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Megan Had It Coming: I’m Lori Drew — For anyone who has managed to follow the rather weird story about the girl who killed herself over a MySpace hoax, here is the backstory. It’s actually incredible and wholly believable if you’ve ever known any bi-polar people.
I’m Lori Drew
It’s time I dropped the charade. Yes, I made this blog. Yes, I’m Lori Drew.
My daughter had nothing to do with this. Everyone needs to leave her alone. None of you can possibly know her involvement, and none of you can possibly know what she’s gone through. She’s just a kid. She doesn’t deserve these brutal verbal attacks. Please stop.
Now that Mr. Banas has made public the announcement that there will be no charges filed against me or my family, I feel it is time to speak out about this tragic affair. I cannot count on any media organization to fairly represent my story, as they have grossly misrepresented and sensationalized the story so far. So, I must present my case here, on the blog that has been my only outlet.
You don’t understand what the last two years have been like, living in this town, dealing with these people. When we came here, the Meiers seemed like a great family with whom we could form a friendship. Tina sold us our house and our little girls became fast friends. It was typical. Sleepovers and vacations and events in the community. The girls were inseparable….
But things turn sour and it is necessary to create a fake MySpace page to keep the Meiers girl at bay. Something is needed to distract her. Things quickly spin out of control.
Megan was screaming at Josh for answers on who he had been talking to: she wanted to know who ratted her out so she could take out revenge on them, too. I shared Megans messages with everyone involved and encouraged everyone to stand up against her and not take her crap anymore.
Instead, once the word got out about Megan, so did all her romantic replies, as well as a few secrets and the MySpace crowd ganged up on her.But I didnt realize that this group would react that way. I expected a certain amount of bullying, and I was OK with it. I wanted Megan to get a taste of what she had been dishing out this whole time. But I didnt want it to go as far as it did. Its true that the slut and fat references came out of what I shared. And by the time I was done with work on that day, the bullying against Megan had progressed pretty far. I had heard about the “better off without you” message and thats when I told everyone to cool it. Megan had been punished enough, and I was satisfied that she would think twice before bullying or manipulating anyone again. I don’t know who wrote that “better off without you” message.
I would advise reading the whole thing. It’s an eye-opener. Some will wonder if it is a hoax. The likelihood is low since this sort of thing would cause legal action if done by a third party. That assumes a third party would know the law. The St. Louis reporters think this site is a hoax.
And then there are the rather juvenile comments following the story worth some disdain.
related link:
typical shallow news report on the story
the way it sounds in this blog is that the girl Megan did the exact same thing first. She, for all her metal illness could have been the original Cyberbully and was bullying everyone she didn’t like. Once those she cyberbullied got tired of it it sounds like they ganged up on her with the Drew lady being a sort of gang leader. It states in the post that Megan had her Myspace account deleted by the parents. It asks the question, did they know she was mean and a bully?
Do I believe her story, about 6/10 of it. most of the parts where she tries to act the victim I’m doubtful. I’d love to see all the Myspace accounts involved in this whole tragedy. But at the same time I don’t believe that Megan and her Parents are completely innocent in this matter. as the main Character in the show House states “Everyone Lies”
I’ve been in forms where members can find out anything about you in a matter of minutes and post that private info for other members to harrass and bully you.
This story truly exemplifies the dark side of the internet & why you should never post your info for the rest of the world to see.
The only good that can come of this is for Cyberbullying to be made a state & federal crime because in the end, someone, somewhere is being Cyberbullied right now as we speak
>>That’s disturbing… and the woman in that
>>picture looks like a bitch.
That is the dearly departed Megan’s mother, not the flake-o who created the phony blog persona.
#31 – She, for all her metal illness
As Quiet Riot said, Metal Health will drive you mad…
Sheese…Anyone remember elementary/junior/HS? Anyone want to go back? If you do then you were probably at the top.
Fact is kids are horrendous bullies. I had my share and if the Internet had been available when I was stuck in school I probably would’ve suffered that wondrous avenue of attack.
Running away from MySpace wouldn’t have helped much at all, kids at school would’ve merely told the girl what was being said online. And if I recall correctly a kid or two has committed suicide in Japan because so-called classmates were harrassing them via cellphone.
