Cheney and the other war hawks (ie, future Halliburton employees and lobbyists) are so disappointed.

Bush: US Must Remain Vigilant on Iran

President Bush said Tuesday that the international community should continue to pressure Iran on its nuclear programs, asserting Tehran remains dangerous despite a new intelligence conclusion that it halted its development of a nuclear bomb four years ago.

“I view this report as a warning signal that they had the program, they halted the program,” Bush said. “The reason why it’s a warning signal is they could restart it.”

Bush spoke one day after a new national intelligence estimate found that Iran halted its nuclear weapons program in the fall of 2003, largely because of international scrutiny and pressure. That finding is in stark contrast to the comparable intelligence estimate of just two years ago, when U.S. intelligence agencies believed Tehran was determined to develop a nuclear weapons capability and was continuing its weapons development program.

  1. Todd says:

    Mr. Fusion,

    When Azar Majedi was asked about her opinon about London Mayor, Ken Livingstone, Mosgue building project, she said “I am totally against it. What we need is better schools for the children and youth in the muslim community, a better funded education for them, more leisure and sports facilities. These mosques are a place for brainwashing of the children and the youth. Usually underpriveledged and merginalized youth are drawn into these mosques and are being fed hatred and reactionary and misogynist values. Its is proven that some of these mosques, for example the Finsbury, have been used to indoctrinate terrorists. We should be aware that Islamic governments, like Iran and Saudi Arabia, are behind such monumental projects. This is quite telling about the goals for building such monuments.”

    You see, she is from Iran, has been chased by the Iranian government for speaking out about women’s rights. She knows exactly whats going on. But then, I guess you must still be right, since you spent so much time in the middle east. Stop speaking for the terrorists. They can speak for themselves. Thats what gets me….a terrorist says, “I am going to use your democracy to ruin your democracy” or that “Islam will rule the world again.” and you tell me that they dont really mean that, and if we would just leave him alone, he would stop. Yeah right!!!! what planet are you from??

    Hell you told me that AQ was created solely because of US support for Israel and our military bases in Saudi Arabia. When their own 20 year plan speaks of reinstating the Islamic Caliphate and fighting world-wide jihad. That at the very least, proves that our involvement in the middle east is not their only motive and ending that involvement is only 1 step in a much larger plan for them. People on the left, please stop doing the PR spin work for AQ. Its sad really.

  2. Mister Catshit says:


    You are a very disillusioned person. Keep ignoring reality and facts. Cry because “they” retaliated in some form.

    Al Quaeda came about during the Afghan resistance to the Soviet invasion. Their ideology is that “infidels” are invading Muslim territory. Right or wrong doesn’t matter. That is the way they see it. At no time did I say al Quaeda came about because of what happened in the First Gulf War.

    Now you mention a number of wrongs they committed. How easily you miss the wrongs they see. Have you forgotten the main road from Kuwait to Iraq. It was littered with burned trucks. With tens of thousands of ordinary Iraqis in them. They were soldiers, conscripted into an Army, made to be in the front lines. To you, that is war. To many Muslims, it was an atrocity.

    You will argue “oh, they deserved it”, “they were soldiers, that is what happens to soldiers”, and “they had a chance to surrender but they didn’t”. Yup, you WILL justify this somehow in your mind. Hey, you might even be correct. That will not change the view al Quaeda took of this incident or much of the Muslim world. They saw it as an unnecessary genocide. And I am not arguing that they are right or wrong, just that that is how they see it.

    Now, again, in your small mind you argue that Muslims have an agenda. A woman I work with just returned from a month long trip to Africa where she does missionary work. Converting “pagans” to Baptists. Geeze, she has even told me I’m going to hell because I don’t follow her tenants. Her church is little different from a multitude of other American churches out to change the world to Christianity.

    Your problem is you are getting too hung up on minute details that are irrelevant. Try and look at the bigger picture. When you and your Gr. 10 boys get together, try playing Devil’s Advocate and argue a contrary position. The experience will help you gain a much better understanding of how the world works and people think.

    This will be my last post on this topic. I will not be returning so I will not be reading any replies.

    Have a good Christmas.


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