The shaft

The Equifax Shaft

Florida woman wins multimillion-dollar jury verdict against Equifax —

Angela P. Williams says she got nothing but a runaround from Equifax as she tried for more than a decade to clear up an identity mix-up that ruined her credit. Now she’s hitting the credit-reporting giant where it hurts: on the bottom line. An Orlando jury awarded Williams a multimillion-dollar verdict against Equifax for years of failing to correct dramatic errors in Williams’ credit report that led to her credit score being trashed. Atlanta-based Equifax must pay the medical-transcription worker $219,000 in actual damages and $2.7 million in punitive damages for negligent violation of federal credit-reporting laws, according to the verdict Friday in state Circuit Court in Orlando.

I suffered an identity theft in 2001. To this day I am in dispute with Equifax, the worst offender of the big three credit reporting agencies. They refuse to remove the 3 bogus addresses along with misspellings of my name the thief used to purchase cell phones, gold and other jewelry. Unlike the woman in the article, I gave up after years of struggling. Her victory is for all of us.

“I’m not sure this will bring resolution,” she said. “I don’t have a lot of confidence especially in Equifax, after so many years of having problems. I’m just not confident that I won’t have to go through this again.”

I know firsthand exactly how she feels.

  1. J says:


    “You are a moron.”

    Nice retort!

    Doesn’t it suck when someone calls you out on the carpet form making dumb statements like you did in #58.

    Prove me wrong!!! Explain to everyone, with your infinate knowledge, how I can be attacked indirectly and how it will affect my finances. It would not only make me look stupid but it would be educational for everyone who reads this.

  2. Topaz says:

    I am very happy that Equifax was held accountable, And that they suffered the consequences of their behavior.

    I would love to see the Equifax executives thrown in jail for a few years as well for their despicable behavior against Ms. Williams.

  3. Andrewai says:

    I’m trying to buy a house now and the mortgage company ran my and my wife’s credit. It came back showing we owed and were making monthly payment of almost twice the actual amount. So I called Equifax to get them to fix the problem. She told me that I couldn’t get it fixed and it would have to be the person who requested my report. I said, “But it’s my report. It’s my information you have wrong.” She more or less said, “Too bad, have the lender call us.” I hate them. They have MY information wrong and I can’t get them to fix it without ordering a report from them myself. And can anyone explain why student loans show in triplicate.

    So far this has been a pain and I am unable to get loan approval from one of the lenders until this is cleared up. Thanks Equifax, retards. I’d sue you if I thout I’d win.


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