Bloomberg Crams On Foreign Policy: Proof That He’s Planning ’08 Bid?

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has been receiving foreign policy briefing sessions on a wide variety of topics, providing the strongest indication yet that he is considering a run for the White House, the Huffington Post has learned.

The sessions, which were confirmed by multiple sources, have been conducted with Nancy Soderberg, a former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations and a Clinton Administration foreign policy adviser. One source described her as “Bloomberg’s Condi.”

A range of topics have been discussed, from non-proliferation to the defense budget, with a specific focus on the war in Iraq.

These sessions dramatically contradict Bloomberg’s denials that he is planning to run for president.

Check out the company that made him a billionaire.

  1. MikeN says:

    Yea, I’d like to see his smoking ban go national. And his ban on trans-fat in foods. We can just pass a new law. Anything Mike Bloomberg thinks is bad for you, it’s banned.

  2. Living in the NYC area I find Mr Bloomberg perfect man at the perfect time for the NYC Major but exactly opposite of what is needed nationally as he combines the worst “from the left” with the worst “from the right”. In particular, heavy govt. social engineering through regulations which affect ordinary people (left) while big business is free to go rampant (right). Presidential candidate should try exact opposite: protect people from the BB (from the left) with the minimal govt. (from the right). Now, find us that candidate…

    Practical example: to solve traffic overcrowding in NYC Bloomberg is proposing “entry fee” to the center of the city. Oppressive social engineering that would do minimal good at the cost of the ordinary people. My “ideal” candidate would offer tax free operation and ALL of the mass transit money to the private company which could make new public transportation that is better and cheaper than cars using the modern technology. Once that exists, traffic would drop.

  3. the Three-Headed Cat says:

    Oo, yas. A nanny-stater plutocrat. Just the ticket. The gov’t has the right to tell the citizenry what they can and cannot do on their own property, but corporations and Wall Street can police themselves. Yessirree, just the guy we need. U betcha.

  4. James Hill says:

    The left’s crop of losers must be wearing on you to start this thread, hack.

  5. Improbus says:

    James, you need to find a few synonyms for the word hack. You use it way to often. Increase thy vocabulary young man.

  6. Actually, living in NYC and seeing the wonderful work the man is doing on PlaNYC and congestion pricing, perhaps he is exactly what the country needs. He’s certainly doing a much better job as mayor than Rudy did.

  7. MikeN says:


  8. Uncle Dave says:

    #4: You’re becoming quite the hack commenter, aren’t you James?

    Is there a non-hack on the right’s crop of losers, other than Ron Paul who is simply from outer space?

  9. AdmFubar says:

    It is long overdue to have multi-party government.
    This “two” party system (and i use that term loosely) really doesn’t work. Oh and banning all lobbyists from government would also be a big help.

  10. Jägermeister says:

    None of you Bloomberg fans know a shit about his hidden agenda. I swear that if you put him in the White House, you’ll see an increase of military support for Israel, either directly or indirectly. Doubt it? Well, he strongly supported the invasion of Iraq and the reasons behind it. Something he no longer maintains, because he knows that he can’t win people on his side with those opinions. Bloomberg is just as blinded by his religious faith as Bush is…

  11. GetSmart says:

    Vote for me. I GUARANTEE I’ll screw things up in entirely new and ingenious ways. My slogan is “Well, at least it won’t be boring!”


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