – They were going to open the API up so somthing like MythTV could access it – i don’t know what happened to that. But yea, you still have that cable card hoop – eh

    John Fix your IPTVDaily.CoM site 🙂

  22. Glenn E. says:

    I have a huge issue with Tv Guide. My local cable Tv service once ran it’s own channel listing online. They NewsCorp came along a bought that out, and shut it down. Before, you could get two weeks of advanced programming listings. Afterward, only one week. So as to NOT COMPETE WITH THE PUBLISHED TV GUIDE. That’s all TVG cared about, protecting sales of its overprice rag!! Since the buy out, I’ve used Zap2it.com, which works pretty well. I’m sure there are others. Hope so. But NewsCorp is a good example of why the anti-trust laws should be strengthen and/or better enforced. Because the big financial bullies, are out to destroy anything that might cost them some bucks.

  23. Glenn E. says:

    The “25th anniversary of Commodore 64”? Who the flip cares anymore? Are there really people pining for the old days of 64k memory keyboard units, with 8 bit graphics? And why no “anniversary” ever, of the Amiga. A pretty decent little machine, that trumped the Mac and PC in its day. If it hadn’t been for Motorola holding back the processor development (Amiga’s used their CPU, as did Apple), and two greedy Commodore execs. We might still have those around, as serious competition for todays PCes. It was mainly the lack of hardware development that ended Amiga’s future. I was still using my A3000, until Win-XP SP1 came out. By then I figured that Windows had finally enough features to trump the Amiga’s 3.0 operating system. Win-98 had only matched it, and Win-Me was just plain trash.

    So I can’t take seriously a celebration of a computer that only competed with the Apple-2.

  24. dwmreg says:


    Sometimes I think your just plain mean. The C64 was not my first computer. My first computer was a Vic 20. The first ones I actually touched were a teletype type device, Commodore PET and a Radio Shack Model 1.

    However the C64 launched a career in writing and computers that has been very successful for me. I loved my Commodore gear – Vic 20, C64, C128, Amiga 500, 2000, 4000.

    I wrote several books before graduating from college, software, etc. some of it mass marketed.

    I’m happy and sucessful. It would not have been had my parents not bought me that first Vic 20 and subsequently my C64 which I bought from consulting I did on the Vic 20 – as a teenager yet! 😉

    So pphhhffffftttttt!!!


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