It’s possible the parents may have fixed things IF everyone was willing to be an adult and consider their little angel isn’t an angel. Unfortunately I’ve been there, seen other kids get away with murder practically because their parents either didn’t believe or didn’t care. Unless it happens to their own, it isn’t a “problem” to them.
What happened was awful but it could’ve gone the other way. Would we have felt as bad if the bi-polar girl had been able to do as she liked and something happened to the other one instead? All you have to do is catch someone at a low point in their life (or who’s bi-polar, “mental”, whatever) and kick them hard enough, they just might break whether a child or an adult.
But I can’t imagine anyone starting a blog with that kind of a title. Not if they were directly involved in it.
There is no way to determine the veracity of any party involved in this unfortunate incident. Who did what to whom and why is simply not discernible. The vitriol it has spawned is quite astonishing; the views expressed in these responses are downright tame compared with a lot of what’s out there, especially since, I truly believe, literally no one knows the complete story and, frankly, never will.
What’s sad is that adults act in inappropriate ways in every town, city and hamlet in this country every day; sometimes willfully but often out of ignorance, lack of patience, or common sense. Often this results in hurting another person either physically or emotionally. It’s also sad that teenagers take their own lives at an alarming rate in this country, usually for reasons that adults find incomprehensible. We need to be more open to young people’s (and adult’s) mental states. We need to become better skilled in reacting to behaviors and attitudes that don’t match ours. Perhaps if Ms Drew had tried a little harder to understand the motivations of 13 year old Megan, or Megan’s parents had been more open and attuned to Megan’s online doings, or Megan’s friends had been better friends…
In the end a little girl died at her own hands. Whether it was in despair caused by unrequited love, or the ultimate act of revenge “I’ll get you even if I have to die to do it” no one can ever know. We can only be saddened by the senseless loss.
Wouldn’t it be interesting if this blog was written by Megan’s parents, for the obvious reason of a prelude to a civil suit. The sheriff & prosecutor said they are investigating who owns it: http://www.tinyurl.com/2faky5
OTOH, how could they investigate if there were no laws broken? How would they get the necessary subpeonas?
Thomas, you are a double “D” boob. Mrs. Drew should have gone to the parents and talked with them and not acted like a child. She has as much responsibility for this as anyone.
According the blog entry (if you believe it), she DID go to the parents and talk to them and the parents would not do anything.
“Selv said, Anyone remember elementary/junior/HS? Anyone want to go back? If you do then you were probably at the top.”
No. If you want to go back to HS then you are a bipolar head case with a personality disorder. I’ve seen it.
You are wrong about hte author of this blog. It was created by a troll/griefer for laughs. And they posted an identical article elsewhere on teh Internet the day before the blog appeared. See http://tinyurl.com/365y5y
[Please use TinyUrl.com for overly long URLs. – ed.]
Lets face it…kids fight, Lori Drew should have known kids are friends, then their not. THATS LIFE.
To go so far as to create a MYSPACE page, was to far.
No Lori Drew didn’t pull the trigger, she loaded the gun.
If Megan had Mental issues, she should have thought about that, and the second it got out of hand, she should have deleted the Myspace account, and Megan could have lived without hearing from Josh again better then the messages she recieved.
Lori does deserve child endangerment charges, or soliciting a minor for harrasment online.
How bizarre.
Lori Drew = fucking cunt.
The girl was mentally disturbed. That is why she killed herself. This was probably caused by her parents. That would be my guess after watching them on T.V.. They can make up all kinds of excuses for her killing herself but it all comes down to the parents. I do not feel bad for anyone that commits suicide. If they take their own life they deserve to be dead.
Let me start by saying that “littlejohn0255” anyone is capable of doing anything given the right situation.Its so sad that girl felt so lost that she had to commit suicide. Now I read this story and the only thing I can say is that A 13 YR OLD GIRL WHO HAD HER WHOLE IN FRONT OF HER. WAKE UP DAY AND SAID, TODAYS THE DAY I END IT. I can’t imagine how these parents feel knowing that their little girl is gone forever, for them to get in the morning and not hear her,knowing maybe they could have stopped it.And her friends to know that they will no longer see or be waiting for her at school.What a sad thing.So to the people and Lori Drew who were apart of the whole myspace acting and leaving mean and nasty comments on that 13 yr.old girls page.I hope you feel really bad,you people should not judge because one day you could be that person judged.
pray for that girl’s family
make the bipolar bitch eat some lithium
and then
get over it – this is boring stupid, waste of precious media space
If this blog is real may God forgive you
If it is fake may God help you
Mare, it’s going to take all the prayers you have to get God to forgive these folks.
