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Megan Had It Coming: I’m Lori Drew — For anyone who has managed to follow the rather weird story about the girl who killed herself over a MySpace hoax, here is the backstory. It’s actually incredible and wholly believable if you’ve ever known any bi-polar people.
I’m Lori Drew
It’s time I dropped the charade. Yes, I made this blog. Yes, I’m Lori Drew.
My daughter had nothing to do with this. Everyone needs to leave her alone. None of you can possibly know her involvement, and none of you can possibly know what she’s gone through. She’s just a kid. She doesn’t deserve these brutal verbal attacks. Please stop.
Now that Mr. Banas has made public the announcement that there will be no charges filed against me or my family, I feel it is time to speak out about this tragic affair. I cannot count on any media organization to fairly represent my story, as they have grossly misrepresented and sensationalized the story so far. So, I must present my case here, on the blog that has been my only outlet.
You don’t understand what the last two years have been like, living in this town, dealing with these people. When we came here, the Meiers seemed like a great family with whom we could form a friendship. Tina sold us our house and our little girls became fast friends. It was typical. Sleepovers and vacations and events in the community. The girls were inseparable….
But things turn sour and it is necessary to create a fake MySpace page to keep the Meiers girl at bay. Something is needed to distract her. Things quickly spin out of control.
Megan was screaming at Josh for answers on who he had been talking to: she wanted to know who ratted her out so she could take out revenge on them, too. I shared Megans messages with everyone involved and encouraged everyone to stand up against her and not take her crap anymore.
Instead, once the word got out about Megan, so did all her romantic replies, as well as a few secrets and the MySpace crowd ganged up on her.But I didnt realize that this group would react that way. I expected a certain amount of bullying, and I was OK with it. I wanted Megan to get a taste of what she had been dishing out this whole time. But I didnt want it to go as far as it did. Its true that the slut and fat references came out of what I shared. And by the time I was done with work on that day, the bullying against Megan had progressed pretty far. I had heard about the “better off without you” message and thats when I told everyone to cool it. Megan had been punished enough, and I was satisfied that she would think twice before bullying or manipulating anyone again. I don’t know who wrote that “better off without you” message.
I would advise reading the whole thing. It’s an eye-opener. Some will wonder if it is a hoax. The likelihood is low since this sort of thing would cause legal action if done by a third party. That assumes a third party would know the law. The St. Louis reporters think this site is a hoax.
And then there are the rather juvenile comments following the story worth some disdain.
related link:
typical shallow news report on the story
I have to agree with Senor StrongBad. I realize that this blog is more than likely fake, but it presents a side to the story few people consider. Why should so much sympathy go to some girl who killed herself over a slew of name-calling and a fake Internet romance? I swear, people are getting stupider and stupider. If you think, “Oh Ben how can you say that yur so f’ed up lol!!1” Well, I wonder why it is that this Drew woman went out of her way to antagonize one of her daughter’s little ex-playmates. Oh! Because Megan was apparently being a little bitch to everybody. It isn’t normally the responsibility of the parent to avenge the child, but as far as I can see, that’s a parent who cares. It comes down to one thing; Lex Talionis. Natural law that states that justice is delivered in kind and degree matching the crime. This whole incident was little more than trading insults, and whose fault is it that Megan took them so personally? Hers! Megan was no victim of the Drews; she was a victim of her own stupidity and pretentiousness. When did mommy and daddy say “Oh, honey; sticks and stones…” Never, apparently. They did nothing. They apparently did nothing to prevent this from happening. They never asked questions. They never looked into her Net usage. They definitely never even asked about her new “boyfriend,” otherwise they would have had the sense to say that on-line romances are fake, superficial, and pointless. As far as I’m concerned, Lex Talionis played out perfectly. Insults were given, returned, and the initial offender was so struck that they did they did away with themselves. There are no victims here, only petty squabblers and a dismissed lawsuit that will never hold any water. Oh, and Megan’s “sickness?” Again, the parents’ fault. Surely she had some sort of stabilizing medication or therapy. If not, then I think her parents should be slapped with involuntary manslaughter. Not to mention, a few undesirable genes were removed from the pool. Suicide for anything other than medical reasons is a mark of stupidity. Get over yourselves and put down all this altruistic bullshit. All in all, I blame one person; Megan.
Ben DuPlantier, you’re a clueless twit. The trio of mother-daughter-employee spent many weeks setting up this 13 year-old girl. The spent those weeks laughing behind her back, sharing information with other teens to further mock and humiliate her.
