In high heels and thongs, women compete at the world fitness championships in the Greek town of Kavala. 5 November 2006.

From Reuters Photos of Sports in the 21st Century.

  1. moss says:

    You don’t see Reuters screw up a photo caption very often. Pic 12 in the slide show is from the British Gran Prix in 2003 – of some religious nutball dancing out onto the track with his placards.

  2. Mister Mustard says:

    Hoo yeah! Nothing hotter than a bunch of bimbos hopped up on ‘roids, strutting around like Charles Atlas with tits.

    At least they don’t have to worry about their balls shriveling up.

  3. OvenMaster says:

    I thoroughly enjoy pix of women who are tanned, tight, toned, with curves in all the right places. But women with bulging muscles like bodybuilders do nothing at all for me. To each their own, of course.

  4. DavidtheDuke says:

    I don’t think these women really do it to attract the men. Or the women. I think it’s something else entirely. I guess if there’s a drug there’s going to be a will in all the corners there could be.

  5. the Three-Headed Cat says:

    Exactly, Musteau. I’ve been referring to them for years as ‘guys with hair and tits.’ Your average transvestite is more feminine.

    Ick. On so many levels. Gimme pale skin that stays soft and smooth over leather-to-be any day. And graceful, sublime compound curves from normal female subcutaneous fat beat that grotesque Skeletor musculature hands down – if you like girls, that is…

    Little-known fact: when a female’s body fat drops below about 4% or so, her testosterone levels jump and she starts looking – and acting – noticeably more masculine. No thanks. If I was interested in masculinity, I’d go for real guys, not imitations.

    Needless to say, YMMV, and ‘notthattheresanythingwrongwiththat!’ But, personally – I’ll pass.

  6. Floyd says:

    Soft and curvy women are far more pretty than toothpicks (think Twiggy and the like) or the macha chickies above.

  7. Gasbag says:

    God I wish I had legs like that

  8. Anna says:

    Nice glutes. I like women with muscle on them. I don’t think any of these women look unfeminine. Of course, I have a bit of a different perspective, being female myself. No – I don’t do bodybuilding, but I do lift weights. It’s fun. Muscles are fun. Would I wanna look like a female Arnie? Nope. But Lisa Lyon? You bet!

  9. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Would I wanna look like a female Arnie?
    >>Nope. But Lisa Lyon? You bet!

    I’m sure there are other ladies who would find that attractive. Not too many gents though…

  10. RBG says:

    I believe those are actually some of the men from Mikonos. So I hear.


  11. eyeofthetiger says:

    The women in this picture do not look bad. It is refreshing to see muscle tone on women. Around here the average women seems to be 30lbs overweight. Women in the fitness and bodybuilding sports are not as big as they were 10 yrs ago. In fact, the routines they do during contest contain more acrobatics than muscle poses. That ostrich race picture was something else. Hmmm, I wonder what ostrich meat taste like.

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    Does nothing for me. Personally, I think they might be a little off their rockers.

  13. >.Does nothing for me.

    Me neither, O Nuclear One. I think they look a little like (male) dancers for Britney Spears or Madonna.

  14. Balbas says:

    I like ’em, provided they’re cute.

  15. Rabble Rouser says:

    I am so glad you didn’t show the top half of those women. IMNSHO, there’s nothing LESS attractive, than a woman with no breasts, and pecs like Charles Atlas, and a six pack to boot.

  16. Angel H. Wong says:

    This is a lesson learned from the über gay He-man cartoon of the 80s, you could have a ripped body but if you don’t have a fabulous tan then you’re invisible to the public.

  17. Glenn E says:

    Why is Firefox giving me an security notice about ad.doubleclick from visiting the linked Reuters page?

  18. Glenn E says:

    Oh BTW. This is obviously a doctored photo. The line up of men standing behind the women are better lighted, than the line up of women. And the women aren’t casting any shadows on the men. Plus, I never heard of such thing as having both genders on stage at once. They don’t compete!

  19. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Plus, I never heard of such thing as having
    >>both genders on stage at once.

    Heh heh. What makes you think some of them are men? Weightlifting women aren’t exactly known for their feminine shapes.

  20. the Three-Headed Cat says:

    I think he’s going by the absence of heels on the ones in the bg…


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