Megan Meier’s Mom

Megan Had It Coming: I’m Lori Drew — For anyone who has managed to follow the rather weird story about the girl who killed herself over a MySpace hoax, here is the backstory. It’s actually incredible and wholly believable if you’ve ever known any bi-polar people.


I’m Lori Drew

It’s time I dropped the charade. Yes, I made this blog. Yes, I’m Lori Drew.

My daughter had nothing to do with this. Everyone needs to leave her alone. None of you can possibly know her involvement, and none of you can possibly know what she’s gone through. She’s just a kid. She doesn’t deserve these brutal verbal attacks. Please stop.

Now that Mr. Banas has made public the announcement that there will be no charges filed against me or my family, I feel it is time to speak out about this tragic affair. I cannot count on any media organization to fairly represent my story, as they have grossly misrepresented and sensationalized the story so far. So, I must present my case here, on the blog that has been my only outlet.

You don’t understand what the last two years have been like, living in this town, dealing with these people. When we came here, the Meiers seemed like a great family with whom we could form a friendship. Tina sold us our house and our little girls became fast friends. It was typical. Sleepovers and vacations and events in the community. The girls were inseparable….

But things turn sour and it is necessary to create a fake MySpace page to keep the Meiers girl at bay. Something is needed to distract her. Things quickly spin out of control.

Megan was screaming at Josh for answers on who he had been talking to: she wanted to know who ratted her out so she could take out revenge on them, too. I shared Megans messages with everyone involved and encouraged everyone to stand up against her and not take her crap anymore.

Instead, once the word got out about Megan, so did all her romantic replies, as well as a few secrets and the MySpace crowd ganged up on her.But I didnt realize that this group would react that way. I expected a certain amount of bullying, and I was OK with it. I wanted Megan to get a taste of what she had been dishing out this whole time. But I didnt want it to go as far as it did. Its true that the slut and fat references came out of what I shared. And by the time I was done with work on that day, the bullying against Megan had progressed pretty far. I had heard about the “better off without you” message and thats when I told everyone to cool it. Megan had been punished enough, and I was satisfied that she would think twice before bullying or manipulating anyone again. I don’t know who wrote that “better off without you” message.

I would advise reading the whole thing. It’s an eye-opener. Some will wonder if it is a hoax. The likelihood is low since this sort of thing would cause legal action if done by a third party. That assumes a third party would know the law. The St. Louis reporters think this site is a hoax.

And then there are the rather juvenile comments following the story worth some disdain.