When Megan committed suicide because of a long-time friend’s desire to play child-predator, it was because of a pre-meditated, long-term effort on the part of many – orchestrated by mother and daughter.
The manipulation extends to having others do the work you want to do yourself. These are the actions of a psychopath. The manipulation extends to playing with the minds of other teens to help destroy Megan.
Know you enemies… Lori Drew and Daughter knew Megan Meier for many years and took advantage of every single aspect of her life and vulnerabilites.
That kind of behvaior is apparently ok with you.
You have any kids? Probably not, you sick fuq! You wouldn’t be mouthing off like the depressed, lonely and cynical man who spends too much time angry at the world because things aren’t working out for him.
I have no idea what the truth is but even if Megan was the worst teen ever I would have discouraged my child to do this “prank”
Lori Drew you are an animal. No,worst than an animal.
A video of a vigil for Megan is posted at sccworlds.com. This local site also has stories concerning the MEgan Meier case.
Please look at them.
While the Megan Meier case seems outrageous and unique, it isn’t. Hundreds of cases of egregious and heinous acts go on every day with the same excuses out of our lawmakers.
One such other case….The case of Nikki Catsouras, is a classic example of disgusting, hateful activity against innocent victims, while our lawmakers excuse themselves from enacting laws to prevent this.
The excuse lawmakers use to let themselves off the hook stem from the growth of the Internet and how fast it’s changing. This is a sham.
Chat rooms, message boards, instant messengers and email have been in existence for far over a decade now. While the software used to transmit messages changes slightly, the basic essence of using the Internet to send a message is largely the same. Is a decade or two long enough to establish some basic decency laws in regards to Internet usage?
I’ve posted the Nikki Catsouras story along with many details about the Megan Meier case so the inactivity out of our lawmakers towards these types of cases can be clearly seen.
Those who are interested in learning about cases like Megan’s and Nikki’s case are encouraged to drop by and comment on them. I have a couple of polls set up as well. Danny Vice would like to hear your point of view.
Public awareness of the problem and discussions about possible solutions are the best way to pressure elected officials into action instead of excuse making.
I invite you to come by and share your opinion.
Danny Vice
Ben DuPlantier, you obviously don’t know anyone that is suffering from depression. And you obviously have not done your research on depression. Certain things can set a mentally ill person off. This obviously set this little girl off. You need to realize that children that are depressed can not handle such harrassment. What this mother should have done was staged a meeting with the girls and the parents to try to solve whatever problems that were arising. Instead, this mother chose to take down this little girl’s self esteem and make a joke out of her. I think she should recieve some type of punishment for that. She’s obviously mentally ill herself and you are obviously one sick person to call a little girl a bitch. I hope to God that you have no children!
“I expected a certain amount of bullying, and I was OK with it.”
Any parent who thinks like that needs to call a social worker to have thier children take away. “Look at me, I’m so innocent, I just fucked with a daughter to somehow protect my own daughter cause my daughter is too much of a pussy to protect herself, feel pity for me.”
okay okay every one calm down this is getting old this is all a fake i dont understand how all of you people can think that is true are you all really that stupid damn get a life…
Mr./Ms. This is getting to be retarded: even if the letter is fake, a little girl suffered for this woman’s heartless act. It doesn’t matter if the letter is real or not, it matters that this woman was sick enough to embarrass this little girl and make a fool out of her. And caused her hanging. You need to get a life and quit posting on a subject you could care less about!
So Mr./Ms. This is getting to be retarded: even if the letter is fake, a little girl suffered from this woman’s heartless act. It doesn’t matter if the letter is real or not, it matters that this woman was sick enough to embarrass this little girl and make a fool out of her. And caused her hanging. You need to get a life and quit posting on a subject you could care less about!
We have a county prosecutor and a defense attorney who have gone on the record with statements that flat out rewrite history and previous statements.
If we were to believe that the statements Lori Drew is now making are truthful, and the police report she filed in Nov. 2006, was incorrect, then Lori Drew should be prosecuted for filing a false police, making a false statement or obstruction of justice.
Lori Drew, through her attorney Jim Briscoe has made the following statement:
“Everything, as far as Mrs. Drew knew, was that all the communication was nice and polite and there was no harassing going on. She did not create the MySpace account. She did not instruct anybody to create the MySpace account. She never made any communications through the MySpace account.”
