Love him or hate him, he’s not like the other candidates from either party. Which means he hasn’t got a chance. On the other hand, given how little most people really want any of those other candidates….


How to make sense of the Ron Paul revolution? What’s behind the improbably successful (so far) presidential campaign of a 72-year-old 10-term Republican congressman from Texas who pines for the gold standard while drawing praise from another relic from the hyperinflationary 1970s, punk-rocker Johnny Rotten?

Now with about 5 percent (and climbing) support in polls of likely Republican voters, Paul set a one-day GOP record by raising $4.3 million on the Internet from 38,000 donors on Nov. 5 — Guy Fawkes Day, the commemoration of a British anarchist who plotted to blow up Parliament and kill King James I in 1605. Paul’s campaign, which is three-quarters of the way to its goal of raising “$12 Million to Win” by Dec. 31, didn’t even organize the fundraiser — an independent-minded supporter did.

When a fierce Republican foe of the wars on drugs and terrorism is able, without really trying, to pull in a record haul of campaign cash on a day dedicated to an attempted regicide, it’s clear that a new and potentially transformative force is growing in American politics.
[H]is philosophy of principled libertarianism is anything but negative: It’s predicated on the fundamental notion that a smaller government allows individuals the freedom to pursue happiness as they see fit.

And how insane an idea is that!

  1. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Kucinich lost my vote the moment he claimed
    >>he saw a UFO.

    A UFO? Big woop. I saw a UFO once. Right outside of Newark NJ, there was a giant triangular thing floating through the fog, with eerie lights illuminating parts of the ghostly exterior of the machine. Scared the shit out of me, but it turned out to be an airplane on a low descent into the airport (at that point it made the transition from “unidentified” to “identified”).

    When he starts saying God talks to him and tells him to invade foreign countries, THAT’S when you really have to worry. Oh wait…we’ve already tried that.

  2. Thomas says:

    Firstly, let’s be adults here. If Kucinich was having fun with the press, then ok. However, I do not get that impression. Second, it should be noted that Ron Paul is also quite religious (as are all the candidates).

  3. the Three-Headed Cat says:

    Correction: All of the candidates claim to be religious, which is quite a different thing indeed. The day I start taking politicians at their word is the day I should be committed to an appropriate psychiatric facility…

    Dubya claims to be religious, too. And you can see how that has worked out.

  4. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Firstly, let’s be adults here.

    How are we being juvenile? By pointing out that the Chimperor in Chief said that God told him to smite those infidel camel jockeys?

    And just because I happened to be 2 miles from an airport and was able to deduce what MY unidentified flying object was, that doesn’t mean that all flying objects are as easily identifiable.

    If he had said aliens took him up into their spacecraft and subjected him to anal probing (or that they told him to go to war with another country), THAT would be worrisome. Just seeing something in the sky that he can’t identify? Would that Dumbya were as reality-based as Dennis K. We might not be in the shithole we’re in now.

  5. Shadowbird says:

    #21: It isn’t that simple. There is NO ONE who I believe is capable of leading this country. And even disregarding that, none of the candidates have any appeal to me at all. The problem is that NO ONE is really willing to stand up and say that the entire system needs to be thrown on its head, which I believe it needs to be. Not even Ron Paul. No one is willing to hit the reset button because the current system is too convenient for whoever manages to round up enough idiots to vote for them.

  6. ECA says:

    CORRECT, and when you have a party BEHIND you, like the demo and repubs, you KNOW what votes you will get…
    Expecting the NON-goups to vote is almost like Dieing.
    Expecting 1/6-1/3 of the voters in the nation to VOTE for you, is ABIT dreamy..

  7. Thomas says:

    You should really consider going on the wagon. I was not talking about Bush.

    I found a clip of the original Kucinich UFO comment and I do think he was attempting to be funny (but failing…which is par for pretty much all politicians). (A better question would be, “What in the hell possessed you to hang out with Shirley MacLaine?”). Looking at Kucinich positions, I’d say he is certainly electable based on his positions. I do not agree with him on everything (gun control and his health care solution) but certainly enough to vote for him. Now if would just run as an independent…

  8. Shill says:

    Ron Paul believes in following the U.S. Constitution, unlike the folks that we have in our Executive Branch of government now. I don’t agree with every one of his positions, but it’s far past time for us to realize that this two party system we have is not working. Many of the things Mr. Paul believes, I believe also. Read Peter McWilliam’s book “It Ain’t Nobody’s Business If You Do,” for a thorough outline on what Libertarians believe.

  9. #6 – bac,

    Good point. How do you intend to make that happen? I’ve posted my opinions on the subject along with the fact that none of the real suggestions for getting corporations out of government are realistic. Nationalized health care is realistic however. In fact, privatized health care has only one democratic developed nation in the world that finds it realistic. And, for that, we pay dramatically more (16% of GDP) than the next highest spender (Germany 11%) and get the second worst health care of any developed democratic nation in the world.

    #34 – Thomas,

    That’s because atheists are the most disrespected group in the country. Even at the local level, even in liberal New York City, an atheist cannot get elected. Gays yes. Atheists no.

    #35 – three headed cat,

    I’m confused by your comment. How is Bush’s religiosity contradicted by his actions? I think his actions actually prove how religious he really is. He’s right in line with the Crusades, Inquisitions, and other attempts to force one’s views on others. This is typical of the effects on one’s morals that the Judeo-Christian-Islamic religion (singular as always for me) has on people. The real first and only commandment from religion is Thou Shalt Kill, a point I have attempted to make on my own blog thread. Please feel free to take this tangential discussion there, if you like.

  10. #36 – MM,

    Well said.

    Would that more of the masses who feel the need for that particular opiate believed as you do. Unfortunately, most take a more conventional reading of scripture and those that take the most literal of readings are so whacked out that they overshadow the more reasonable almost completely.