Have you seen a picture of Lori!? Damn she looks positively nasty, and her daughter is no doubt well on the way.
I’m laughing so hard at both parties right now…
There is no need for a parent to get involved with their children’s battles. Kids have fights; they lose friends just to gain them again. If this Lori woman wanted to know if her daughter was being bashed or harrassed, so be it. Why is it that she needed to involve others? Why is it that she gave out log in information to other people to monitor the site? Why? Because, as I see it, this was nothing more than a petty attempt to harrass and torture a 13 year-old little girl! I don’t know if she really made this blog or if it is a hoax, and I don’t care. The bottom line is that had she not acted like an immature teenager and actually been a responsible parent, we wouldn’t be discussing this at all. Megan would be more than likely at home enjoying Christmas with her family. I wonder if any of these “myspace stalkers” have any consciences at all. Do they lose sleep? One thing that relieves me a bit…they may not be facing criminal charges for what they did to this poor child, but everything you do to someone comes back at you three fold. I wonder, in a few years, where will they be then? You may as well have tied the hanging rope yourselves. You are sickening individuals!!
I just want to let the people know that don’t think this isn’t an important enough subject to be talking about that you’re sick and heart-less! This is a huge issue and a huge problem in society. Suicide rates are climbing throughout the U.S. Depression is an important and serious topic that should be discussed and people SHOULD know about it. I know what it’s like to lose someone to depression and it’s a terrible disease. And yes, world hunger and many things are also important. So we should ignore something that causes so many so much pain? I don’t think so. So please be considerate. And if this doesn’t interest you, then don’t waste you time posting on here. Go and help world hunger!
As far as those poking fun of Megan’s mother, may God help you. You say she looks like a witch, is she suppose to look absolutely gorgeous when she is grieving over the loss of her daughter?
Lori Drew is a sad, sick woman and the point is, she knew Megan was sick with depression and she should have let her daughter deal with her own problems. Teenage years are hard on every teenager. What Lori should have done, if she was so concerned with her daughter being bullied by Megan, was to go to Megan’s parents and discuss this with them.
Just one thing — apparently Ms. Drew is a very disturbed individual who has not bothered to address her mental issues and as a result, an innocent person was victimized and then committed suicide as a result of Ms. Drew’s actions.
Whether or not she wants to say that Megan was unstable or the thousand other justifications she’s trying to put out there, the bottom line is still this: MS. DREW IS MENTALLY UNBALANCED AND ORGANIZED THE ENTIRE SCENARIO THAT ENDED IN SOMEONE’S DEATH. NO ONE CAN EVER EXPLAIN THAT AWAY.
I have a brother who has mental issues, too — and like Ms. Drew, nothing was ever HIS fault.
Grow up and take responsibility for your actions. You deserve the harassment you’re getting, my friend — after all, you’re an adult, preying on a school-age kid to impress your kid’s friends. What kind of monster does that?
Get some help. And move to another place where no one knows you so that this time, maybe you can manage not to screw up anyone else’s life with the travesty that you call YOUR life.
What kind of person wants to teach there children an eye for an eye??? So in your eye Lori, Megan hurt your child so you MUST hurt her well look what happened so now if someone did that to your child with the same results would that be fair??? would you still believe an eye for an eye??? Because what happens we are all blind??? You tell everyone to leave your child alone! But you would not leave Megan alone! i really do hope you are punished for this!
Megan took he own life, it was not a murder! Where were her parents and her self esteem. It is so easy to blame and point fingers but when it comes down to it Megan killed herself. She was weak. She made a choice and she made it alone. So maybe another question to ask is why was she alone? Where was her mother? Where was her father? Maybe she did it for the best? and maybe all you parents out there need to be better parents and learn to raise your kids as winners and not losers who kill themselves?