Well alright Lori, now that you’ve completely absolved yourself from the case in any way, shape or form, please explain how this squares with your previous statements.
When it all comes down to it, we simply don’t believe you. We’ll take the officer’s account of what you said above what your attorney says. He was not being paid to defend you.
Jack Banas, we are calling for charges in this case one way or another.
Either the women did stalk this child, or she made knowingly false statements to the police prior to the surfacing of this report.
You cannot absolve this woman of complete wrong doing on both sides of the fence. Pick a side or step down and let someone take over who can. Too many admissions have been publicly made for you to continue to hide under your desk.
Danny Vice
You know what, I think you are the most discusting piece of trailer trash that I have ever come across, to do that to a young child and have it end is suicide, I hope and pray that a civil case is pressed against you and that you end up in a womans jail, there I hope adult females take you to task. I am just waiting for someone to take up this case, and I will be donating as much money as I can afford and more to see you brought to justice. I hope you burn in hell for what you an adult have done to this young child. Sleep in peace Megan.
You are sick and in denial. Either that or you are very immature!! Why the hell would someone your age feel that they needed to get revenge on a child??? GROW THE HELL UP and GET A LIFE! You should be apologizing your heart out to Megan’s family instead of trying to justify your wrong doing!!!
Megan did indeed have it coming. If Lori Drew’s actions hadn’t pushed the girl over, the harsh realities of late teenage life would have.
The weak shall perish. That’s how mother nature rolls.
In a typically sociopathic way, Lori Drew cannot recognize what she has possibly done wrong and doesn’t have enough foresight to understand her tactics could ruin her own daughter’s life. This family isn’t even socially acute enough to know they need to move away!
The Weekly Vice Offers This Open Letter To St. Charles County Prosecutor Jack Banas.
Jan 9, 2008 (The Weekly Vice )
Dear Jack Banas,
The nation has been horrified as an adult mother, her daughter and an employee of the adult stalked, harassed and bullied a 13 year old minor child continually until that minor child committed suicide.
When you reviewed the case, the nation watched as you willfully ignored a sworn statement by Lori Drew stipulating her involvement in this process. We watched when you willfully adopted Lori Drew’s new account of what happened – while failing to address Lori Drew’s previous, sworn statements. We are now watching as you willfully and neglectfully ignore the legal implications that go along with falsifying a police report.
Jack Banas, you have claimed repeatedly that Lori Drew violated no state law or statute. You have gone on the record with these statements multiple times. What you have not done is explain why some citizens of your county are required to follow the laws of the land while others are not. Why some citizens are prosecuted for filing false reports with Missouri authorities, while others seemingly are not required to be accountable for such acts.
On November 11th, 2006, the St. Charles County Sheriff’s Department responded to a complaint that Lori Drew wished to file. The authorities in your county arrived and took Lori Drew’s detailed statement.
The officer carefully accounted word for word Lori Drew’s statements using quotes to accurately record her words, and in this statement Lori Drew stipulated to several key facts that she now disputes. Among those key statements, Lori Drew stipulated the following:
“Drew stated she, her daughter and Ashley all typed, read and monitored the communication between the fake male profile and Megan. Drew went on to say, the communication became “sexual for a thirteen year old. Drew stated she continued the fake male profile despite this development.”
This statement is the exact text as stipulated by Lori Drew in the Incident Report she willfully filed. In this Incident report, Lori Drew detailed in clear language her active involvement in the shameful activities that cascaded into tragedy for Megan Meier.
Jack Banas, Lori Drew’s current statements dramatically and compellingly disagrees with the statements she rendered as true testimony in the November 11th report. She now has stated through her attorney Jim Briscoe, the following:
“Everything, as far as Mrs. Drew knew, was that all the communication was nice and polite and there was no harassing going on,” Briscoe said. “She did not create the MySpace account. She did not instruct anybody to create the MySpace account. She never made any communications through the MySpace account.”
Lori Drew has also given public statements, denying that the report she filed on November 11th is accurate. In doing so, she herself calls into question the accuracy of the statement she submitted to St. Charles Deputies in her November 11th complaint.
You Cannot Have It Both Ways:
Jack Banas, Missouri Law demands that when a citizen files an Incident Report in the State Of Missouri, the citizen has an obligation to tell the truth.
There are many instances where Missouri residents have been charged and convicted for filing false police and incident reports. St. Charles County has similar convictions on the books for these offenses.
