
First it was cell phones causing cancer when used under power lines, or something like that. Until they disproved that. Until they reproved it. Until…

Bet we see the same with this?

Wi-Fi linked to childhood autism

A study published this week in the Australasian Journal of Clinical Environmental Medicine warns that wireless communication technology may be responsible for accelerating the rise in autism among children.

Autism is a disabling neuro-developmental disorder. Its cause is not completely understood, but it is linked to heavy-metal toxicity.

Dr George Carlo, an expert on the dangers of electromagnetic radiation (EMR), who headed the world’s largest research program on mobile phone health hazards in the 1990s, revealed the autism-wireless technology connection following a series of tests on autistic children monitored during 2005 and 2006.

Dr Carlo said, “These findings tie in with other studies showing adverse cell-membrane responses and disruptions of normal cell physiology. The electromagnetic radiation apparently causes the metals to be trapped in cells, slowing clearance and accelerating the onset of symptoms.”

The authors says that the rise in cases of autism is paralleled by the huge growth in mobile phone and Wi-Fi usage since the late 1990s with worldwide wireless usage now having reached nearly 4 billion people.

But Dr Kenneth Foster, of the engineering department at Penn University, had conducted a survey of more than 300 different measurements at more than 50 sites in four countries (US, France, Germany, Sweden) of Wi-Fi signals in different environments and found them to be safe.

“In all cases the signal levels were very far below international safety limits. Health agencies such as the World Health Organisation have repeatedly examined the scientific evidence and concluded that there is no convincing evidence for hazard from radio frequency energy at levels below these international guidelines,” said Foster.

  1. RTaylor says:

    A relationship is a long way from proving causality. The popular press wants headlines, not science.

  2. MikeN says:

    So it has nothing to do with all those vaccines that get needlessly pushed on the population?

    Well in that case, I propose we shut down wi-fi. Sure the science isn’t 100% settled, but what’s the harm if we are wrong? So people have to switch to an ethernet connection. That probably saves energy, as you are not constantly broadcasting and scanning for conenctions.

  3. Chris says:

    What most people don’t realize is that the RF “safety” limits are based on only one criteria; tissue heating. That means the rules address only one aspect of radio energy exposure. Not only that, but the so called limits were not based on any scientific studies, they were guesswork based on medical knowledge of how much heating could cause damage. And, the rules allow averaging of the power.

    Ever since PCS digital technology came out, peak power levels from cell phones have gone way up. This is self evident, since you can observe that most phones these days get into electronics like computer speakers and stereos. The old analog phones didn’t. They get away with it because the rules allow them to average the power over time.

    The rules in the US were developed primarily to preempt local authorities from suing broadcasters when farmers claimed their live stock was being harmed by a broadcast station. The rules made it a federal (FCC) matter. This was all done in the early stages of cell phones when everything was still analog.

    Bottom line: we don’t really know anything about long-term effects of the high pulsed energy of modern cell phones on the body.

    And, the cell phone industry likes it that way.

  4. gquaglia says:

    Ever since PCS digital technology came out, peak power levels from cell phones have gone way up

    Nope, actually the opposite. Old analog AMPS car and bag phones put out 3 watts of power. Handheld AMPS phones put out 600mW. Digital Cellular and PCS phones only put out 200mW. Don’t associate EMI, which is indicative of GSM phones, with higher power. It just ain’t so.

  5. Autism is the next evolutionary step. We need the
    typical “savant” mental capacities of many autistic to advance technologically while socially we are drifting to the personal-detachment culture “vegging out” on the Internet, perfectly comfortable for the autistic. I predict that in the future people like us will be treated for the low mental capacity and social hyper activity.
    Hence, whatever causes autism should be encouraged for the good of the humanity.

  6. steelcobra says:

    #1: Are you sure it’s not just the fact that the diagnosis guidelines have been loosened, along with more cases getting diagnosed? Instead of having to meet 8/8 criteria to be considered autistic, it’s now something like 8/16. Add to that the much higher rate of diagnosis, and you get things like Aspergers, which barely fits into autism-like symptoms, included in those studies. Simply blaming one thing for what may, in all likelihood, be purely genetic or from other environmental effects is not helping anyone. And besides, if it were solely the result of the one ingredient common to most vaccines, you would see much closer to 100% of children receiving the injections having such disorders.

    As for the effects of RF frequencies, theres never any evidence that they cause any problems, unless of course you’re standing right in front of a parabolic dish pushing out energy in the gigawatt range. Of course, due to the simple fact that disproving something beyond that last .0001% is impossible due to the simple fact that it’s impractical to fully control such an experiment, there will always be those who latch onto that tiny little bit and say “see? it is possible!”

  7. James Hill says:

    Only in IT admins that don’t know how to maintain multiple networks.

  8. DarkFox says:

    I wonder when they figure out that “Birth causes childhood autism”…

  9. Uncle Dave says:

    #8: James, you didn’t call me a hack in this post! Please, call me a hack. Please? Do it for the children…

  10. Angel H. Wong says:

    Actually it does, but it has a simple solution: Take away the Nintendo DS from your kids.

  11. g2analyst says:

    Whats the next danger – mother’s milk or distilled water ?

  12. Floyd says:

    #1: they’ve already eliminated thimerosal from vaccines (and as a topical antiseptic) for a long time. Autism should be going down, not up. I suspect autism is actually genetic, and it has something to do with both parents having high IQs (the first autistic kid I ever met had two high IQ parents, incidentally). There was an article in Wired about this correlation a few years back…

  13. MikeN says:

    Floyd stop with that dangerous science talk. Murray and Bernstein suggested IQ was genetic, and they got publicly flogged.

  14. GetSmart says:

    Potential intelligence almost certainly has a large genetic component, but environment from conception to adulthood probably has an equally large role. Mix in the fact that you could have every single “smart gene” ( Whatever they are.)there is, but still be none too bright if your epigenetic system doesn’t allow those genes to be expressed. Like everything else that’s really important, it’s damn complicated.

  15. Jezcoe says:

    #1 Please do not push the Themerisol argument as causing autism. Childhood vaccines do not have thermerisol in them and they haven’t for quite some time. Pushing the mercury agenda that has been disproven time and time again takes away resources in finding the true cause and nature of autism.

  16. Mad as hell dad says:

    My daughter is 17 years old now, was it the childhood vaccines she got at the county health department? I don’t know, what I do know is the kids are still getting this crap!!!What wakes me up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat is “Who is going to take care of her when her mother and I are dead!!!! The Buttheads in Washington don’t CARE and will never care, because they don’t what to let the families of these kids find out who to sue.And now families that have one autistic child are scared to have a second child cause there are families that have two or three autistic children. I get so damm mad when I think about how this autism has effected my family!! my wonderful daughter,my grand daughter,my brothers grandson and now I know what to look for every time I look at young child and see the signs I just want to cry. We need to get help to these kids now!!! And find out what going to happen to them when they are on their own. My daughter will never be able to care for herself,and I don’t trust my government to do this job so who will?


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