This is pathetic. Why couldn’t Microsoft, with it’s billions in development money available, make Vista work this well on this antique computer? Why can’t it run in even the most basic, cut down configuration? Yeah, they might be helping Intel, etc sell new hardware, but what is it about the design of Windows as an OS that requires such powerful hardware to even boot? It’s got to be more than simple bloat and backward compatibility requirements.

Computer Specs:
PIII 800 + 128 MB RAM + GeForce 2 MX/400 32 MB RAM

Xubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon + Compiz-Fusion + Emerald.

Who cares about Vista when the Linux community is giving you better stuff?….for FREE!
I bought this computer in october of 2000 and those are the basic compiz settings…i didn’t even mind tweaking it, it’s still better than Vista.

  1. DeLeMa says:

    I agree with the sentiments of the 3-headed cat but, I’m gonna fly with #13 because I’m fat, lazy and love to play games on the machine and Winduhz is the only platform that appears to be supported by game developers. Change this and I’m more serious about Linux. I have a Wii but, only because I’m tired of being fat…

  2. the Three-Headed Cat says:

    Gaming is indeed a valid reason for going with Windows, no question about it. The relative paucity of games on the Mac doesn’t bother me, as I prefer a catnip mouse or a piece of yarn.

  3. the Three-Headed Cat says:

    Sure, pedro. Drop me a line when you can boot Windows into command line UNIX, like a Mac. Y’know, that dumbed-down OS for computer n00bz?

    Let me guess, your shipment of antipsychotic meds from India has been held up at Customs, right?…

  4. ECA says:

    The BIG debate here, comes around an idea…
    How many of you have HAD to configure an OS, to do what you wanted? Or Just let windows DO IT, and work around its faults, and ineptness?

    At LEAST if you configure it YOURSELF…
    You learn HOW and WHY it works..
    IF something goes WRONG, you can guess what happened.
    You LEARN to understand HOW the OS is working, or find a BETTER WAY…
    ONCe its SOLID, you can BACK IT UP, and it will PROBABLY STAY SOLID, until you want to add something Special…
    AND you dont get, 300 drivers for this CHIP, and cant find the one that WORKS, under windows. You can USe a generic control (under Linux)AND IT WORKS.(look up dialup modems)..

    when you BACKUP Linux, you KNOW what to BACKUP and you KNOW you can get it ALL, insted of trying to find ALL the hidden files, and the reg.
    You can ACTUALLY do interesting THINGS in the reg, like run SCRIPTS, that load up EVERYTHING in a DIR…AND THE DIR’s are sorted..

    Just FIND me a prog that will run current GAMES, and I will jump on board faster then you Penis can rise tot he occasion…

  5. ECA says:

    AS #37 said…and #13 and 39(me)

    SHOW me the games as in the year BEFORE win 2000, and I will switch about 30 people OVEr in a few days…EASY…
    IF not more. I will touT Linux to every Dairy and every person I repair for…

    Just show me the GAMES…I know the other programs are available, and the networking and all the rest…GET me the CURRENT games…

  6. comrade aleksey says:

    #40 yet another idiot for whom
    computers = games

    go play that l33t latest game of dumbing down your feeble brain, why bother posting here?
    Precious levels await!

  7. Cursor_ says:

    Once again, people are being fooled by the OS tricks.

    LOOK an OS is there as a engine for your APPS. It is the APPS that are suppose to wow you and how fats they run when loaded and how much they save you time in their operation.

    I do not believe for one minute that people will spend all day playing with their OS tricks instead of playing Call of Duty, or surfing content on the web or heaven forbid creating it!

    The whole tricky OS sh*t is lame. It just proves the ONLY thing now computer companies can do with their OS is make it shiny.

    We are still using all the same crap we have had since the first GUI. And that is ALL these companies have. A desktop, windows, file manager and scroll bars. Whoop tee f*cking doo!

    So they make them wiggle, rotate and spin and have 3d elements and you can tweak the themes… cmon. Is life that bad that we have become ravens that are distracted by shinies????

    Anyone who watches the animation when they transfer a file is either easily amused or bored as hell.


