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Megan Had It Coming: I’m Lori Drew — For anyone who has managed to follow the rather weird story about the girl who killed herself over a MySpace hoax, here is the backstory. It’s actually incredible and wholly believable if you’ve ever known any bi-polar people.
I’m Lori Drew
It’s time I dropped the charade. Yes, I made this blog. Yes, I’m Lori Drew.
My daughter had nothing to do with this. Everyone needs to leave her alone. None of you can possibly know her involvement, and none of you can possibly know what she’s gone through. She’s just a kid. She doesn’t deserve these brutal verbal attacks. Please stop.
Now that Mr. Banas has made public the announcement that there will be no charges filed against me or my family, I feel it is time to speak out about this tragic affair. I cannot count on any media organization to fairly represent my story, as they have grossly misrepresented and sensationalized the story so far. So, I must present my case here, on the blog that has been my only outlet.
You don’t understand what the last two years have been like, living in this town, dealing with these people. When we came here, the Meiers seemed like a great family with whom we could form a friendship. Tina sold us our house and our little girls became fast friends. It was typical. Sleepovers and vacations and events in the community. The girls were inseparable….
But things turn sour and it is necessary to create a fake MySpace page to keep the Meiers girl at bay. Something is needed to distract her. Things quickly spin out of control.
Megan was screaming at Josh for answers on who he had been talking to: she wanted to know who ratted her out so she could take out revenge on them, too. I shared Megans messages with everyone involved and encouraged everyone to stand up against her and not take her crap anymore.
Instead, once the word got out about Megan, so did all her romantic replies, as well as a few secrets and the MySpace crowd ganged up on her.But I didnt realize that this group would react that way. I expected a certain amount of bullying, and I was OK with it. I wanted Megan to get a taste of what she had been dishing out this whole time. But I didnt want it to go as far as it did. Its true that the slut and fat references came out of what I shared. And by the time I was done with work on that day, the bullying against Megan had progressed pretty far. I had heard about the “better off without you” message and thats when I told everyone to cool it. Megan had been punished enough, and I was satisfied that she would think twice before bullying or manipulating anyone again. I don’t know who wrote that “better off without you” message.
I would advise reading the whole thing. It’s an eye-opener. Some will wonder if it is a hoax. The likelihood is low since this sort of thing would cause legal action if done by a third party. That assumes a third party would know the law. The St. Louis reporters think this site is a hoax.
And then there are the rather juvenile comments following the story worth some disdain.
related link:
typical shallow news report on the story
I read some blogs about this a few weeks ago. The Drew family has been harassed every which way since it came out that they were involved, even at their business. This is good, since they took it too far.
Parents should not get involved in the meaningless dramas that take place in their kids lives. When they do they can’t help but make it worse.
If this chick had done this to my child there would be a hit out on her.
The parent was WAY more out of line than any of the children involved. Her own words convince me that she should have been prosecuted for a minimum of stalking and child abuse.
I hope the result of her irresponsible and cruel actions haunts this evil bitch every minute for the rest of her life.
I live in St. Louis and this story has had ongoing coverage by the St. Louis Post Dispatch. When I read about the blog today I emailed Joel Currier, the reporter who wrote the most recent story about Megan Meier.
This is his response:
“Thanks for your email. Yes. We’re well aware of the blog.
We asked the Drews if Lori created it. Her father said emphatically that it is not her nor anyone from the Drew family.
We contacted blogspot.com, the host of the blog, and we’re awaiting a response.
Thanks again for writing. And reading.
If the blog is in fact Lori Drew then it is very disturbing. If it is a hoax then it is a cruel joke.
Yeesh, the girl that killed herself, did so because she was unbalanced, however, this woman who “pushed” her is a nut-job in her own right. I’m having a hard time believing this is not a fraudulent blog.
While I do not question Mrs. Drew’s idea of using clandestine methods to monitor this girl on MySpace, getting involved romantically was taking it too far. However, she deserves no blame for Megan’s death nor warrants the harassing of the media. If a girl can bring herself to suicide because of harassing on MySpace then something was clearly wrong with her. Given the description of Megan, it was only a matter of time before a MySpace flame bomb was going to be dropped on her. Basically, she was a powder keg waiting to ignite. Blaming it on MySpace or the mother is nonsense. The real negligence was on the part of Megan’s parents for not getting her help.
I keep telling everyone a person needs to pass some type of test before they breed. This woman can spin it anyway she wants, there’s still some blood on her hands. I know I would hate to live with this. Does anyone considers consequences today?
Her mother should just hang it up.
I just read BOTH stories..WOW! No one, and I mean no one…especially a 13 year old impressionable teenager DESERVES or “had it coming to her”. Clearly, a mother of a young child should address (in a positive forum) a situation that could be harmful to their child. However, creating a false identity and preying on an unknowing individual is incomprehensible. Now, you have created an outlet for yourself to defend your actions in an attempt to shield your daughter from the angst this parent initially caused. We are taught as children for every action there is a reaction. Hmm… The parent involved should stop defending and realize the affect her actions had on a young impressionable individual. The parent should have been the bigger person…appears she (Lori Drew) may have some issues she should address. She is blind to her actions…quite unbelievable. I read in one story that the goal and attention for this story was not to prosecute but simply STOP individuals from being able to make FAKE alias/accounts on MY SPACE or any social network for that matter….
