Richard Roberts told students at Oral Roberts University on Wednesday that he did not want to resign as president of the scandal-plagued evangelical school, but he did so because God insisted.

God told him on Thanksgiving that he should resign the next day, Roberts told students in the university’s chapel…

A lawsuit accuses Roberts of lavish spending at a time when the university faced more than $50 million in debt, including taking shopping sprees, buying a stable of horses and paying for a daughter to travel to the Bahamas aboard the university jet.

Roberts has previously said God told him to deny the allegations…

You have to give credit where credit is due.

  1. Improbus says:

    I don’t know if I would want a boss that micromanaged me like that. I would resign too.

  2. DavidtheDuke says:

    Wow, awesome pic for the story. Could’ve used some boobs though, I almost didn’t want to click on one of the ads because of that.

  3. hhopper says:

    And people believe this crap?

  4. babaganoosh says:

    This is what really drives me crazy about religion, how some people use it as a scape goat for their fuckups. Believe whatever you want to believe, just have the balls to admit it was your own fault that you did something wrong/stupid.

  5. Matt Garrett says:

    Boy, some church goer must’ve really done “” for the hate God obsession to be so prevalent here.

    If we all looked at life through those eyes, we’d see no good coming out of religion. Thank God that isn’t the case.

  6. Joe says:


    The only God is it’s deity the one and only,

    HIM the Flying Spaghetti Monster.


    A true believer


  7. N0Lif3 says:

    “Blame yourself, or God.” Delita, FFT

  8. DaveW says:

    Unfortunately, “God” did not tell him to jump off of the Empire State Building.

  9. Cinaedh says:

    …and another con man fades away …at least until he comes up with his next scam.

    I can’t wait to see what god tells him to do next to ensure an exorbitant income, without having to work for it, of course.

  10. Ubiquitous Talking Head says:

    Zardoz is the only movie I have ever been to where the audience actually BOOED when it was over.

    Boy, some church goer must’ve really done “” for the hate God obsession to be so prevalent here.

    Hate God obsession? Give an example. I only see people ridiculing a con-man here… it has nothing to do with religion.

  11. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #10 (and #5 by extension) – Boy, some church goer must’ve really done “” for the hate God obsession to be so prevalent here.

    Hate God obsession? Give an example. I only see people ridiculing a con-man here… it has nothing to do with religion.

    I’m told I’m a sinner and I’m going to hell.
    I was physically assaulted in a Wal Mart parking lot because I had a bumper sticker that said “keep abortion safe and legal”.
    My Darwin fish has met more than one unsavory demise.
    I’m told (on this site) that I cannot have morals because I have no god.
    In fact, Christians attack me and my kind every day with hate and venom.

    And now we are the ones who are full of hatred we point out the one millionth example of a hypocrite in Xian leadership.


    I wish some of this particularly pious individuals would gain a little self-awareness, but that isn’t too likely.

  12. AdmFubar says:

    All religion is based on ol’ P.T. Barnum’s most popular quote…

  13. Elwood Pleebus says:

    I would think God wouldn’t be that wishy-washy.

  14. bac says:

    God told me he didn’t exist and I believe him.

  15. Gary Marks says:

    I wonder if this “God” will ever insist that Roberts give the money back and begin caring for others as much as he cares for himself.

    The “gospel of prosperity” is often financed on the backs of the people who need the most help.

  16. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #15 – Amen.

  17. Gary Marks says:

    Not to worry about Oral Roberts University’s large debt — I just mailed one of Peter Popoff’s Miracle Spring Water™ packets to the school’s accounting department. They can use it to heal their negative cash flow. The bad news is that it was the packet I was planning to send to U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson. There just aren’t enough of those little Miracle Spring Water™ packets to go around. They really need the elves to step up production of those things.

    #16, I always appreciate a hearty Amen from a fellow atheist. And by the way, I’m thinking of switching my label from atheist to “infidel” to avoid any hint of ambiguity. Plus, it would help give me that aura of danger that some women find so attractive. I really am such an infidel 😉

  18. Improbus says:


    You can also use “heathen” … depends on your mood.

  19. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #17 – 18 – Atheist, infidel, heathen…

    I don’t see any reason not to use all three 🙂

  20. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    God told me to tell you that he didn’t tell Richard Roberts anything.

  21. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Plus, it would help give me that aura
    >>of danger that some women find so

    The aura of danger is key. You really can’t be cool without it.

    If you were really cool and dangerous though, you would reveal the hidden secret behind “superscripted TM”.

    How much HTML will this editor digest?

  22. Gary Marks says:

    Gosh, MM, without my supersecret imaginary aura, I’ll be left with only the sheer logical strength of my arguments. That sounds like a no-brainer 😉

    In this case, the HTML gods play no part. The superscripted “™” is created (out of thin air, nothingness) by Qwerty, the keyboard god. The correct ritual involves pressing and holding the ALT key, typing “0153” and then releasing the ALT key. No Amen is required.

  23. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #21 – If you were really cool and dangerous though, you would reveal the hidden secret behind “superscripted TM”.

    You learned a new trick…

    Out little Mustard is growing up 🙂

  24. Phillep says:

    How old is that jerk? An elderly relative was a big fan of one of those con artists back in the 50’s. I think it was him.

    No, he’s not a guilt tripper, he tries to get people to “do good”, “do god’s work” by sending him money. (So he can save whores from having to get a job at 7-11, I guess.)

    These nasty comments about Christians in this context shows pretty clearly a lack of knowledge of Christianity. Considering how dangerous Christianity is supposed to be, such ignorance is absolutly insane.

    Refusing to learn about something you regard as that dangerous? Retarded.

    (I was raised a fundy and dropped it because I thought Christianity, and all other religions were indications of insanity.)

  25. Thomas says:

    This guy wins the Zardoz Triple Crown:
    The No Courage Award for not saying despite the charges against him.
    The No Brain Award for working at Oral Roberts and getting caught
    The No Heart Award for duping the masses and taking their money.

    Yep, Zardoz would be proud.

  26. Thomas says:

    As Zardoz hands me the Bad Typing Award, that should read:
    > The No Courage Award for
    > not saying despite the
    > charges against him.

  27. Thomas says:


    > The No Courage Award for
    > not sTaying despite the
    > charges against him.

  28. NappyHeadedHo says:

    Heathen is one of my favorite bible words, so catchy. I can’t wait until the Church of FSM comes up with some good ones. Hopefully Oral will end up in jail and they’ll change his name to Anal.

  29. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    Zardoz was one of the greatest movies ever made.

  30. joel says:

    Maybe they could help their dept problem by selling the jet.

    Just a thought though.


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