  8. DarthVCDr says:

    Yes Apple has a very intuitive OS for a begining computer user. AND if it’s Photoshop and Dreamweaver you’re worried about, of gee, guess where most of the installed userbase for those programs are?

    I use all three major OSes on a near daily basis. My work is all about Windows desktops, with a few random Apples that I almost never see becasue (gasp) they don’t break…
    At home I use an iMac, and sure I’d love to load up Bioshock or HL2, but until more companies get with it like Blizzard, I’ll probably just be using World of Warcraft to waste my time. And I am thinking of giving a partition to Ubuntu at some point in the near future, if only the Apple modem had drivers for other OSes.

    On a couple of PCs I have around the house, (and on my 1.5GHz mac mini) I’m running a couple of Linux distros and I even have and OpenBSD install on an old Pentium Pro 200 that was my firewall and will be again when I move out of dial up hell.

    My work laptop has had pretty much every OS configuration you can think of, including a stab at Hackintosh OSX86. I’d still be running Ubuntu 7.10 on it if the video and sound card weren’t buggy. (From a pop spill, the lowest point of my computer using history)
    The only thing that kept me from Ubuntu before 7.10 was lack of enterprise WPA.

    Vista on this laptop, from RC2 up to the gold Business edition, sucked.
    For the first week or so they were pretty, sure, but after that week they started to bog down as they collected files. Vista has also had a hell of a time connecting to my work’s VPN, something that XP and Ubuntu did with no tweeking at all.

    When people at work have been asking me lately what to buy for a computer (xmas season gets ppl going for some reason), I’ve been asking if they play many games on it. If they say “solitare” or “bejewled” or WoW, I say flat out to buy an iMac or a Macbook. I tell them that the slight extra investment of money and learning will pay off when they don’t have to drive an hour to the nearest computer place to get their dell or hp fixed.
    If they say they or their family play the bigger games I tell them that the have to get a windows machine, but that they shouldn’t go for one of the $300-600 machines because they wouldn’t handle the games for long.(and the ol’ bait and switch tactics OEMs like to use)

    Plus let’s face it, the iMacs just look sexier… am I right John? 😉

  9. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Obviously the Mac is a great system for
    >>non-computer-literate people.

    If “computer literacy” is what it takes to make Vista run acceptably on a brand-new, upper-end computer, I haven’t seen evidence that ANYONE is “computer literate”

    Most poeple just want their computer to run properly, without grinding to a near-halt, locking up, and failing to run current programs and peripherals without melting down.

    Vista does not fit that bill.

  10. ECA says:

    You are another person that think PRETTY= good computer.
    the discussion goes this way…
    WHY do you need a Core2duo Just to type a letter?
    why do you need “SAME” to wonder the web?
    Why do you need “same” to do a spread sheet?

    You can do ALL those with a C64…you dont need this much POWER on a Business machine unless you are doing HIGH END graphics. Even at that the CPU, IS the problem with rendering, the GPU should be doing the work NOT the CPU.
    You SHOULDNT need this much power to watch a DVD, or listen to music, thats a 10 fold WASTE..

    If you want a rendering engine, you ARNT going to use INTELL PC based machine…

    Very true,
    But consider that it DOES that with 1/2 the resources that windows uses, and WINDOWS STILL CANT DO IT.

    MS start a good idea…That WINDOWS was point and CLICK, and it has changed ALOT since that time. And you TECH folks have seen it.
    90% of those that USE computers DONT know anything about HOW it works, and DONT CARE, as long as it WORKS.
    Even in business, small and LARGE, they dont CARE, as long as it WORKS. When it dont, they get PISSED.

