Megan Meier’s Mom

Megan Had It Coming: I’m Lori Drew — For anyone who has managed to follow the rather weird story about the girl who killed herself over a MySpace hoax, here is the backstory. It’s actually incredible and wholly believable if you’ve ever known any bi-polar people.


I’m Lori Drew

It’s time I dropped the charade. Yes, I made this blog. Yes, I’m Lori Drew.

My daughter had nothing to do with this. Everyone needs to leave her alone. None of you can possibly know her involvement, and none of you can possibly know what she’s gone through. She’s just a kid. She doesn’t deserve these brutal verbal attacks. Please stop.

Now that Mr. Banas has made public the announcement that there will be no charges filed against me or my family, I feel it is time to speak out about this tragic affair. I cannot count on any media organization to fairly represent my story, as they have grossly misrepresented and sensationalized the story so far. So, I must present my case here, on the blog that has been my only outlet.

You don’t understand what the last two years have been like, living in this town, dealing with these people. When we came here, the Meiers seemed like a great family with whom we could form a friendship. Tina sold us our house and our little girls became fast friends. It was typical. Sleepovers and vacations and events in the community. The girls were inseparable….

But things turn sour and it is necessary to create a fake MySpace page to keep the Meiers girl at bay. Something is needed to distract her. Things quickly spin out of control.

Megan was screaming at Josh for answers on who he had been talking to: she wanted to know who ratted her out so she could take out revenge on them, too. I shared Megans messages with everyone involved and encouraged everyone to stand up against her and not take her crap anymore.

Instead, once the word got out about Megan, so did all her romantic replies, as well as a few secrets and the MySpace crowd ganged up on her.But I didnt realize that this group would react that way. I expected a certain amount of bullying, and I was OK with it. I wanted Megan to get a taste of what she had been dishing out this whole time. But I didnt want it to go as far as it did. Its true that the slut and fat references came out of what I shared. And by the time I was done with work on that day, the bullying against Megan had progressed pretty far. I had heard about the “better off without you” message and thats when I told everyone to cool it. Megan had been punished enough, and I was satisfied that she would think twice before bullying or manipulating anyone again. I don’t know who wrote that “better off without you” message.

I would advise reading the whole thing. It’s an eye-opener. Some will wonder if it is a hoax. The likelihood is low since this sort of thing would cause legal action if done by a third party. That assumes a third party would know the law. The St. Louis reporters think this site is a hoax.

And then there are the rather juvenile comments following the story worth some disdain.

related link:
typical shallow news report on the story

  1. jackie74 says:

    i think lori drew is a sick person because making up a name to get a little 13 year old girls hopes up that she met a boy on myspace i think lori drew needs to be in jail

  2. Kill Lori Drew and her family! says:

    Murder Lori Drew and her whole fucking family! Or better yet, bully them until they all kill themselves… haha!

  3. Leopard Bite says:

    “Getting involved” in middle school drama is like “getting involved” in a puppy fight. All of us thirteen year olds are programmed to snarl and snap and lunge at each other, and as long as no one gets involved we’re perfectly safe. Trying to break up a puppy fight with a lawnmower isn’t the best of ideas, because hell, woman, your puppy isn’t so precious that the other pup should end up as a doggie purĂ©e.

  4. blah says:

    u r crazy, an adult, a sane person would not have done this, there is no excuse for your sordid behaviour. you not only wrecked a family’s you also wreck your own daughters life. you should be ashamed and praying everyday for the redemption of your soul, if you have one that is.

  5. blah says:

    That woman is crazy, an adult, a sane person would not have done this, there is no excuse for her sordid behaviour. she not only wrecked a family’s life she has also wrecked her own daughters life. she should be ashamed and praying everyday for the redemption of your soul, if she has one that is. Take responsibilty for your actions and get some help.

  6. femalepimp says:

    Look lori even if megan hurt your daughter you had no right to do something like this. If megan was saying stuff about your kid at school why didnt you talk to her mom or the princible at the school. You deserve to go 2 jail 4 a good 20 yrs. Or get hanged by a person craizer than you. There better not be a next time you do this to someone eles. Because you need 2 start acting like an adult instead of a 13 yr old girl.