Jack Banas, the citizens of Missouri would like to know why some citizens of your county are expected to abide by the law and play by the rules, while others are allowed to thumb their nose at these requirements.
Jack Banas, the citizens of Missouri would like to know why an elected county prosecutor personally reviewed this case and willfully ignored the obvious reversal Lori Drew has made in her statements between the November 11th incident report and her statements now.
Jack Banas, since you have stated that Lori Drew did not break the law, we have no other choice but to assume that filing a false statement and/or false police/incident report with St. Charles County authorities is acceptable under the laws of your county.
Jack Banas, you can no longer have it both ways. Either Lori Drew (and the St. Charles County Prosecutor’s office) has been untruthful with the citizens of Missouri on November 11th, 2008, or you are being untruthful with us now.
Jack Banas, California prosecutors should not feel the burden of enforcing laws that you and your office refuse to enforce equally among all Missouri citizens. Beverly Hills taxpayers should not carry the burden of justice that Missouri taxpayers are already paying for.
Tax paying Missourians demand that you enforce the laws you have been sworn to uphold. If you are not willing to equally and fairly uphold your duties as the St. Charles County Prosecutor, then we respectfully request that you resign your office and allow a candidate to step forth who will follow through on his/her oath to uphold the laws of the great state of Missouri.
We await your reply with voting card in hand.
Danny Vice
The Weekly Vice
Contact Jack Banas here:
Even if Megan was as terrible of a girl as some claim she may be there is no reason for a child to go the way she did. That probably isnt from Lori Drew at all but the fact is Drew deserves to die. She’s just another person one will see in hell.
What is wrong with the people on her who are blaming it on Megan? Do you not remember what it is like to be thirteen? Do you not realize that at that age you are still very much a child? Add to that the fact she suffered from Bi-Polar Disease. A Disease many in America suffer from.
To call her weak, and to say anyone who kills themselves deserves to be gone, is just plain ignorance on your part.
Before you go spouting off at the mouth, do a little research on adolescence and Bi-Polar Disease. Then maybe you will have the right to comment. But if you are aware of neither, keep your big mouths shut.
As for the picture of Megans mother, she looks like an attractive women who is angry that she no longer has her daughter! Doesn’t she have the right to feel how she feels? As for the pictures of her daughter Megan she was a beautiful child. And who knows what she may have contributed to our society if Lori Drew did not make that crucial error in judgement.
As for Lori Drew I think she is Mentally Immature and has Psychiatric problems. And I hope she get’s Psychiatric help for her daughter. She played a hand in this, and must feel guilt, unless she is like her heartless mother. If she doesn’t talk to someone about this, she could follow Megans example! And even though she played a hand in this little girls death, maybe she can learn from it, and grow to be a better person than her mother.
One can only hope!
Reading through these replies i’ve noticed that most adults believe that a teenager who commits suicide over myspace has some serious issues , but as a young adult i realize the extent and obsessive power that myspace has over teens today. Myspace has taken over our typical social networking. An average teenager checks her/ his myspace on a daily basis or more. Teens feel free to open up more and say more over a cyber network rather than in real life. This girl did not have a problem attributed to myspace. That lady who led Megan on definately desirves to do some time for what she did. She’s an evil person, You cant blame megans parents for not getting help …the one that needs help is Lori what adult would consciously do what she did. shes a freaking retard. I hope the rest of her life is a living hell
“none of you can possibly know what she’s gone through. She’s just a kid. She doesn’t deserve these brutal verbal attacks. Please stop.”
Uh hello you’re one to talk!!! Megan didnt deserve it either and you’re forty fucking years old and your saying that this 13 year old had problems? You made a fake myspace to make her feel like shit. You honestly DESERVE to die, because YOU are responsible for that fake myspace and all of those people who ganged up on her. YOU killed her. Just because theres no law against it yet, doesnt mean it wasnt murder. you drove her to do that. If you had never made a fake myspace in the first place and you knew how to mind ur own god damned business about this girls life, she could possibly be alive right now you cunt.
I don’t think Lori should have made the profile,there are other ways to deal with gossiping teenagers, besides gaining their confidnece and then crushing them like a bug. I also don’t think she is entirely all to blame for Megan’s death. Megan was already depressed, and she shouldn’t have had a MySpace profile to begin with, she was only 13. A girl that young has no business talking to an older boy. I think there were a lot of bad decisions made by all parties. As humans we need to find someone to blame. Since Lori, a grown wonam, was preying on a young girl, she seems to be the best target.