Chicago, thanks. Saved me the effort of saying all that.
I can understand the sentiment of Mrs. Drew in wanting to stop the bullying against her own daughter, but her response in and of itself is disturbing, as she shows little remorse and goes so far as to blame the girl’s parents.
And as a result of her actions, a terrible tragedy occurred.
Nobody in this life ever knows what somebody else is going through, or what they have to deal with. And we are never in a position to judge them.
Almost universally, whenever somebody insults, makes fun of, belittles, or bullies someone else it is because of insecurities and a low self-worth that they feel for themselves.
That does not justify their actions, but it should give a clear understanding as to why it is so important to forgive those who have hurt us.
How much more could simple forgiveness have done to change this story?
Please always remember that a helping hand is always a greater influence for good than a clenched fist.
I have to agree with Thomas – no one ever pays attention to the mental illness factor. We want to ignore it because it offends our right to villify people. It also ensures that we don’t know how to approach the mentally ill. I lay this insufficiency on Lori Drew (& the rest of the media for that matter, for ignoring that whole facet), but I won’t call her a murderer. Just a protective mother who was behaving petty & got in too deep.
If this post is true, we all have to wake up a bit.
I’ve seen situations (especially with tween girls) where one of them starts dragging the other one down, is found out, and then set’s her sights on the girl that wisely decided not to be manipulated or intimidated. It gets unbelievably ugly and scary. Having seen the type of situation first hand, it’s a lot more difficult to condemn a parent who may have really been trying to protect her child in whatever way possible.
Someone who commits suicide based on myspace issues is obviously very troubled. There are two ways to look at this. She turned out to be a victim but it could, and arguably would, have gone the exact opposite direction eventually. How would you like someone that disturbed setting their sites on your daughter? It’s not something the police will help you with until it’s too late and if the parents are unwilling to help (usually in these cases, they are disturbingly involved) are you really just going to sit back and let your child be actively targeted by a disturbed ex-friend?
Hindsight is always clear and in this respect her actions certainly ended up as having been tragically detrimental but how much blame does someone really deserve for trying to protect their own?
If this isn’t a hoax site, then it should be noted that the woman who is being vilified for creating a fake online persona to mislead a kid into thinking she was something she’s not has been defending herself by creating a fake online persona, “Kristen,” until she unveiled herself in this post.
You gotta love this commenter:
“Anonymous said…
GOOD GOD WOMAN. How many fake online identites, myspaces, blogs do you have?????”
>>If a girl can bring herself to suicide because
>>of harassing on MySpace then something was
>>clearly wrong with her.
Yeah, she was an insecure, immature, teenager who took things too seriously. I didn’t realize that was a hanging crime, and she deserved to die for it.
As to the validity of the blog, clever to post the thing on meganhaditcoming.blogspot.com, so that any whois check only shows google as the owner of blogspot.com, but not the owner of meganhaditcoming. Hmm.
Women and their stupid petty dramas.
Lori apparently deluded herself into thinking that
“…but she begged and pleaded with me to let her stay. I know it’s MySpace and it’s a social hub for teens today and I didn’t want my daughter to be the only one without, so I relented.”
You’ve got to be fking kidding me! If this blog is really Lori Drew, she must be the biggest p*ssy of a parent ever. Get yer whiney bitch daughter off myspace…. get her off the effin internet!? Would it kill her? Looking at the picture, mrs drew looks like a typical fake ass brainless SUV drivin trophy wife who hasn’t matured since age 16 (perhaps when she got knocked up?). License to breed is right!
The picture is of Megan Meier’s Mother.
You should try learning how to read sometime.
fine, megans mother, thank you.
i stand by what I said.
JPV, I think you’re bullying me….
*throws noose over shower curtain rail
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… oh dear… I also should check my sources first 😀
Its a hoax, fox2 had the report on it but the link seems down now
http://tinyurl.com/2faky5 delete the above please!
Apparently though, its too close to the truth for the police to be comfortable with it…. I wonder who it is?
Ms Drew KNEW that Megan had major depression issues. To deal with perceived bullying on her daughter by wooing and then cruelly dumping this young girl with an online teenage male persona is extremely sick and frightening.
Regardless of the veracity of the blog, she is at least morally culpable in some way for the death a young girl with mental health issues.
Is the point of the title to mean that the girl had her death coming to her? That’s disturbing… and the woman in that picture looks like a bitch.
Damn straight there, timelady. Blog veracity does not change the facts or, that Lori is the REAL whacko in this twisted femme melodrama.
Sometimes I have doubts about the existence of God and Heaven. After reading this, I want there to be a Heaven more then ever, just so this woman can go to Hell.
Is the Internet 2.0 or Internet 90210?
I’m saddened as any human would be by the death of a young girl… But I can’t figure out what the fuck this story is about!
Is bullshit high school drama queen nonsense now real news? Here is some real news: America is sliding into economic irrelevance because the number of people who watch E! is greater than the number of people who have ever heard of Bloomberg TV. More people vote for American Idol than the American President. To cure AIDS, we think buying the Red Razor phone is more helpful than actually studying medicine and becoming a researcher.
A kid died. That’s sad. The message should be: sober up and focus on what is important. Sadly, the message is: yammer like morons about who said what and OMG WTF…
I hope someday, in our emerging idiot induced third world future, the Chinese will raise money to help struggling Americans so we don’t starve or go with basic medical services.