  7. OrangeOranges says:

    How can this woman live with herself? Really trying to defend yourself?I hope she’s happy that a 13 year committed suicide. She has to live with it her whole life. She deserves at least 50 years to life. Don’t even try to defend yourself lady. You are a sick woman.

  8. tonibaby1993 says:

    Lori, you as an adult should never have gotten involved. you are the adult and should have known the consequences. if your daughter and megan were not friends anymore oh well. friends come and go but you took it upon yourself to make a fake account and bully and harrass a 13 year old girl to the point of death. you having a child should have understood that its not okay to do that. how would you like for someone, a grown ass woman at that, to bully and harrass your 13 year old daughter? you’d be pisses

    i believe that you pretty much murdered megan and with that said you should rot in hell. i think you’re and unfit mother and should have your child taken away.

  9. Me says:

    Lori Drew when will you kill yourself, I can’t wait to see that news story.

  10. Monica Catherine says:

    Lori Drew… you are pathetic. You say “living in this town dealing with THESE people.” I am sure everyone in town refers to you and your family as “those people” THEY have to deal with. To be a grown woman and bully a 13 year old to “give her a taste of her own medicine.” is truly the definition of pathetic. Don’t you know how to be a mature adult and handle the situation? Talk to the parents, go to the school, but to stoop as low as a ignorant child is amazing to me. You called this girl “fat” and a “slut?” What is wrong with you? Well at least all of the world knows who you are know, so you are truly getting a taste of YOUR OWN MEDICINE! I hope people let you know, you are a crazy, pathetic, overweight, fake, ugly person inside and out. And I am sure your daughter is a nasty girl considering who raised her. You are scum. You make me, and I’m sure several others ill, just to know a person like you exists. You will get yours… your whole family will.

  11. Fuslas says:

    Lori Drew, if you wrote this or not, is absolutely a mimsy. The definition of mimsy will not be found in a dictionary, it’s is slang, a British word to be exact. Its definition is a flimsy, miserable, vagina. I hope your family is tortured by guilt, as apparently you are unaffected by it. I expect, and hope, for you to be bullied for the rest of your life, or have someone do the same to your child. Your child is innocent, as was Megan, so I hope the fates pass karma along to you. I’ve seen your pic, you look horrendous. I’d rather do a grapefruit than you. May the rest of your life be clouded and I hope tragedy is constant. An eye for an eye is the old saying. So here’s my theory, create a fake page and berate and insult your own daughter. Do it while smiling, or having a glass of wine, and talk about it while laughing. Do it to the point where she is in tears, then tell her that the world would be better without her. Seems hard to do right, well you fuckin did it you pathetic mimsy. Your the type who doesn’t deserve prison, you deserve public humiliation and berating till the day you die you old ass thumbsucker. Tell bin laden hello while you burn in hell

  12. Jackie says:

    I’m so sorry that this happened it shouldn’t have gone as far as it did infact it shouldn’t have started up at all. I often wonder why is it so hard for people to just love one another? it just seems like hating is easier for alot of people and it’s really sad. so please if u can try to spread more love instead of hate the world has enough evil in it no need to add more fuel to the fire those who do wrong will forever live for what they have done. there is a consequence for every negative action but the way I see it the more love and support we give each other the less negative actions there will be to deal with we owe it to ourselves to try something different since the way things are now isn’t working for us. MUCH LOVE TO EVERYONE 🙂

  13. Lindsaylou11 says:


  14. JustAUsername says:

    Lori if this is you I searched up Megan Meier after watching Cyberbullying and was crashed that a GROWN WOMEN MADE THIS POOR GIRL KILL HERSELF WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU I HOPE YOUR FAMILY SUFFERS LIKE SHE DID! Burn in hell!