I am ashamed of over 75% of the blogs on this site!! Who do you all thing you are? God? Do you honestly think it is up to you to decide who lives and who dies? Lori Drew did a horrible thing, she never should have tricked Megan, she shouln’t posted mean things about her. MEGAN shouldn’t have KILLED herself. In this world you are responsible for your own actions, you need to take responsibility for yourself because no PERSON is going to take responsibility for you. TripWire who are you to judge Lori Drew and her relationship with Christ? (Matthew 7:1 “Do not judge so that you will not be judged)To condem someone to eternal separation from God over on mistake made,is so hypocritical. Megan did not deserve to die just like Lori Drew does not deserve to be blamed for her death!
I hate u you r such a bad person you should rot in hell.
Irrespective of the intent, there is no causality. What I mean is that in order for Drew to be held liable, criminal prosecution would have to satisfy both an intent and act. From a legal standpoint Drew most certainly satisfies intent because it is reasonable foresable that a 13-year old girl with a past history of depression may enagage in activities that could be potentially harmful or even fatal (as in this particular case). That being said, the actual act is missing from the equation. It cannot be murder because Drew did not actually murder Megan; however, this case borders on the statute of depraved indifference. From a legal standpoint (and only a legal standpoint) this is not murder. Fraud, solicitation, depraved indifference? I can definitely see an argument that would provde the aforementioned. From a moral standpoint, Drew’s actions were deplorable. Drew is quite possibly the worst person in existence. Also, all the idiots that post on her stating that Megan deserved this, I want you to think about this scenario: Imagine it was your daughter that committed suicide and under the exact circumstances, would your opinion still be “well, my daughter deserved it” or “the weak shall perish.” I think it is funny how individual’s perspectives on situations drastically change when the situation or circumstance directly affects them.
With ANY luck, one day in the near future the law will change to allow full prosecution for this SICK, immature, inhumane and evil person- Lori Drew.
It baffles me how she can live with herself each day, it truly does. Even at this point, someone as dense as her must realise what an evil and mentally screwed up person she is. She seems to have made excuses (can you BELIEVE IT!!!??) AND taken no responsibility or shown no remorse.
There is not a doubt in my mind, that she is indeed going straight to hell when she dies. I mean it. I hope you rot there Lori.
NO EXCUSES for what you did- yes YOU. Burn in hell.
Lori Drew is a despicable woman. I wish I could meet her so that I can kick her EVIL A**! She had no right to do what she did! I hope she feels Horrific when she sleeps and I hope that one day she has the same experience as Morgan’s family. YEAH YOU HEARD ME LORI. I HOPE YOUR DAUGHTER HANGS HERSELF YOU EVIL B***H! YOU’LL WILL NEVER FEEL ANY REMORSE FROM ME! PRAY WE NEVER MEET! This goes for any self proclaimed good parent, leave kiddy crap to the kids to work out!
Lori Drew is a despicable woman. I wish I could meet her so that I can kick her EVIL A**! She had no right to do what she did! I hope she feels Horrific when she sleeps and I hope that one day she has the same experience as Megan’s family. YEAH YOU HEARD ME LORI. I HOPE YOUR DAUGHTER HANGS HERSELF YOU EVIL B***H! YOU’LL WILL NEVER FEEL ANY REMORSE FROM ME! PRAY WE NEVER MEET! This goes for any self proclaimed good parent, leave kiddy crap to the kids to work out!
As far as I’m concerened Lori Drew I a MURDERER! She was friends with the family so she had to know about Megan’s issues and used them to her advantage. She even stated that she “didnt feel bad because Megan had tried to commit suicide before” obviously she knew what would happen. This FUCKING CUNT sould suffer for the rest of her life and so should her daughter.
I wonder how Lori would feel if her own child decided to take her own life because of being bullied. If the kids being harassed good! Maybe the mother can get some of HER own medicine!
Lori Drew do the world a service and leave it!
How can you even live with yourself? Im happy that the shoe is on the other foot now….how does it feel?
And one last thing Megan was a beautiful girl and calling her fat when you look the way you do….really? Thats propbubly the problem you just hate yourself and wanna spread it around. Well Karma is a Bitch and so are you.
Theres a special place in Hell for your kind.
I support harassing the DREWS!
May lori “bitch” drew suffer for the rest of her bitchin’ life!
the same goes to your SLUT daughter!