Senor StrongBad you are a f’d up person. How could you say that!? This poor little girl was sick! She had depression… if that doesn’t mean anything to you, then you really should get educated. Obviously your parents didn’t raise a winner, because you really sound like a loser! This poor little girl was harassed and you think that’s ok? NO it’s not, so before you call Megan (God, rest her soul) weak… look at the facts and do some research before you leave any remarks like that!
The question is…why hasn’t Lori Drew been charged. Missouri has a stalking law that fits this crime that provides for felony penalties as well as a harassment law. There are also civil claims for intentional infliction of emotional distress, negligent infliction of emotional distress, wrongful death (remember the OJ civil trial?), libel and in addition, the use of the internet also brings federal crimes into play. It is criminal that the enforcement authorities have not acted quickly to charge this woman with the crimes she has committed and we can all hope that the family of the girl immediately commences a civil suit and attaches all property interest of the responsible family.
XXXVIII Mo.Rev.Stat. Sec. 565.225 Crime of stalking–definitions–penalties.
Section 225 Crime of stalking–definitions–penalties.
565.225. 1. As used in this section, the following terms shall mean:
(1) “Course of conduct”, a pattern of conduct composed of a series of acts, which may include electronic or other communications, over a period of time, however short, evidencing a continuity of purpose. Constitutionally protected activity is not included within the meaning of “course of conduct”. Such constitutionally protected activity includes picketing or other organized protests;
(2) “Credible threat”, a threat made with the intent to cause the person who is the target of the threat to reasonably fear for his or her safety. The threat must be against the life of, or a threat to cause physical injury to, a person and may include a threat communicated to the targeted person in writing, including electronic communications, by telephone, or by the posting of a site or message that is accessible via computer;
(3) “Harasses”, to engage in a course of conduct directed at a specific person that serves no legitimate purpose, that would cause a reasonable person to suffer substantial emotional distress, and that actually causes substantial emotional distress to that person.
2. Any person who purposely and repeatedly harasses or follows with the intent of harassing another person commits the crime of stalking.
3. Any person who purposely and repeatedly harasses or follows with the intent of harassing or harasses another person, and makes a credible threat with the intent to place that person in reasonable fear of death or serious physical injury, commits the crime of stalking.
3. Any person who purposely and repeatedly harasses or follows with the intent of harassing or harasses another person, and makes a credible threat with the intent to place that person in reasonable fear of death or serious physical injury, commits the crime of aggravated stalking.
4. The crime of stalking shall be a class A misdemeanor for the first offense. A second or subsequent offense within five years of a previous finding or plea of guilt against any victim shall be a class D felony.
5. The crime of aggravated stalking shall be a class D felony for the first offense. A second or subsequent offense within five years of a previous finding or plea of guilt against any victim shall be a class C felony.
6. Any law enforcement officer may arrest, without a warrant, any person he or she has probable cause to believe has violated the provisions of this section.
(L. 1993 H.B. 476 & 194 1, A.L. 2002 S.B. 969, et al.)
XXXVIII Mo.Rev.Stat. Sec. 565.090 Harassment.
Section 090 Harassment.
565.090. 1. A person commits the crime of harassment if for the purpose of frightening or disturbing another person, he
(1) Communicates in writing or by telephone a threat to commit any felony; or
(2) Makes a telephone call or communicates in writing and uses coarse language offensive to one of average sensibility; or
(3) Makes a telephone call anonymously; or
(4) Makes repeated telephone calls.
2. Harassment is a class A misdemeanor.
(L. 1977 S.B. 60)
XXXV Mo.Rev.Stat. Sec. 509.210 Libel and slander, averments–defenses.
Section 210 Libel and slander, averments–defenses.
509.210. In an action for libel or slander, it shall not be necessary to state in the petition any extrinsic facts, for the purpose of showing the application to the plaintiff of the defamatory matter out of which the claim arose, but it shall be sufficient to state, generally, that the same was published or spoken concerning the plaintiff; and if such allegation be not controverted in the answer, it shall not be necessary to prove it on the trial; in other cases it shall be necessary. The defendant may, in his answer, allege both the truth of the matter charged as defamatory and any mitigating circumstances admissible in evidence to reduce the amount of damages; and whether he prove the justification or not, he may give in evidence the mitigating circumstance.
(L. 1943 p. 353 53)
it because of the femi-zasi movement and “girl-power”