  15. Karma'sABitchHUH? says:

    You have to the worst person alive, you don’t do that to a person and expect that nothing bad’s going to happen! I mean come on I know you wanted to protect you kid but from what… life? Life happens, things happen, you don’t go and do the stuff that you do!
    Karma’s a bitch but then so are you………

  16. Loveunderlaw says:

    This was really sad, & enraging all at the same time. Lori Drew is filth that doesn’t deserve to live!

  17. jc5050 says:

    for all those people who are saying megan deserved it. you are cruel people. she was a 13 yr old girl who did not understand. kids bully, that is how the world is. that bitch lori drew was 48 yrs old!!! what the fuck is wrong with her? she is a grown woman bullying a young lady almost 30 years younger. for those of you whom have kids especially teenage daughters. think how you would feel. if another grown woman was sending your daughter nasty messages and it lead her to end her life. people who chose suicide do no deserve it. they just can not cop with life. and it is a tragic thing the woman should have just left it alone. and it says no where that the mothers tried to work things out with the children. lori drew is filth and does not deserve the life god had given her.

    • Concerned parent says:

      I’m sorry but I have to call bullshit to your statement that a 13yr old doesn’t understand bullying they know perfectly well what they’re doing and they don’t care, and a lot of it is due to the fact that their parents don’t give a shit and don’t put a stop to it or sit their kids down and reprimand them when they do find out. And to say that’s just what kids do, what the hell is wrong with you!? Do you not understand what bullying does to a childs pysche? I was bullyed up until High School to the point where I was a bit of a recluse. My daughter who is only 9 is continously getting bullyed at school. Nothing is more heart breaking than watching your child cry hysterically for the ridicule they had received that day at school. Let’s look at all the evil that can come from kids bullying because that’s what they do. Why don’t you explain that to the parents, children and spouses that lost a loved one during Columbine High’s tragic shooting. The killers were bullyed and snapped. By all means, I’m not in ANY way condoning what Lori Drew did. What she did was cruel and malicious and she deserved either jail time or serious physciatric treatment. But don’t make bullying sound like it’s just harmless fun!

  18. pissedoffedperson#303334345300 says:

    I’ve just read about the outcome of the My[__] case, and it truly pisses me off how a grown woman would do this to a thirteen year old child and get away with it. I hope you have a horrible life from now on! You deserve it!
    And if this is lori drew, note that even after 4 years, the world still thinks of you as an evil- assed bitch.

  19. Hippo says:

    I have no idea if you really are Lori Drew, but you must be thrilled to have all charges against you dropped.

    Now you can go back to over-eating and figuring out your next sadistic plot.

  20. Rick Lawrence says:

    How absolutely psychotic can you be to say, as a “mature adult” that a 13-year-old girl deserved to die? How can you take pride in the fact that you mentally and emotionally abused and harassed a 13-year-old girl into committing suicide? Lori Drew is a fucking disgusting human being, and surely even her daughter is disgusted by her mother’s despicable stance on her actions. This is a woman I pray is subjected to a long, drawn out, excrutiatingly painful torture before meeting a violent end. Divine Justice. Karma.

    • Hippo says:

      To Rick:

      I am really hoping this blog is some kind of hoax. It’s too disgusting to be real.

  21. Derek says:

    You as a grown woman taking part in something like this really says a lot about you. No matter how small your part was in this “fake account” the fact is that were the reason why this little girl is now dead. Let look at his in a different perspective. What if this was your daughter. Do you honestly think it would have been all right if her parent took part in the “Pranking” of your daughter. You are so SAD. I hope the harassment does stop for your family sake. But I hope that you realize the damaged that you have caused, and that because of you a girl took her life.
    You’re a grown woman, you are psychologically not correct. You should really seek professional help.

