– In case you want to set your DVR.

President George W. Bush will hold a news conference at 10:10 a.m. EST on Tuesday, the White House said.

The president will lie about the war in Iraq, he’ll try to snow people with Israeli lies about peace in Palestine, he’ll continue to lie about diplomatic relations with Iran, he’ll make-up dreams about the state of the U.S. economy and, finally, he’ll lie about his plans to veto any useful legislation to come from Congress – presuming the Democrats sprouted a backbone over the weekend.

The reporters allowed to attend will not ask any dangerous questions.

  1. god says:

    Cripes! It took an editor and a reporter at CNN to copy 2 sentences from a press release.

    No wonder no one asks questions anymore. They might need special permission from the Time-Warner bored of directors.

  2. >>Cripes! It took an editor and a reporter
    >>at CNN

    That was Reuters, son. Not CNN. That’s what the editor is for, to catch things like that.

    As to the news conference, blech. I’ll skim the full text in the NYT. Every time that bozo goes on TV, stumbling through his teleprompter cues, talking about OB/GYNs “practicing their love” with patients, and trying to keep the rosy blush off his cheeks as he spits out lie after lie after lie, I feel great shame and embarrassment at being an American.

    At least the NYT edits out the “duhhh”s and the mispronunciations.

  3. steelcobra says:

    “The president will lie about the war in Iraq, he’ll try to snow people with Israeli lies about peace in Palestine, he’ll continue to lie about diplomatic relations with Iran, he’ll make-up dreams about the state of the U.S. economy and, finally, he’ll lie about his plans to veto any useful legislation to come from Congress – presuming the Democrats sprouted a backbone over the weekend.”

    Good to see you’re not jumping to conclusions.

  4. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    Greetings and welcome to one of today’s random Bush Bashings…..

  5. Improbus says:

    Why are we always bashing GW? Cause the moron won’t stay down or go away. Our entire government is an embarrassment.

  6. RTaylor says:

    Thanks but my wife and doctor has forbidden me to watch him. It’s bad for my health.

  7. jlm says:

    “Greetings and welcome to one of today’s random Bush Bashings…..”
    Truth hurts

  8. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    random Bush Bashings…..

    What’s random about it?

  9. BikerFunJoe says:

    You lefties sound like a broken record. At least when you guys vote Hillary in you won’t bore us with your incessant whining. You never bother commenting about Clinton double-talk. From “Slick Willy” to “Slick Hilly”.

  10. >>Good to see you’re not jumping to conclusions.

    Unlike the safe harbor of the stock market, in Dumbya’s case past performance IS indicative of future results. Forward-looking statements such as Eidard’s are pretty much a sure bet.

  11. Dennis says:

    I thought that was the purpose of Politicians. To lie about what they are supposed to know, to blindly follow the religious dogma, and to make sure the corporations always get fed.

    Hmm, you mean to say it has been different over thes3e many years? Can you point to references that can prove that? Cause I have too many references that prove they lie, cheat, steal, kill and maim all in honor of the Almighty (thats the dollar to us normal folk).

  12. Marc says:



  13. framitz says:

    He’s lied so much for so long that he probably believes his own BS by now.

    Wow #13, kinda intense today, might want to watch over your shoulder for Secret Service….

  14. Tanqueray says:

    Aesome, we need more liberal rants like that, like a daily rant on why george bush sucks, oh yeah, fight the powah.

  15. RBG says:

    It will be so great when Bush has left at the end of his term and taken all his negative Bush-baggage with him so the rest of America can get on with being led by more reasonable Republicans. Is that it?


  16. >>more reasonable Republicans

    wtf is that? You mean there are reasonable Republicans? Bummer. After 8 years of the Chimperor in Chief, they don’t stand a chance.

  17. Brett says:

    “You mean there are reasonable Republicans? ”

    YES, Ron Paul

  18. JPV says:

    >>BikerFunJoe said
    >>You lefties sound like a broken record. At least >>when you guys vote Hillary in you won’t bore us >>with your incessant whining. You never bother >>commenting about Clinton double-talk. From >>“Slick Willy” to “Slick Hilly”.

    Another simple minded brainwashed fool that is ignorant enough to believe that there is actually any real difference between the two major parties.

  19. Rabble Rouser says:

    I wish you people would stop calling Bush a moron.
    It’s an insult to morons worldwide.
    ‘As smart as a box of rocks,’ or ‘An IQ lower than an amoeba,’ might be more fitting for the King.