    In most other things in life, I am less willing to throw out perfectly good bath water merely because there is a dirty baby sitting in it. However, in this case, I’m prepared to waste the water.

  11. Greg Allen says:

    My biggest problem with Libertarians is that they are hopelessly outdated.

    Libertarians still think that government is the biggest threat to our personal freedoms! Fools.

    Clearly, to any informed person, it’s the corporations and big business who are the biggest threat to life and limb.

    Yet, the Libertarians want to give those same villains all the power. Let Halliburton own and run the world!

  12. Greg Allen says:

    Mister Mustard said, What kind of drugs are you on, dude??? Federal and state welfare programs have LESS THAN 20% overhead.

    He’s not on drugs. He’s worse off than that. He’s addicted to conservative talking points.

    Those addicts have this mantra they’ve been chanting since the Reagan administration that FOR PROFIT corporations are always more efficient than NOT FOR PROFIT government agencies.

    To prove their point, those guys just make up statistics out of thin air — FOX NEWS style.

    Worse, they are abysmally ignorant about free enterprise which leads them to foolishly believe the free market can solve all problems.

    Those talking-point chanters rarely ever think through the elemental issues of such a claim.

    What is the main, driving motivation of all business? It’s to PAY OUT AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE while KEEPING AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE.

    (This is just econ 101 but rarely do any of my conservatives friends pend a minute thinking about how that effect privatization.)

    By example: if we channel — let’s say — our health care dollars through private enterprise, we should expect to get the MINIMUM service for the MAXIMUM cost.

    That’s just business as usual.

  13. Thomas says:

    > What is the main, driving motivation of all business? It’s

    You may want to retake Economics 101. Your two statements are both ways of saying the same thing: minimizing costs. It would be more accurate to say: pay out as little as possible while *making* as much as possible. Maximizing revenue is where competition comes into play. Companies in the same market are competing to maximize revenue and that is what drives down costs to the consumer and increases quality. If there is no competition, then that dynamic breaks down. If many companies are competing in the health care insurance market, then companies with poor service will generally perform worse than companies with good service. Problems arise when there is insufficient competition or when the consumer is not the one making the purchasing decisions such as we have now with health insurance where most purchasing decisions are made by businesses.

  14. #45 – Thomas,

    The problem with the competition in the health insurance industry is that they are competing to get the business from other corporations, not typically individuals. Other corps are also trying to minimize their costs. So, the two snowball each other in downward spiraling costs for both the health insurance company and their customer and downward quality of service for the poor schmuck employee who wants to be able to go to a doctor of his/her choice without getting stuck with $35 copays for every visit.

  15. Thomas says:

    I agree that it is a problem that health insurance providers are able to contract with companies instead of individuals. That one change would make a huge difference.

  16. Mister Mustard says:

    >>I agree that it is a problem that health
    >>insurance providers are able to contract with
    >>companies instead of individuals. That one
    >>change would make a huge difference.

    Yeah, people (“individuals”) would be GUARANTEED an ass-fucking, rather than it being a roll of the dice like it is now. The Health Care Denial Industry would overcharge, undersupply, and anyone who complained or had medical expenses that were about what the bean-counters determined profitable…..*POOF!!* – policy cancelled.

    Putting the provision of health care in the hands of self-serving profit mongers is the mark of a truly degraded society.

  17. Colbert gravel kucinich paul nader perot carter [conyers?rangel?] united for truth elicit fear smear blacklist.

    The people know too much,
    democracy rising democracy now.
    Rage against the machine.

    Honesty compassion intelligence guts.

    No more extortion blackmail bribery division.
    Divided we fall.

  18. the Three-Headed Cat says:

    I’m gonna correct ya there, Mustard;

    “Putting the provision of health care in the hands of self-serving profit mongers is the mark of a truly degraded society.”

    Better, putting any and all public services in the hands of self-serving profit mongers is the mark of a corrupt, self-destructive society.

    And by the time that occurs to a sufficient number of people to do anything about it, it’ll be waaaay too late. After all, only a filthy Commie refuses to worship at the altar of Profit, the sheeple victims of capitalism run amok have been taught to believe.

  19. Mister Mustard says:

    #50 Point taken, Mr Cat. I guess those three heads allow you to think more globally.

    I also imagine that with those three heads, you are able to eat three times the amount of ghoti as a single-headed feline.

  20. the Three-Headed Cat says:

    Two of my three heads would have you know that ghoti tastes just like chicken. (Head #2 is a vegetarian.)

  21. Jeff Smathers says:

    Many of you who discount Ron Paul are superfical and want everyone else to vote for you because you don’t have the time to research the candidates beyond what is presented to you by MSNBC, ABC, CBS, Fox and the rest.

    You are of course losers and watch your country slide into an abyss that your children will inherit…..but that’s Ok because, at least you’ll have your temporary entitlements.

    Do some real research and be responsible adults instead of slackard children….. and get rid of that nose ring while your at it.

  22. reteo says:

    First, for those who believe that Ron Paul is just talking, I would advise you to look over his voting history. A more consistent record you will not find among any of the candidates. There is a blip here and there, but nothing that directly contradicts his stance.

    Second, regarding public services, the easiest way to understand the problem with government providing services is this: Would you want to pay for Wal-Mart, even if you never walk in the door, but shop at their competitors, such as a local market? This analogy fits with government, because you pay for their services, even if a competitor does a better job of it… if a competitor is even permitted to compete.

    Another thing to keep in mind, the richest man in the World is Bill Gates. Bill also happens to be the single largest donor in the world. Warren Buffet comes second in the wealth category, and he is donating his entire fortune to charity upon his death. These are not government officials, they are among the biggest and baddest capitalists in the world. Just a thought.


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