Different Ham
New York store red faced over ‘Hanukkah hams’

A posh food store in New York’s Greenwich Village has found itself red faced after offering hams for sale with the slogan “Delicious for Hanukkah,” the current Jewish religious holiday. The non-kosher labelling was spotted at the weekend by Manhattan novelist Nancy Kay Shapiro, 46, who decided instead of alerting management to take a picture of the unorthodox sign and post it on the Internet. “I just thought it was funny,” Shapiro, who described herself as an unobservant Jew, told the New York Post. “I wasn’t offended in any way. I just thought, here’s somebody who knows nothing about what Jews eat.” By the time Shapiro returned to the store on Tuesday, the first night of Hanukkah, the signs had vanished, the newspaper reported. A manager at the Balducci’s gourmet grocery store told the newspaper that the sign was a mistake and blamed it on a stock clerk. Pork and shellfish are among the foods considered unclean under Jewish law.

A simple error, no violence by the Jewish community was proposed.

  1. Joshua says:

    I heard that the Jewish community will be lighting another flame on their violent candlelabra. A whole squad of suicide candle lithters armed with Bic’s will be rampaging through the streets of Greenwich Village to show their disgust of Balducci’s ignorance and blasphamy.

  2. ECA says:

    Intelligent Marketing??
    God help us, when MARKETING dont know WHAT they are doing..

  3. Balbas says:

    For those who don’t know, shellfish are considered bad as they are bottom-feeders, eating whatever has fallen from the cleaner, upper levels of a waterway.

  4. the Three-Headed Cat says:

    If hardcore devout Muslims were intelligent enough to remove their tiny heads from their diseased asses long enough to notice how the Jews react to an “affront” to their religion, we might see some progress.

    Let a shop in Karachi mistakenly advertise ‘hams for Eid ul-Fitr” and you’ll need your stopwatch handy to measure how long until the first bomb goes off.

    Oops, my bad. Forgot again. Islam=Religion of Peace. Must try to remember that.

  5. sam says:

    Okay, Wait a minute here! Tell me what I’m about to say is not the truth. 99.9% of the food at say Walmart is not certified kosher? What is Jewish population 2.5% or 3% or 4%? For real people their is a Jewish food tax, and this goy pays it. As far as an observant Jew goes give me a break. I know a few atheists who claim they are Jews. So what? You have traced the chosen nation to the beginning of creation but your an atheist? What did WTF stand for again? I am a goy and i don’t like ham its dirty meat. So what the world turns upside down for this special people?

  6. DaveW says:

    Hey Sam,

    I’m one of those atheist Jews, and I don’t bother with ham for Hanuakkah. I go all out and have pork chops for Yom Kippur. :).

    As far as it goes, the 99.9% of the food at Walmart may indeed have the circled K or U on the package. This only means that it was prepared in a clean enviroment and that it does not contain pork,shellfish, etc. It doesn’t cost anything to do this, and it does not mean that the food was prepared under the supervision of a rabbi.

    Certified Kosher meat is another story all together. Check out the price of say an Empire Brand Kosher chicken one of these days. They ain’t 99 cents a pound!

  7. >>shellfish are considered bad as they
    >>are bottom-feeders,

    Yeah, but they’re tasty as all get out.

    >>What is Jewish population 2.5% or 3% or 4%?

    Nope. 0.22%. Far less that that popular religion, Atheism :))

  8. Phillep says:

    Aren’t Moslems about 2.5%?

    (I don’t know how the Black Moslems are counted, they are definatly pagans according to Mohomedean Islam, and thus to be killed, enslaved, or converted.)

  9. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #7 – Nope. 0.22%. Far less that that popular religion, Atheism :))

    $#@% *&?) !@^^ #$@= +x##

    and you know it too…

  10. Mister Pickle says:

    What do you call a gay Jewish guy? Heblew.

  11. Angel H. Wong says:

    Jew not eating pork is like men denying they masturbate.

  12. FRAGaLOT says:

    Isn’t it spelled “Chanukah”?

  13. OFTLO, if these motherfuckers would stop impersonating me with the “Mister” shit, I’d admit to almost anything.

    There’s Mister Fusion, Mister Mustard, and that’s it. End of story. No mayonnaise, to ketchup, no condiment, no nothing.

    Frigging losers. Get a life.

  14. the Three-Headed Cat says:

    #8 – Phillep

    “Aren’t Moslems about 2.5%?”

    Close. Very close. Try 20%.

