This is a short tutorial on just a few of the terms in use today on the web which, apparently, a number of our constant readers are unaware based on comments in recent posts. Now you, too, can keep up with our evolving language!

Moran — A moron’s moron. Came into common usage when their leader pictured above first appeared on the web a couple of years ago.

Pr0n — A rearranged spelling of the word ‘porn’ designed to prevent nanny filters from censoring or blocking a web page.

Interwebitubes — A combination of ‘Internet’, ‘web’ and ‘tubes’ created by yours truly, Uncle Dave, here on DU. The ‘tubes’ part of it comes from the illustrious Sen. Ted Stevens’ description of how the Internet works. Although slow to catch on, doing a Google search for Interwebitubes yields a couple of entries not directly associated with DU. Try and use it daily in your speech, email and other writings so as to get it into common usage and, with a little luck, it can be heard on that bastion of the erudite, Fox News. You will then stand proud in the knowledge you helped foster obfuscated clarity in our mother tongue. Now go out there and make your Uncle Dave proud!

  1. Named says:


    I’d like to say that Interwebitubes is my favorite term to use when describing the Internet to my fellow cubicle dwellers at the office. The most amazing part about it is their lack of reaction, which means
    a) they know it
    b) they don’t know it but don’t want to look stoopid
    c) they don’t know it and think I’m stupid

    I’m hoping it’s a or b.

  2. You’re a dickens, Tio Dave.


  3. Oh, btw:

    >>Try and use it daily in your speech, email
    >>and other writings so as to get it into
    >>common usage and, with a little luck,
    >>it can be heard on that bastion of the
    >>erudite, Fox News.

    You should aim higher. After all, look at the high profile that ex-Senator Rick Santorum attained (, due to the efforts of sex columnist Dan Savage.

    DU is at least as pervo as Dan! Rock on.

  4. eugenec314 says:

    Dear Uncle Dave,

    I was one of the silent majority who thought your misspelling of moron was odd. But then I was so amused by your explanation I thought I must send a link to my work address to inform my coworkers.
    I then realized I work with a person whom I highly respect and admire whose last name is Moran, therefore I am against using this new word in this new way.

  5. Named says:


    What if his genealogical real name was actually MORON but they added an A to avoid the stigma. You would be doing him a favour to restore his historic roots…

  6. BubbaRay says:

    And “Moran” was discussed here, even deciding the plural would be “Morani.”

    Thanks to joshua and Mr. Fusion, comments 12-14 here:

  7. bobbo says:

    Meme falling into common usage is rather recent as well.

    Yes, new technology brings new terminology. (New administrations in Washington too!)

  8. bill says:

    Interwebitubes? What ever happened to the Information Super Highway?

    Is this another Al Gore thing?

  9. Glenn E says:

    So how come Global Warming is still called Global Warming, and not “Glorming”? By the time you get that whole phrase out, the listeners have tuned out! Not that I believe in Glorming, mind you.

  10. Eric Susch says:

    I made page 3 of the Google interwebitubes search! Woo Hoo! Eye’s is famous!

  11. Steve Jibs says:

    Yuck, I know most of the weird internet jargon and most of the popular memes. I refuse to use them though because they mostly come from the ghettos of the internet.

  12. tcc3 says:

    {pretentious English accent}
    Yes, I too only speak the queens english. By never using any slang and keeping my nose high in the air, every one can be sure that I am indeed better than they are.
    {/pretentious English accent}

  13. Mister Gulden's says:

    Jeez, I’m glad we cleared that up. Tomorrows lesson will be on the word “grogan” and it will be on the quiz.

  14. Angel H. Wong says:

    Hey! my post was deleted!

  15. Mister Thong says:

    #14 – you were clogging the tubes.

  16. RBG says:

    I think you’re jumping to conclusions.

    mor·an [ máwrən ]
    East Africa Masai warrior: a young unmarried male warrior of the Masai people


  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    #16, Mister RBG,

    Ya??? Well it can also mean a moron’s moron. Something along the lines of “nimrod” actually being a hunter. Not that I’m calling you a nimrod, but …

  18. GetSmart says:

    #8 – That’s the Information Super-Collider.

    #11 – That’s the Interghett.

    #17 – That’s the Nimrod-o-sphere. For Nincomputes.

  19. FRAGaLOT says:

    ok so can you explain what FUD means?

  20. the Three-Headed Cat says:

    That’s da guy who chases da wabbit.

  21. Angel H. Wong says:

    Ooops, my bad, I should have waited for the blog page to fully load :3

  22. hhopper says:

    FUD = Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt

  23. tallwookie says:

    I used the word Interwebitubes the other day and it was great because the other person had no idea what i was talking about – pure genius


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