  11. GetSmart says:

    If you’re doing content creation, like for print, video, music or photography and have the bucks, go with a Mac Pro built to the gills. Mainly because of the software available. You can use a Windows box and have much of the same software and less expensive hardware that will have the same or slightly better performance as the Mac. You’ll have to be a bit more involved in the inner workings of the OS than with the Mac, but you can pretty well do most anything on an Windows XP system that you can on an Apple. The drawbacks are Ease-of-Use, Internet security issues and with Vista looking more and more like a lemon, your upgrade path for the future is less clear than I’d like. Current Linux distributions such as Ubuntu will actually work well for a lot of home users who websurf, email, instant message, do light duty home office stuff and who aren’t serious gamers. The level of technical knowledge necessary for a lot of users is about on a par with XP home. Linux is also good for professional system admins and geeks who are interested in the inner workings of computers as well. The limitations on Linux are twofold. You can’t get drivers for just any piece of hardware. It’s ALOT better these days, but it is a problem, especially for newer or niche gear. But it does continue to improve. The other is software. Some software. Business office especially. I can meet my needs with Open Office, but my needs aren’t everyone’s. Microsoft’s Office suite is the top dog, and with very good reasons. It’s a better piece of work than their operating system is. It ain’t Windows so much as Office that large corporations buy into. Content creation is another sore spot. The GIMP and Inkscape don’t stack up to Photoshop and Illustrator. The GIMP doesn’t do CMYK colorspace and high bitdepth color. You can’t use it for high end print applications without those two things, period. It also impacts GIMP as a professional photographers tool. Video and 3D is sparse as well. Don’t get me wrong, you can do amazing stuff with Linux and FOSS tools, but not as easily as you can with a high end MAC or Windows box. I’m posting this from my Ubuntu system. Enthusiasm is great, but rabid fanboism is not real constructive. And this from a former Amiga owner.

  12. OmarTheAlien says:

    #32: Number one, I ain’t your fuckin’ old pal, and doubt seriously such a thing could ever occur.
    Number two, for the money, an Aston Martin is a piece of shit. I know this through the same deductive processes that you use to trash Windows.
    You underestimate the intelligence levels in the American consumer, just as you over-rate your own. Maybe you know computers, but can you harvest a thousand acres with a combine? Can you fly a crop duster, or even drive a cab in NYC? Probably not, but all of those people can use a computer. And the platform of choice for these people is, as market share reflects, Microsoft Windows. And the reason for that, Cat, is that the damned things work, right out of the box, plug’em in and go to work.
    Lemme tell you something about my cave: It might be a cave, but it’s a networked cave. I do get out, but rarely, as it’s been a long, eventful life, and I’m one of those been a lot of places, seen a lot of things guys, and quite frankly, when I do go out, I tend to meet clowns like you.
    And the Mac guy, in the creepy commercials, is an over muscled dimwit who should probably get himself a PC, that way he wouldn’t tie up tech support so much. And the most forbidden of my fruit is the Hardee’s Thickburger, forbidden as I have to watch my caloric intake in my dotage. Finally, Aaarnold is a much better actor than Guiness, whoever he is (was?).

  13. the Three-Headed Cat says:

    No need to affirm your credentials, I already had you taken for a fool, old pal.

    No, chum, I don’t overrate the intelligence of the American sucker, since psychometrics and demographics are things that I’ve worked with for many years, as you have not. If anything, good-natured liberal schmuck that I am, I give the dumbass American public considerably more credit than it deserves, as I did you.

    “Harvest a thousand acres with a combine?” “Fly a crop duster?” “Drive a cab in NYC?” Gee, Wally. Those are some really essential skills, demanding advanced degrees and decades of experience. Wow. Am I impressed or what.

    Here’s a newsflash for you, amigo: I’ve been around the block myself, once or twice. And not riding on a fucking combine like a hayseed with cowshit stuck to my boots, or ferrying drunks around Brooklyn, either. Go impress that dopey bim in your local 4-H with the big tits with your tales of death-defying bravado, I ain’t impressed.

    A couple of your comments there bear witness to your clueless consumer status, FWIW. It’s computer-illiterate Windows users who have to call TS, not Mac users, and I speak from vast experience. Windows is, you are too gullible to grasp, intentionally difficult to deal with, which is the reason for the multi-multi-million-dollar Windows support industry. No such industry exists for the Mac, which is the machine that “simply works”, as even many Mac-bashers will admit. The very suggestion that Windows “works right out of the box” makes me question your sanity. I have nearly 30 years of working with computers, tiny to huge, and their users, and I’m here to tell you, bro, that you are high on something – or a fool, one or the other.