    I still don’t believe he’s leaving in ’08. He’s going to find some ’emergency,’ or another false flag operation, like 9/11, declare martial law, and postpone the elections indefinitely, while he remains king.

  20. cman says:

    “…you won’t bore us with your incessant whining.”

    So much better than the constant bullying when in control and crying like little sissy girls when you are not and when you don’t get your way.

    Like was said before… truth hurts… you morons keep right on excusing/enabling/justifying this moron…

  21. grog says:

    #10 did it ever occur to you that we lefties don’t talk about bill clinton anymore because … BILL CLINTON HASN’T BEEN PRESIDENT FOR 6 YEARS!!!!!! LET IT GO!!!!

    quit bring up slick willy, it only makes you seem like you have nothing good to say about W.

  22. eyeofthetiger says:

    I hope he gets medical attention for that growth on his nose. Maybe he will be begging for Karl Rove to come back? He was hired by Obama, right?

  23. Micromike says:

    I really enjoy reading a blurb that tells it like it is, as in “The president will lie about the war in Iraq.” You know he is going to lie so why give him the benefit of doubt when there is no doubt and he doesn’t deserve the benefit anyway.

    As to Clinton I’d rather have him and all the Monica’s in the world than a shameful, illegal war with torture of prisoners and more lies than you can count with a computer to justify it. I am not sure what Hillary might do to our country but it can’t be as bad as what Bush has done in 6 years.

    To all you Republican schlubs out there, how can a quicky with an intern compare to the illegal murdering of a million innocent Iraqis and the death of several thousand American Soldiers. How can you make that comparison with a straight face? How can you, as killers of civilians and creators of millions of orphans, pretend that Bill’s playing with Monica is on the same scale as killing millions of innocent parents and making millions of orphans and add to that the death of thousands of our soldiers. In what imaginary universe is it reasonable to say these 2 events are of the same scope or magnitude. Take your lying pretense at still being shocked by Bill and pack it up your posterior where it belongs.

  24. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    You guys who want to defend Bush…just remember that it is widely accepted by all sides of the political spectrum that he will be regarded easily as one of the worst presidents ever. Some of us aren’t waiting for the final analysis, that’s all. He has accomplished so little, divided the country like no other in the last 100 years, pissed off most of our allies, and put us into a miniature (so far) version of Vietnam. He cut my taxes a little, but it now costs me twice as much for gas (and heating oil) as it did in 2002. Milk is friggin $5 a gallon due to this bullshit ethanol nonsense. My personal economy sucks thanks to him. Whatever happens next is likely to be about as abrupt as the Carter/Reagan transition.

  25. D. Fever says:

    You Bush supporters are a bunch of asshats.

  26. cman says:

    The republican mantra is fear.

    Keep the public in fear so they don’t question your questionable and illegal activities.

    Keep your party in fear of ‘Liberals’ so that the mere mention of word makes them snarl and vomit forth obscenities as if they are the anti-christ.

    Keep right on claiming to be the party of morals and God. Keep up the corruption, the murder of innocents, the murder of our soldiers, the abandonment of the soldiers when they return, the homosexuality, the adultery, the theft, the lying… you know… all those things that the 10 commandments you so willing scream about being put in the courthouses, tells you not to do. So much for your morals….

    Yes republican bullies… keep right on supporting the most prolifically ignorant, incompetent and pathetically bumbling band of crooks that have ever sat in the white house.

    You will always be traitors to real, reasonable and competent Americans.

    No, we don’t hate Bush… We just recognize stupidity, arrogance and bullying when we see it. What we hate are the toads who shill and cheer for this corrupt and incompetent administration.

  27. Phillep says:

    We bring up Clinton because YOU did not complain when Clinton did the stuff you are griping about Bush doing.

  28. Mister Mustard says:

    >>We bring up Clinton because YOU did not
    >>complain when Clinton did the stuff you
    >>are griping about Bush doing.

    No, he never did that. He got his knob polished by a chubby intern.

    See #25 and #27 for Dumbya’s legacy.

  29. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #7 – Thanks but my wife and doctor has forbidden me to watch him. It’s bad for my health.

    Yet another reason we need a national health care plan 🙂

  30. FRAGaLOT says:

    Must be a slow news day for this to be posted here; it’s not even news. My pet theory about the inept Bush administration is to upset and bore the American voters to the point that they don’t want to vote anymore. Then they will re-write the constitution and we stop voting all together.


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