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The Ambiance Enhancer

Artist’s Comments

Step right up folks! Witness the latest and greatest that the glory of modern technology can possibly offer to you at this particular moment of time and space!

The Ambiance Enhancer

This handy little device can take the most boring and dull locale and turn it into whatever sort of emotive resonance you prefer! You simply load it with “Wave Files” or their less complicated cousins the “Musical Programme Type Threes (or “MP3” for those who enjoy abbreviations) and then activate the device to change the ambiance around you! Astounding!

Okay, here’s the real story behind this one:

I bought a pair of vintage Cannonball Empire headphones off Ebay and I disassembled and gutted them. I then transplanted the working parts of a Sony MDR-006 (that I randomly found on the ground at a bus stop 2 days ago!) into them, and viola! Cool looking ‘old’ headphones that work just fine with my MP3 player ^ _ ^

Figuring out how to get the speakers into the Cannonballs was not easy. I actually ruined the prototype trying to do it in an overly fancy way with a different pair of sony headphones.

So then I decided I needed some way to get my MP3 player to match my steampunk daily wear.

First I hand sewed a little cover for the MP3 player and attached the brown leather protection pad to it. Then I took a raw sheet of Brass and cut out the form, bending it into shape carefully and adding the lynch pins and strapping last. I wanted to be able to wear this on my jacket as well, so I created a little latch on the left arm of my jacket so it can be put on and off easily.

Viola! Retrofuture goodness… ^ _ ^

  1. gregallen says:

    It was a blast-from-the-past to see those headphones! I had a pair quite similar to those for listening to shortwave radio in the 60s.

    The wires were cloth covered and the plugs were two separate pins (it was mono)

    Although I’m not obsessive enough to ever do it — I admire these homebrewers who do this stuff.

    Like this guy who built a PC into a waffle iron.

    I love that it has no point!

    (I think this Mini-ITX site was featured here on this blog. I check back once-in-a-while just because it is so ridiculously geeky cool.)

  2. Shubee says:

    These communicators to the mind look exactly like what the Borg wear on their wrists.

  3. ECA says:

    the problem with this Stuff is that its NOT a functioning device…GREAT case, but the rest is fluff.

  4. Sandeep says:

    Dude!!! i wont even ask you how thanksgiving went by, its quite clear what you’ve been upto 😀


  5. Phillep says:

    Looks pretty good. Now you need a Mandalorian costume to go with it. 8D

  6. the answer says:

    When Halloween costumes go wrong.


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