
They may like the word but we did them one better — we elected one!

‘Nincompoop’ is Britain’s favorite word

A British survey has found “nincompoop” to be the nation’s favorite word of the 16,500 entries in the Cambridge Dictionary.

The survey of more than 2,000 Britons found 13 percent of respondents chose “nincompoop” — which likely derived from the Latin “non compos mentis,” which means someone not of a sound mind — as their favorite sounding English word, The Daily Mail reported Thursday.

The poll, commissioned by Ubisoft, makers of the language computer game “My Word Search,” found “love” was the second most popular word among those polled and “mum” was third.

“The results demonstrate our passion for language and the sentiment we attach to words such as love and mum,” Ubisoft spokesman Mike Masuku said. “It also highlights how narrow most people’s vocabulary has become.”

“Gaming offers a fun way to learn,” he said. “Users of every age can benefit from learning new words and their meanings without feeling they are being preached to or patronized.”

  1. Mr. Fusion says:

    #30, Thomas,

    Typical Right Wing Neo-Con Conservative Evangelical Republican Radio-head shut-in bull shit. Just invent something to deflect the truth. Bush is a nincompoop.

    RE: Reno,
    Gorelick wrote a legal opinion. That opinion is correct. Information between any agency and the FBI had to be legally obtained which ruled out much of the CIA’s information. If this is the extent of your deciding Reno was a bad AG, then damn she must have been the best in the past 50 years.

    RE: Taxcuts,
    Tax cuts have reduced income to the Federal Treasury as demand for Bush’s war has grown. In case you didn’t notice, what was a projected budget surplus is now a projected record deficit. As for your “tax receipts have grown”, they grew even more during the Clinton years at a much higher rate. As well, the wealth was shared by most of America, not just a few.

    RE: Social Security,
    The only suggestion Bush came up with was another plan to enrich those who skim money off the top of investments. Again, another plan that would benefit those already rich. This was such a bad plan even the Republican Congress didn’t want it.

    Blame Johnson? Sheet, there has been FIVE Republican Presidents since Johnson who didn’t see fit to do anything. When Al Gore suggested keeping Social Security monies separate from General Revenues, he was shot down by the Republicans who wanted to keep raiding the trust fund. It is so much easier to steal from SS than have the balls to admit they need to raise taxes to pay for their bull sheet.

    RE: Health Care,
    Those at the top of the food chain that can afford the premiums and co-pays don’t see any problems here. But the majority of Americans do see a problem and close to one in six people don’t have ANY health insurance. The major cause of forced bankruptcy today is failure to meet the co-pays after a medical emergency.

    Your answer is more of the same crap we have today as long as there is a “choice”. What effen choice do you have today? Most plans restrict the physicians you can see or the hospitals where you may be treated OR the physicians and hospitals don’t take that insurance company. When you sign with an insurance company, you are at their mercy to who and where you get treated and what is and how much is covered.

  2. Thomas says:

    Same bullshit liberal responses and frankly, I am as far from evangelical as you can get.

    RE: Reno

    It was that very “opinion” that prevented the CIA from sharing information with the FBI about the 9/11 attackers. Frankly, that is enough. Yet the list of other examples are long and illustrious. There was the decision to not appoint an independent council to investigate the campaign finance scandal even though her own investigator and the FBI director made that very recommendation. There was her failure to act on the Chinese spy case and idiotic plea bargains she struck with two of the people in that case. There was the botched investigation into Wen Ho Lee and his stealing of secrets from Los Alamos.

    RE: Tax cuts

    No. Tax revenue has increased. What has been botched is that that extra revenue has been spent and then some. That deficit has nothing to do with revenue being down. It has to do with spending being through the roof. The next Democrat will not have an Internet boom to save them. I will give credit where it is due. Although the conservative Congress was to also to credit for reining in spending and paying down the deficit, Clinton signed and worked with them on those budgets. It just goes to show you that the real solutions happen when Congress has its act together.

    I notice that you conveniently ignored my hypothetical question. Should I mark that down as the response an economically ignorant?

    RE: Social Security

    Bush was proposing something that would keep the money away from the government. As it stands now, the chances are very high that I will never see the money I put into it at the same levels I put into it. The reason I bring up Johnson is that his fancy reporting is partly what other Presidents used (yes, even Republicans) to run up huge deficits. Both Republican and Democratic Congresses are to blame. That just goes to show that both parties suck.

    RE: Health Care

    How are you defining “top of the food chain”? We both agree that those that make billions do not need health care coverage but they are also not part of the discussion. Your argument simply states that we need to do something. Ok. But let’s not do something stupid that costs billions and creates another government behemoth. A government run health care provider presents all kinds of problems. Does it cover sex changes? Does it cover top flight orthopedics? Does it cover smokers at the same cost (which in Romney’s plan is zero for low income people)? Is it merely catastrophic coverage and nothing else? That would mean it would not cover standard doctor visits.

    If *I* were the customer (as opposed to the employer), I would be at far less mercy than if it was the government. I could simply switch if I did not like what was offered. If the government is the one that is screwing me, I have no where to go.

  3. jbellies says:

    Golly, and I was thinking that the Brits’ favourite word was “Balderdash”.

    Ask and ye shall receive!


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