  22. chrissie says:

    This was probably one of the most horrific stories I’ve read in a while. This woman, trying to defend herself against tormenting a little girl until she killed herself? there is no defense for that, it’s evil, pure and simple…
    And about the bullying that that girl inflicted on Lori’s daughter, all junior high students are cruel, ruthless little bastards that will emotionally scar one or more of their peers. Its a fact, and it sucks, but its true… Singling one little girl out for the behavior that all kids take part in is just fucking stupid. In fact, its so stupid that i doubt it was the reasoning behind Loris attacks. She prolly did it because shes an evil evil bitch,

  23. Lucy says:

    As much as I think it is despicable for any adult to behave this way, I caution others to be careful not to stoop to her level of cyber bullying. Unfortunately, justice was not done and this woman did get away with having a hand in the death of a young girl. This is sad and wrong. However, calling her names and wishing death upon her isn’t going to help a thing – it is only going to spread more hate. Do you think she really cares about what you think? A woman who is so far gone as to feel heartless about what she did isn’t going to be moved by your words of hatred against her. The only thing you are doing is stooping to her level and cyberbullying as she did (and even saying similar things as she did).

  24. ImAPoserLikeYou says:

    listen here you immature fucking bitch, i am asshamed to be a prt of the human race as long as your considered a human. what kind of “adult” would even do that in the first place?! you must have a sad, sad little life.. here are my wishes to you. – i hope your daughter kills herself. – i hope that you get beat up everywhere you go – i hope you rot in hell – i hope you become paralyzed and people still beat you up – i hope your family goes broke and lives on the street and then kills themeselves too.. your a heartless mother fucking cunt. you dont deserve to live. all you deserve is misery and pain. funny its 4 years later but i still hate u bitch. good day.

  25. Nocureforstupid says:

    If this really is Lori Drew, I have a question for you. If Megan was all the things you accuse her of, wouldn’t you agree she was mentally ill and needed help? You decide you are going to “teach her a lesson”. Who are you to make that kind of decision? What training have you had that gives you that right? You truly are the really sick person all of these commentors loath. I don’t want to stoop to your level of insensitivity, but you really deserve everything your getting.

  26. Becca says:

    IM SORRY WHAT YOUVE BEEN GOING THROUGH?! what about what Megan went through? what about what her family is going through. You deserve all the hell that is coming to you. You are a poor excuse for a human being and disgust me.

  27. David says:

    Im gonna hit every angle…1. Lori, i understand you love your kid…but so did megans parents! 2. i am a young 26 yr old male parent of 3, if my kids get bullied damn straight im taking action but not in a cowardly-sit-behind-a-keyboar- and- fake-my-identity kinda way! thats a pos person for ya…3. i also am targeting parents of the kids doing the bullying…smack your kids and discipline them, fuck all the new bullshit laws cps is putting into place for their own commissioned based jobs. they make money off of every child they take out of a home and more loney for putting them in adoptive car (new york) discipline your fhcking kids but also show them you love them so they dont bully…4. parents of the bullied kids, ipen your god damn eyes, study and know yiur child if theyre coming home with a sad face all the time..its not how they are its how tbeyre getting made to feel morons!

  28. Jessica lew says:

    Lori drew, if this really is you then all I have to say is how dare you. How dare you try and justify you actions in the suicide of this 13 year old child, you were 49 years old at the time. You were an adult, and you should have been held accountable. If you thought Megan was spreading rumors about your daughter why did you not go directly to her parents, why create a fake MySpace profile. I don’t know about anyone else in this forum but I do know what it feels like to be bullied and harassed, obviously you do not. If you did you never would have willingly created a fake MySpace profile designed to hurt an innocent child. You are a mean person ms drew and although a jury couldn’t find you guilty you are. Your words and actions murdered that little girl just remember that

  29. Samone johnson says:

    Lori drew is a sad excuse of a human being not a low life but a no life heartless evil bitch…how could you really call yourself a mother when ur actions show nothing but childishness she should have been locked under the jail and left to ROT! Ugh lori drew discuses me…

  30. Samone johnson says:

    Lori drew is a sad excuse of a human being not a low life but a no life heartless evil bitch…how could you really call yourself a mother when ur actions show nothing but childishness she should have been locked under the jail and left to ROT! Ugh lori drew discuses me…SHE WAS ONLY 13 and for you to say she had it coming 13 and bitch how many decades have you been on this earth compared…shakin my mutha fuckn really need to go find the HIGHIEST buildin in the WORLD and JUMP OFF…ingnorent bitch


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