• Yahoo adds photo editing to Flickr. Why?
  • File sharing Mom now targeted by DOJ.
  • Nokia doing HD phone. Cripes, for whom?
  • My complaints about Google News.
  • Zuckerberg lament.
  • Vista SP1 going into public testing.
  • I’m going to add sound bytes.
  • Director Michael Bay has crackpot theory about Microsoft and HD-DVD.
  • Will the holy grail of marketing revive Dell? I try to explain it.
  • And who is WPP?
  • Click to listen:

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  1. Perry Noiya says:

    KodakGallery.com (formerly Ofoto) has had online editing for awhile. While not useful for retouching it does let you use an old newspaper photographer trick. Shoot the scene with a SpeedGraphic with a wide lens and go back to the office and find the shot you wanted somewhere in the 4 by 5 inch negative.

    Kodak’s crop tool lets you crop for 4×6, 5×7, 8×10 and free aspect ratios. Kind of handy when you need a print of Aunt Stephanie without her drunken ex-husband, Bob, in the photo you uploaded last year.


  2. Robin says:

    Don’t stop complaing about news stories please! That’s the good thing about this podcast where you don’t just “accept” bad journalism or phoney press releases..

  3. Angel H. Wong says:

    Michael Bay is whinning because people are realizing that his movies are huge gold plated turds and he needs to pass on the blame.

  4. Glenn E says:

    Yeah, I recently rented the “Transformers” movie, and thought that it was otter crap! I heard that his “The Island” wasn’t any better. That saves me a rental. So why do they keep giving these kinds of directors, movies to direct? But cancel Tv shows that don’t have “good enough” ratings? You’d think that bad directors and bad actors would get weeded out eventually. But then there’s Paul Shore, right?


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