10 Minutes Of Staring at Boobs Daily Prolongs Man’s Life by 5 Years…
: Listen, guys, now we know why Pamela Anderson made her transplants: to make us healthier. “Angels of mercy” like Jordan just prolong our life and Hugh Hefner knows it.
A German research published in New England Journal of Medicine and Weekly World News said that men staring at women’s breasts in fact prolong their lives with years.
“Just 10 minutes of staring at the charms of a well-endowed female such as Baywatch actress Pamela Lee is equivalent to a 30-minute aerobics work-out,” said author Dr. Karen Weatherby, a gerontologist.
Yes, very interesting, however, the guys from Snopes.com have a different opinion on the matter:
The article referred to above was not printed in The New England Journal of Medicine or any other major medical journal. It is, in fact, a slight reworking of a piece that has run on at least two occasions in that celebrated tabloid Fountain of Truth, the Weekly World News
(13 May 1997 and21 March 2000) and has escaped into the wild. Although the Weekly World News occasionally slips up and prints a true story, we suspect this one belongs in the “HOW TO TELL IF YOUR DOG WORSHIPS SATAN!” and “NEW REMOTE-CONTROL DEVICE GIVES WOMEN ORGASMS
I think that for the sake of scientific progress there should be more research done in this field.
Hehe, funny! Terrifying picture though!
I’ll help!!!
Umm, no thanks. I could not look at the above for 5 seconds let alone 10 minutes.
What else I can I look at?
This is the one time I have found Snopes to be wrong in their assessment. Boob staring is healthy. It can also build a hearty appetite too.
What a time to be lactose intolerant…
Yet another wonderful example of scientific progress – I guess this will ballance out my smoking habit 😉
That “woman” should be euthanized. Put her (and us) out of her (and our) misery. Ugh.
Hmmm… should I stare at smaller breasts for longer periods, or larger (as in photo, which I find downright ridikilus) for less time?
Nice chesticles!!
Wow. Do some people think the photo is real? Jeeze. There are whole websites dedicated to Photoshop enhanced boobs and such.
>>Do some people think the photo is real?
Doesn’t matter if it’s real or not. Just the fact that somebody would want to create a monstrosity like that (even worse, that anyone would want to look at it) says it all about the decline of our society.
I’ll bet when the Jumbo Hooters web site is down, those guys go to places like this
to jerk off. Eccchh. Creepy.
WILL someone get that lady a TABLE, and a BACK brace..
Brainiac did a controlled experiment when this first came out. One twin rode an exercise bike while the other had to oggle two pair for 30 mins.
the claimed equivalent rise in heartbeat wasn’t observed
Good hit count thread. You’ve learned.
Reminds me of the TV ad we had here (Toronto) a while back from the breast cancer society. They were pushing self-examination, and said they had volunteers standing to help. The volunteers were geeky looking teenage males.
Some uptight farts didn’t see the humour and it was pulled. Too bad.
Looking at boobs may or may not help you live longer, so just to be safe I’m going to look the required 10 minutes or more every day.
is this why women live longer than men? Does it matter which angle you look at breasts….
I look at mine all day…to brush off crumbs, to adjust the stupid bra, to see what the f*ck a guy is looking at when he’s talking to me…
I’ve gotta ditto many of the foregoing comments; I’ve never seen anything over a ‘C’ cup boobicle that was a turnon – and for that matter, not many ‘C’s are anything to write home about, either. As for the unfortunate female in the pic – can’t we, like, take up a collection or something?
Does the size of your pupils count? Size of anything else?
Instead you may grow a pair yourself
statistically women live longer
If you’re out in a boat and it springs a leak, who would you want beside you, Olive Oil or the chic in the pic ? I’d like to see the shark could eat them things..and live !
“Just 10 minutes of staring at the charms of a well-endowed female such as Baywatch actress Pamela Lee is equivalent to a 30-minute aerobics work-out,” said author Dr. Karen Weatherby, a gerontologist.”
That’s because if you’re a heterosexual male staring at a pair of large boobs for 10 minutes is because you’re masturbating.
Notice she’s holding herself up…
lol – after reading all the complaints, I decided to post a NSFW site.
that atta shut some of yall up – now stare at dem titties!!
Why do girls make such breast? Don’t they see it’s ugly!!!!!!!!!!!
Table for 3, please.. No, its just me.
wow what a way to make a guy horny! you wanna take that shirt off and mess with them a lil (rubs them,play w/ nipple etc.) be a lil sluty cuz girl you got me ill do annything for you and my dck wants it
i guess i am going to live to 115 years old
It’s Bullshit unless the guy is having a full on wank. I’m always looking at my tit’s im never going to die.