related link:
typical shallow news report on the story

  1. YoungGeneration says:

    If this is the true and hideous Lori Drew, I find it funny that she tells people to stop tormenting and hurting her child and her family when in fact Lori Drew herself as done the same but must worse.
    The fact that she did not apologize and told the suffering family that she feels no grief for what she has done is just disgusting. She went out of her way to hire a young adult to fight with a young child on Myspace just to see what the girl was saying about her daughter. I am sixteen and being young I still have the common sense to understand that everyone talks about everyone. It is how our society has built itself to be. I have no doubt in my mind that Lori Drew herself as never spoken a word about somebody else as a child and even now as an adult, if you could even call her that. You can not stop someone from talking about your children no matter how hard you try.
    I don’t find it to be a big deal that Megan stopped being friends with her daughter. Everyone has friendships that fail and they move on because the fact is they are going to make new friends while growing up. You can not force a friendship on to someone; it just does not work that way.
    Not only is it creepy that she hired someone to create a MySpace and talk to Megan but she also was an adult pretending to be someone else acting as if they were trying to start a relationship with Megan and the relationship they were created was not just a regular one but a romantic one. You have a middle aged woman, posing as someone generations younger, and trying to start a relationship with a girl in hopes of getting information out of her. Just because there were no charges does not mean Lori did nothing wrong. She was an imposter trying to have the identity of a young male. She wrote messages saying to a young girl with self esteem issues that she was fat and a slut. Come on the girl already had problems and posing as a boyfriend to her and saying these things are just going to hurt so much worse. It would hurt anybody if the person they liked, loved, or cared for said such harsh things. Lori called Megan a slut. How could Megan be a slut if this was the first male who she has ever started a relationship romantically with?
    When Lori wrote this blog writing about how supposable “Megan was screaming at Josh for answers on who he had been talking to: she wanted to know who ratted her out so she could take out revenge on them, too. I shared Megan’s messages with everyone involved and encouraged everyone to stand up against her and not take her crap anymore.” Maybe Megan did ask, talk, or scream at Josh to find out who said she was a bad friend but how could Lori act as if what Megan did was out of control when Lori herself is doing the same exact thing? You encouraged your hired adult, your daughter, and you to “stand up against her and not take her crap anymore.” Not take Megan’s crap anymore? She is a child and cyber bullying her is not going to get you anywhere. You encouraged the people that help you cause all this mess to do this and they did so asking people to leave your daughter alone, for she has done nothing as you say, is ridiculous. Blame yourself for all the things your daughter is going through because they were all brought upon her by you
    Lori complains about the past two years and what her family and her have been through. Lori how about you stop and think about what The Meier’s have been dealing with the past two years. Suppose the tables were turn and your daughter was the dead one, you would be doing the same things The Meier’s have done. It’s not easy losing a love one especially when the death of the person is not that person’s time to go. Do you ever realize that if you just let your child and Megan have there argument and grow up separately this would never be happening. A child would not of committed suicide, your family would not be hated by all, and everyone could live there lives as planned.
    I must now write as if Lori did not make this blog. Everything I have said before this paragraph I feel needs to be said whether or not she did make this blog. Many people need to understand this case is so serious and so unjust, that facts are it could happen to anyone. Being cautious and aware of cases similar to these are not only helpful but are also needed. Times have changed and many people are starting to see the world as it really is, cold and unfair.
    I am young, sixteen year old as I said before, and I have dealt with cyber bullies but not to the extent of what Megan has faced. My parents did not monitor my MySpace but I learned that in order to stop the pain I needed to get my priorities straight. I deleted my MySpace, my Xanga, my Face book, my Live Journal, and my AOL Instant Messaging Service. I dealt with life without using a computer to socialize and instead just using a telephone or speaking to them directly. All these websites made today are getting more ridiculous as time goes on and I agree completely with the Meier’s that some type of law needs to be done. It’s just saddens me when children are more mature and have more common sense than adults.

  2. The king says:

    That was just worng of u to do this to a 13 year old girl.You should had never gone this low with a 13 year old girl. Lucky u didn’t go to jail for this. I would put u in for life.

  3. love my life22 says:

    i think that it was wrong and that was that but she kind of wrong for killing her self 1st of all you never let and boy get thed best of you and you never should you let and boy do that i thgink ya that was wrong for what they did but at ther same time they paying for it to so let them live and you should to! everyone make bab choices and everyone is payin gfor it

  4. The king says:

    U wnt 2 Low for this

  5. The Tiger Boy says:

    U were very wroung for doing that to the girl. I would have put u in jail for life. I bet this was not the first time u did this. 1st of she shouldn’t even kill herself for a guy that she never met that was just plain stupid. If u dont go to jail, just wait when u go down.

  6. love my life22 says:


  7. bildgepump says:

    At some point since the time when I was a teenager (Late 80’s Early 90’s), it seems that adults have lost touch with what used to be a concrete barrier between themselves and children.

    Regardless of it’s authenticity or Megan’s mental state…how did a grown woman EVER have the idea to toy with a child in this manner?

    18 years old…wasn’t the age you had to be to content in the adult world. There is far too little discussion of the basic breach of trust committed here: ADULTS CANNOT FUCK WITH KIDS, NO EXCEPTIONS. Those who do, be they clergy, or cunts from the block, I say get ’em up against the fucking wall.

