
Walker’s Point is a little greener these days.

Last week, a 33-foot-tall windmill was installed to generate electricity for the oceanfront home of former President George H.W. Bush and his wife, Barbara…

The structure can produce an estimated 400 kilowatts a month at a wind speed of 12 mph. An average household uses about 600 kilowatts a month, Greig said.

The Bushes’ summer home needs little power during the winter, Greig said, so the wind turbine will likely feed energy to Central Maine Power Co. “When he comes up, he should have a substantial credit on his bill to start off the summer,” Greig said of Bush.

Don’t you wish some of those fiscal smarts were passed along to the bad seed?

Here’s the Skystream website. This particular model was developed with the DOE as a net-metering device with built-in inverter. I probably should include more info for the nerds in attendance who not only know little about electricity; but, even less about wind. :)

My neighbors with similar systems figure payback is about 8 years.

  1. the Three-Headed Cat says:

    Have the Old Man & Bar decided that they have a newfound sense of ecological responsiblilty, breaking ranks with all their friends, business associates and family involved in the petroleum-based-energy sector?

    Or did Deloitte & Touche advise them that installing a windmill would get them a healthy tax break on the property as well as provide good PR among those naïve enough to think that that family gives two shits about the environment?

    Well, I can’t presume to tell you what to think, but I have a pretty good guess…

  2. GigG says:

    It’s only an example of “fiscal smarts” if it is fiscally smart. There is no way this thing is going to produce 400 kilowatts a month. Is the wind always going to blow at 12 mph? Is there going to be times where the wind doesn’t clow at all.

    According to the website that makes the windmill it costs $5499.99. How long in the real world would it take to produce that much electricity?

  3. I think that this is in response of Kennedy Clan blocking wind-energy farm near their residence on Cape Cod…
    No matter the reason, every renewable energy application is welcome.

  4. Highqham says:

    Four-hundred kilowatts in a month?

    Do you mean 400 kilowatt-hours per month? Kilowatts are power; kilowatt-hours are energy. Kilowatt-hours per month are the typical way of measuring electrical energy usage (energy used over a given period).

  5. Awake says:

    It’s a strange America in which we live in…

    Should a branch of the US Government be allowed to take this kind of clearly partisan position?

    Official advertisement of the US Department of Commerce.

    ( In case the embed doesn’t work:
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XevRKc82soI )

  6. bill says:

    Reminds me of Al Bore,,, I demand a DNA test

  7. >>Should a branch of the US Government be
    >>allowed to take this kind of clearly
    >>partisan position?

    That’s not from the US Department of Commerce, it’s from the US CHAMBER of commerce, a bunch of pimps for polluters and other people who get rich off of spreading filth into our air- and waterways.

    Pollution brings a healthy economy! Go green, and the terrorists win!!

  8. moss says:

    Cripes. If you know nothing about alternative energy, try Google as your friend.

    The Maine coast is rated as class 4+ as a wind resource – which means commercial production using present-day technology is practical.

    There are even some pretty maps around for the science-challenged to look at.

  9. GetSmart says:

    Besides, if that windbag Cheney comes comes to visit, it goes up to at least 600 kilowatt hours.

  10. James Hill says:

    Angry liberals: You’re not interesting anymore.


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