• Chimps have superior memory to humans.
  • Divorced people partly responsible for global warming.
  • Russians buy Live Journal.
  • Mozilla updating over and over.
  • Vista has one-half the piracy rate of XP.
  • Stop the presses: Steve Jobs to keynote Mac Expo.
  • Is Microsoft going to buy SAP?
  • AT&T giving up on pay phones.
  • China being reported as a huge state sponsored hacking going on. I’m suspicious.

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  1. tallwookie says:

    ya know – I’m getting tired of this whole global warming thing – watch this (http://tinyurl.com/2vt4jx) – you wont ever see this on TV is the USA, censors wouldnt let something like this through….

    Watch it & then see if you still believe in the global warming hype

  2. Jim says:

    If they are really concerned about divorce causing global warming because of excess material and energy usage, then they should be for polyamorous relationships and communes.

    Just saying.

    So John, if the piracy rate of Vista is 1/2 the rate of XP, then perhaps you should be suggesting everyone pirate Vista. We’ll get a world-wide meltdown of the “Pirates” and probably cause China’s internet population to implode.

  3. Tsavo says:

    Someone sounds a sheet up.


  4. ECA says:

    Its funny, I DONT SEE a cellphone I WOULD USE…
    I only ask 1 thing..
    No camera, no PDA, NO minicomp, JUST A PHONE.
    A phone that I can get a signal ANYWHERE I NEED TO GO…
    Im out in the RURAL area…and if you get past 10 miles from the freeway, YOU WONT get a signal.

    There are STILL dead spots..And they ARE NOT in good places..
    Some are JUST OFF THE ROAD, in the DITCH. WHERE it would be GREAT to have a Cellphone..

    I cant see why they dont set a LINE down the center of the freeway, that can DO the signal..

    Look at the kids..
    HOW many spend their LIVES on the phone? Even in parody of it…I WANT A PHONE< I WANT A PHONE, Jamy has a Phone, I WANT A PHONE…

  5. imapolygirl says:

    Another relationship benefit to the environment is polyamory, i.e. the practice if having loving relationships with more than one person at a time with the knowledge and consent of all involved. Some polyamorists do live together in groups of more than two with conservation of natural resources being a part of their philosophy. Obviously, with, say, five adults living together, only one washer and dryer are needed instead of five, everyone shares in the use of energy required to light, heat and cool the home, and soforth. There are many of us speaking to the media about polyamory to raise awareness of polyamory and its legitimacy in public sector – hopefully the day will come when we aren’t left out of such analyses.

    Anita Wagner

  6. QB says:

    Microsoft and SAP are talking, but SAP is also talking to IBM. Over 30 billion in consolidation in last two years in the enterprise software market and it’ll probably continue.

    Microsoft is increasingly being shut out of this market with the exception of SQL Server. If they want to be a big player this may be the way to go but their consulting services arm just isn’t ready to take this on yet – and that’s where the big money is. I could see MS owning the software side and IBM taking the lucrative implementation and support contracts away from them.

  7. tallwookie says:

    #4 – as ex-tech support for many of the major american cellular phone companies, I can tell you that the reason there is very little reliable signal away from the interstates is because the cellphone providers like it that way. The percentage of the populace that lives 10+ miles away from an interstate isnt as important/useful to them as the percentage that lives within 10 miles of an interstate.
    Additionally, since the profit margin is so low on a basic service package (aka just “a phone” – no texting, no data plan, etc), the cellular providers work with the cellphone manufacturers to bring more and more advance phone to the buying public. Keep in mind though, the cellphone providers dont really want a device that can do “everything” unless they can charge you for “everything”.
    Want to screw the phone company? Look at picture messageing (also known as pixsms or “enhanced messaging”). Most cellular providers sell devices that have bluetooth capability – but the data end of the bluetooth protocol is crippled (the software), because they want you to use their network & their exorbitant per use prices ($0.25 or $0.30 per message without a enhanced messaging package, another ripoff fee). Get a device that doesnt have crippled bluetooth (look for OBEX Push enabled cellphones) – then get a bluetooth dongle for your PC if you dont already have one – and then email the pics to whomever you want. You can even email the pics to a phone (free for you, not for them). For example say theres a verizon phone w/ # 123-456-7890 – its email address would be 1234567890@vzw.net
    If enough people did this it’f really fuck with the overcharging bastards…

  8. Mister Mustard says:

    >>ya know – I’m getting tired of this whole
    >>global warming thing


    As for sensationalist tin-pan-alley-wannabe Martin Durkin and his Swindle “documentary”, pffft. I guess you missed the follow-up, in which virtually every respectable scientist in the world dumped all over him and his “documentary”, huh?

    Read this:


    and see if it puts some sense in your pretty little head.

  9. Angel H. Wong says:

    Hmm.. Of course they’re sponsoring hacking, just in case if any nation stops kneeling and kissing their feet in adoration.


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