    Baffled in NYC

  8. rescuemom212 says:

    What I have to say in this case is that to wrongs do not make a right Lori Drew, and to say she had it coming to her, I would have to ask you what can of mother are you. I think that would should teach our kids to teat people they, they want to be teated. I also belive that the type of behavior that you said Megan was displaying in normal teenage girl stuff, which we all had to deal with as girl. My mother did not run around behind me and call every little girl a name when she called me one. It’s this the time in a girl’s life that she should learned that some people are not true friends. What I have to say to you Lori Drew is this I do not belive that you killed Megan, because Magen could think for her self, but I do say is that by you getting in the middle of what should have been just a teenage girl fight look at what it has done to your child. I am sure that things people are saying about her most worst then what Megan could have every said about. The fact the somewhere in the back of your child mind she will always ask her self if Megan would still be alive if was not for her, however we know that this is not the case.Lori I do past judgment on you I am just telling you how a fill about the store.If their is any judgement that needs to be past God will do so in his own time. To all other mothers out their who my read this please just let your teenage girls works thing out by them self. I myself had a friend the same when I was growing up on again off again, and now in a adult life we are pretty good friends.

  9. Charley Varrick says:

    I just read this for the first time. Wow! A grown woman does this to a kid? Why hasn’t she been charged? This is incredible. I sure hope this Lori Drew dies a horrible death for putting a child through this agony. Think of the parents of the deceased girl. And that fat slob who helped Lori Drew do this I sure hope she keeps gaining weight. If there is a justice system charge her. I’m happy to know that others have helped put her husband out of work. I sure hope this Lori Drew loses her business too. Lori Drew is just a fat slob daughter of Satan!

  10. a_caring_individual says:

    I cannot understand why Drew does not face either involuntary manslaughter charges or sex crime charges. Drew admits to her intent to mess with and manipulate Meier – and the outcome is that Meier is dead. Did Meier hang herself because of conversations she had with Drew and because Drew divulged those conversations to Meier’s circle of friends? My opinion, yes. Would Meier be alive if Drew did not mess with her? My opinion, yes.

    Drew also admits to the conversation turning sexual, and Drew did this under an alias. This sounds like the behavior of sexual predator to me – but I’m not judge.

    What kinda of demented adult does this to a child?

    Now she is crying because people are saying things about *her* daughter? Come on, Drew, they are, as you say, “just messin with her.”

    Drew may not have formal charges against her but the court of public opinion has certainly convicted and sentenced her – and in my opinion her life of turmoil is well deserved.

    That final line you sent is poetic justice and karmic comeuppance – “Everybody in O’Fallon knows how you are. You are a bad person and everybody hates you. Have a shitty rest of your life. “

  11. aw says:

    Lori Drew — Shame on you! Thank goodness people are beginning to see the severity in regulating internet activity — as the FCC does with TV… May you rot in jail you moronic piece of shit. May not only you, but your daughter, as well be tormented by your stupid actions. I’m sorry, but you had NO place in this, and your daughter should have had the balls to handle her own situation. Have you ever heard of just walking away from a bad situation. Obviously, you and your pathetic daughter had not. You chose to get into it on such a pathetic level, and brought such horrific consequences. Again, may you rot in jail and I hope your family now feels the horrors that you inflicted on another.

  12. ms. m says:

    I envy Megans mom for being able to control herself, Lori Drew would not have been able to write the blog if that was my daughter. (insert imagination here)

  13. zoe says:

    Lori Drew is a fat, pathetic loser. What kind of adult stoops to the level of a catty 13 year old girl? Shouldn’t you be trying to teach your daughter how to handle problems with dignity, wisdom and maturity? What kind of example are you setting for them? Bullying needs to be addressed adult to adult, not adult to child, unless it’s your own child you are addressing. Stop trying to pose yourself as a victim here. You are an adult, not a 13 year old girl with obvious self-esteem issues. Even if you didn’t write those awful last comments, you are the responsible one for this girl’s death since you set up the account to begin with and YOU ARE THE ADULT. You are a disgusting human being. Stupid people really shouldn’t have children.

  14. Lola says:

    An important part of parenting is BEING a parent and not your child’s friend. Kids have alot of friends – they need a parent in their mother and father. They need love, guidance, support and discipline. Part of growing up is learning how to deal with other people and negative situations. As the mother of a teenage daughter this type of situation between pre-teen and teen girls is far from unusual. Beyond giving their child love, support and advice, they should think carefully before directly intervening in their children’s spats with their friends and certainly NEVER in the way that Lori Drew did. The problem with many mothers is that they are too wrapped up in their children’s lives — they basically live vicariously through their teenage daughters. I saw this time and time again with my daughter’s acquaintances and friends and their mothers.