    Jews ARE about 3% – of the American population, not the world.

  15. McCullough says:

    #13, Well don’t forget about Mister Mister.

  16. Ron Larson says:

    Reminds of the sign I saw at a CT grocery store “Free Range Lettuce”.

    I think they meant organic lettuce. I just laughed thinking about little heads of lettuce wandering around the farm.

  17. DaDimwit says:

    I could never convert to any religion that doesn’t eat bacon! It’s one of the major food groups.

  18. the Three-Headed Cat says:

    That reminds me of a synagogue in North Miami Beach I often passed by in my early teens. There was a permanent sign out front that read, ‘Free Soviet Jewry’.

    I often considered stopping in and asking why they didn’t fix the spelling error on the sign – and maybe picking out a nice necklace or something while I was there…

  19. Stu Mulne says:

    I’m going to head over to Wal-Mart and protest one of these days…. As soon as I finish my latkes….

    Basic Kosher or Parve food – the “Circle U” stuff – costs little or nothing extra. The “seriously” Kosher stuff (generally meats) is another (expensive) story. That, you can avoid…. (Some Jews won’t buy the “Circle U” goods – not Kosher enough….)

    “Parve” means “contains no milk”. Observant Jews can use these products with either milk-oriented or meat-oriented meals; we don’t mix ’em. Likewise this costs the non-Jewish (or non-observant) nothing….

    ‘Round Easter you’ll see “Kosher For Passover” (or “Pesach”). Those items DO cost a bit more and are “certified” to be made without leavened bread and related products. Non-observant folks can ignore these too….


  20. Balbas says:

    #12: There are multiple spellings based on how one looks at the Hebrew and then translates.

  21. DeLeMa says:

    # 10 and #13…this is truly the reason I like visiting here..I’ll be back after I get the ribs I busted from laughing fixed..

  22. Glenn E says:

    “A simple error, no violence by the Jewish community was proposed.”

    Well thank god for that! Isn’t this whole thing a bit silly and an over-reaction? It smacks of the flaps over that teddybear, and that dumb Danish cartoon, that got the Islamics angry. Nobody’s making a big deal over messing with the Christian holiday names. “Happy Holidays” or “Xmas” is all the jnews wants to refer to it as (because it might offend some guess-who or atheists, to call it Christmas).

    I once noticed that the Rugrats series had done episodes called “Chanukah”, “Passover” and “A Rugrats Kwanzaa”. But Thanksgiving was barely mentioned (and in October!), and Christmas was reduced to “The Santa Experience”. Nothing about Easter. Now I can understand why they stubbed the Christian holidays, as it’s a Jewish family. But they had an episode about Kwanzaa?! They somehow shoehorned that into the Carmichael family heritage. Inventing a “Great Aunt T” (who I guess was black) that came for a visit to celibrate it. I suspect this was to placate the black viewers. But they don’t give a hoot about the Christian viewers, at all. Couldn’t the Rugrats have any Christian friends or distant relatives? What christophobes!

  23. Mister Catshit says:

    #13, MM

    When I was a wee lad, we always called the yellow stuff “mouse dirt”, and the green chopped pickle stuff “real ass”. Guess what we called the red tomato stuff?

  24. MikeN says:

    Who says Hanukkah should only be celebrated by Jews?

  25. Bryan Price says:

    Hmmm, with the talk of shellfish not being kosher, and how Scientologists hate being referred to as clams or filter-feeders, there’s a good joke in there about a cannibalistic Jew and a Scientologist together on an island with nothing to eat.

    (Firefox’s dictionary has Scientology, but not Scientologist. Interesting…)

  26. Charles says:

    Every Jew I know eats pork. As a non Jew I protest.

  27. alan says:

    I am a non-observant jew. I don’t eat pig-based products or shellfish; never acquired the taste. Don’t like the smell of soy-based Bacos. Some food companies use the kosher marking as a marketing point; people assume higher standards of purity.

    The first letter in Hanukah cannot be pronounced in English – sounds a bit like throat clearing. Common use is to show it as “ch” because there is no “ch” sound in Hebrew. May not be a good choice as “ch” sounds even less like the actual sound of the letter. I’m not sure why there is a second “k” in some of the spelling. The “k” is not pronounced in both syllables.

    For anyone nterested, there is strict Jewish law that requires you to eat non-kosher food to save your life. There is also a joke that goes along with that, punchline is that after the gun-wielding intruder forces the jew to eat pork, they exchange places and have another chop.


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