New York Times – November 29, 2007:

The British teacher in Sudan who let her 7-year-old pupils name a class teddy bear Muhammad was found guilty on Thursday of insulting Islam and sentenced to 15 days in jail and deportation.

Under Sudanese law, the teacher, Gillian Gibbons, could have spent months in jail and been lashed 40 times.

“She got a very light punishment,” said Rabie A. Atti, a government spokesman. “Actually, it’s not much of a punishment at all. It should be considered a warning that such acts should not be repeated.”

British officials, meanwhile, were furious. As soon as the news broke that Ms. Gibbons had been convicted, the British foreign office in London, which had called the whole ordeal “an innocent mistake” summoned the Sudanese ambassador — for the second time in two days.

This is a follow-up to our earlier posting.

  1. bobbo says:

    I thought Muslim law made certain “exceptions” for non-believers? If she gets deported, I see no reason for the Sudanese to waste their time putting her in jail–assuming she survives it and is not shanked for her outrageous effrontery.

    Now, what the Sudanese should do is waterboard every student to find out who, and give 40 lashes to, every kiddie who voted to insult Moohamdid. And throw in a few lashes to their disrespectful parents as well.

    Moohamdid’s name should be protected.

  2. Jim says:

    And muslims keep wondering why westerners don’t like them. Maybe they’ll get lucky and one of those kids will grow up to destroy the religion completely.

  3. Mark Derail says:

    I don’t understand why it’s OK for boys to be called Muhammad?

    Or is like our Christian middle names with Jesus or Joseph?

    I would have voted for Mua’Dib.

  4. moss says:

    Mua’Dib in HiDef Rules!

    Other than that, I expect nothing but silliness, perpetual ignorance and criminal folly from any theocracy.

  5. JPV says:

    Seems like pretty civil treatment compared to what US and British troops are doing to them.

  6. Jerk-Face says:

    “Gillian Gibbons, could have spent months in jail and been lashed 40 times.”

    “She got a very light punishment,”

    Thank Allah they went so easy on this vicious woman. Islam truly is the religion of peace!

  7. Blues says:

    Remind me… What’s the punishment in the USA for burning the flag, or defacing a dollar bill?

  8. Tomko says:

    If I was PM of Britain, I’d step in and publicly insult the government for stupidity, then I’d take her out of the country without serving her time. If they complained, I’d tell them basically to STFU.

  9. Al says:


    I’m not sure what you are getting at, but it is legal to burn the national flag in the USA so long as you own the flag. It is, however, illegal to burn the Confederate flag in Florida. OTOH, many western countries outright forbid burning of their flag.

    There is a seldom enforced law forbidding defacing money with the intent of taking it out of circulation (e.g. trying to alter the money supply), but defacing one or a few bills hardly qualifies, and it is done quite regularly without the police storming in.

  10. Phillep says:

    Bobbo, nope. No slack. Insult Allah, get tortured to death.

    Refusing to listen to someone who wants to preach about allah is insulting allah. Mentioning any other religion, is insulting allah. Refusing to convert is insulting allah. Saying “No, I do not wish to convert” is insulting allah.

    But, Islam is not nearly as dangerous as Christianity. Uh-huh.

  11. Celery says:

    The Teddy bear was grateful for its new name, up until that point it had been called Satan.

  12. gadlaw says:

    #13 sez – The Teddy bear was grateful for its new name, up until that point it had been called Satan.

    They changed it’s name to George W. Bush?

  13. NappyHeadedHo says:

    Pass me the eye bleach!

  14. mohammad ibn farruq says:

    all you infidels will burn in hell

  15. Steve says:

    I just talked to my wife and we want to put a table out in front of the house covered in teddy bears and a sign saying get your mohammed bears here in time for christmas.

    Does it matter if they are black bears or brown or polar?

    Do you think it will piss anyone off if I mount them on little waterboards?

  16. Phillep says:

    Make it stuffed dogs as they are considered even more unclean than pigs.

    Instead of mounting them on something, have them, uhm. Never mind.

    Moslems suck billy goat beards.

  17. Gary Marks says:

    The bear has been renamed “Suicide Bear,” and everyone is now happy. Don’t hug him too tightly, boys and girls. He’s a very special bear.

  18. GetSmart says:

    Gene Roddenberry had the right idea about not ready for prime time civilizations. The Prime Directive. It’s not too late y’know.

  19. Rob says:

    Wasn’t it the kids who chose the name? Do they all get beaten? No. They get deprived an education which might be worse. Backwards.

  20. tallwookie says:

    #2 has the right of it –

    I publicly insult and degrade islam on a daily basis and I havent seen any of those insane turban wearing sand monkeys yet – perhaps they only come out when there is a full moon?

    Better invest in some garlic, crosses and silver stakes I guess…

  21. Glenn E says:

    It sounds to me like this teacher is just being played as a scapegoat. They wanted to blow up about western culture. So they picked the first thing that came along. There’s probably people over there violating their strick laws all the time, and most of it’s overlooked (like prostitution). Especially if you’re rich enough. Kind of like with O.J. Simpson, in the US. But soon as a westerner flubs up a little, all hell breaks loose, like they’d done the most horrible thing imaginable. Remember that stupid cartoon thing. And that was by an Danish newspaper. But they saw it via the internet, and went crazy over it, because their gov’t told them to.

    And as Lewis Black once pointed out on the Daily Show, the US politicians did the same thing when the French refused to go to war in Iraq, by changing the name of French Fries and French Toast. Wow, how similarly inane!

  22. maxrcul says:

    This is not a religion – it’s a cult and fucktarded at that!

  23. Steve S says:

    And now thousands of angry Sudanese protesters are calling for her execution.

    How can we ever get along with these people when there is almost no common ground between us.

  24. Joshua says:

    #25 Steve…..My thought’s exactly. I just don’t know what we can do any more. Short of an all out war one day, I don’t see us ever getting along on the same planet.

    This woman was used to tweek the noses of the west for Darfur and the genocide condemnations. This is exactly why these countries keep their people in ignorance, if they ever became educated their leaders would be dog food.

  25. tallwookie says:

    #25 – “How can we ever get along with these people when there is almost no common ground between us.”

    we cant. the best short term solution here is to kill all muslims, starting with those in africa. after that move to the middle east, then to south-east asia – hopefully by that time, all other *remaining* muslims will figure out that they’re not wanted, kill themselves and go to that fake god they refer to as “allah”.

    Long term solution is to kill all the muslims, but make it into a TV show – perferably after monday night football… Monday night executions anyone?

  26. BubbaRay says:

    16 mohammad ibn farruq said, in November 29th, 2007 at 5:34 pm

    all you infidels will burn in hell

    Such wonderful words from a religion of peace. I’m duly impressed by your attitude towards the children who wished to name a teddy bear “muhammad.” Say, what’s your first name again?

    The BubbaRayDipDork award is yours.

  27. FUALL says:

    just another example of true “Religion of peace” face

    so, whats new?

  28. Mr. Fusion says:

    #28, Bubba Ray

    As I stand behind you, applauding the well deserved award. It couldn’t have gone to a more worthy dipdork.

  29. Cinaedh says:

    #30, Mr. Fusion,

    Um, I’m pretty sure the worthy dipdork is ‘Muhammad dipdork’, to be exact.

    Oh no! I’m going to burn in hell for that one for sure, joyous infidel that I am!

  30. JimR says:

    BubbaRay, nice call but I would bet $$ that mohammad ibn farruq is a fake.

    The grammer and speiling are too good.


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