  15. think says:

    Though I don’t by any means agree with Lori’s actions, if the blog is truly her side of the story, i can understand a mother becoming emotionally involved in the wellbeing of her child. Lori OBVIOUSLY went all the way over the ship and into the ocean, but let’s not try to erase the complexity of the issue just b/c there’s a dead girl. Americans get soooooooo caught up in one-sidedness…this person is all right…this person is allll wrong. NO! Neither was all right nor wrong, and no one deserves all of the blame. Anyone so stupid as to simplify things that steeply should take a course in critical f’ing thinking.

  16. Dan says:

    Well, she was arrested and faces 20 years in jail.

  17. Anon says:


  18. Mr Aggravated says:

    In my opinion, this is the outcome that lori drew wanted. She knew very well that the girl was deppressive and unstable, and yet she still (metaphorically speaking) gave her a knife and told her to kill herself. If you do these things to such a person, there’s only one possible outcome without the aid of outside help, and there was none.
    The blame is all on lori drew, and u cannot say its the girls fault because you have no idea why she is the way she is.
    In the end, even though it was not directly, lori drew killed the poor girl

  19. San Antonio Texas says:

    Lori, you are supposed to lead by example. You are the adult in the situation. With hope, if the justice system works the way it supposed to you will be prosecuted for your poor actions. This was a child with issues, what were you thinking?

  20. paulpro says:

    Lori Drew is the dumbest parent on planet earth.. Any parent who does this type of crap is no better than a 10 year old child. Anyone defending this dumb idiots actions towards a 13 year old girl are equally as stupid.,

    Personally, I would like to see Lori Drew clubbed like a baby seal..

  21. Steve S says:


    Lori Drew, 49, of suburban St. Louis, Missouri, was charged with conspiracy and fraudulently gaining access to someone else’s computer. She allegedly helped create a MySpace account in the name of someone who didn’t exist to convince young neighbor Megan Meier she was chatting with a 16-year-old boy named Josh Evans.

  22. upset says:

    lori drew should pay for her crime. twenty years is not enough.

  23. Madmc5 says:

    I would like to see Lori Drew clubbed WITH A BABY SEAL.

  24. Madmac5 says:

    I would like to see Lori Drew clubbed WITH A BABY SEAL.

  25. Amrit says:

    It’s nice to read that Lori was finally charged and Megan get to rest in peace. Does anyone has the full source (full content) of the blog written by Drew?

  26. valerie21 says:

    i feel that the mother (lori drew),her daugther9(sarah drew) and ashely grills should all get in jail time!!!!! they will face god at the end.!!!! my heart goes out to megan and her family…. r.i.p megan meier

  27. iBagwan says:

    For all of you saying that the poor girl was mentally ill and that she would have done it any way you need to stop and consider what you are saying. If you have not raised a young girl then you have no right to judge that girl because most teenage girls are extremely volatile and emotional. For a grown woman to even condone her child harassing another young girl, not to mention a whole community of teens, is completely unacceptable. These young girls are going through an extremely hard time in their lives and most of them grow up to be completely normal and productive women. So stop giving Lori any excuse for what she did, there is none. She was the adult and she was the parent and she should have known better.

  28. Disgusted says:

    I can not believe that this woman was not sent to prison. How can a *Mother* do this to an unstable child (and I believe that all teenagers are unstable)? This makes me want to vomit!!

  29. Kris says:

    Your a terrible person and charges should be taken because you killed a girl and “The world will be better off without YOU”

  30. sonny says:

    I think that an adult should really have had better judgment than to start this whole mess in the first place.

    I am a parent and have witnessed teen rivalry but, I have never been tempted to harass a young child to the point that she ends her own life.

    Honestly, I think Lori Drew is trying to be friends with her daughter and her friends instead of behaving like an adult and a parent.

    I am a firm believer in karma, it is my belief that Lori Drew will suffer a loss of life in her family, and rightfully so, due to her own actions. This will be karma coming back to bite her in the azz.

    If I was a child of Lori Drews, I would be careful about being out in stormy weather, or just being anywhere that karma can strike. Oh wait, you can’t, oh well, good luck.

    You only have your mother to thank.


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