    Oh, yeah, I forgot. When anyone offers the moranic observation that one or another of the finest things in life, such as A-M automobiles for example, are ‘pieces of shit’, that tells me that that person not only can’t afford one, he’s never been within loudhailer distance of one… 🙂

    Enjoy your Mustang, pal.

  14. savagesteve13 says:

    Microsoft Windows was never fast. From Version 1.0 to Vista it has always been slow and never was properly optimized to run on the hardware.

  15. the Three-Headed Cat says:

    Oh, be fair. If you invest the considerable time and effort to develop some expertise with it (up to XP anyway), you can tweak Windows to be fairly fast and somewhat reliable. Problem is, doing that is beyond the abilities of most users, and M$ sure as shit ain’t gonna do it for ’em. And neither am I, for that matter. 😉

  16. Sandeep says:

    Well, whatever maybe the reason, i believe its perhaps the only way to get users/the world to upgrade their systems which only open up more possibilities. Sure they can get it to do the same on older systems, but MS decided that they drop “Fixed function pipeline” (Non shaders approach in 3d graphics rendering) in dx10 onwards….all these only to keep uptodate with the latest technology. This will only enhance user experience!

    Imagine if windows needed a minimum spec config which was so high….this would mean developers can write better looking software with more interactivity because developers can assume a minimum capability of all the target systems to be quite high! So for instance, if I’d be writing an app for Vista,i can be quite sure to pimp it up quite a bit cuz i know my target market has a decent spec sheet powering their OSes!

    I’m with MS on this really!


  17. OmarTheAlien says:

    Three Headed Cat, obviously impressed with himself, and can’t even see the forest for the trees. In that, this isn’t even about computers, it’s his driving compulsion to put down anything that he can’t fathom. He says that you can tweak Windows, if you spend some time with it, which demonstrates his weak grasp of anything concerning a computer or what this thread is about. Cat, you really need to step back, and take a look at the big picture. It’s Linux that requires the investment in time and effort, to achieve anything past simple chores. Throwing off grand expressions like booting an IBM whatsis to a command line goomball shows how out of touch with normal people you are, and my only point, before you injected the vitriol, was that normal people preferred the Windows platform precisely because it was simpler, and more familiar. I don’t give a rat’s ass how big a tech head you are, or how many hard drives you can juggle, or even if you actually know what your talking about, the bottom line is that Microsoft Windows, cuss it however much you want (and yeah, I do, too) is the eight hundred pound gorilla in the operating system market. And I don’t do flame wars, and I’ve more to do than arguing with idiots, so have a nice day, and I’ll carefully refrain from pointing out to you exactly which part of my anatomy you can kiss. I can be tactful. (Charming, too, but that’s another story)

  18. the Three-Headed Cat says:

    Backpedalling now, are we? Don’t look now, old pal, but your line about overrating my own intelligence was where the vitriol infusion commenced, so let’s not quibbe over who threw the first punch, shall we? 😉

    ‘Out of touch with normal people’? No, Slick. it’s you, projecting your own ideas about why the average schlub buys a PC onto everyone else; I have dealt for many years with every sort of computer user, and I know why average people buy PCs, and virtually none of them “selected” Windows, they simply thought they had no other choice. It is not and has never been “simpler”, and the fact that you would say such a thing marks you instantly as not knowing your gluteus maximus from a terrestrial excavation.The average user isn’t remotely informed enough to make an intelligent, informed choice of computing platform, so they go with what the other sheeple who are suckers for hype and marketing bullshit do, and buy Windows, never knowing what the alternatives are. Just like you…

    So, you’re an uninformed, unrepentant sheeple. Many are, few are so proud of it. Have fun in Sheepleland, pal – and feel free to bite my crank on your way out… 🙂

  19. joeblow says:

    One commenter said:
    Microsoft has two customers… Enterprises for VLK and OEMS. The rest of them buyers are just to fill in the spaces. Microsoft enterprise deployment tools are frickin’ amazing. Legacy integration is similarly amazing. Those are it’s bread and butter.

    I was glad to hear windows is excellent in a corporate setting, but did not realize that the millions of individual customers do not add up to
    more influence with microsoft than its corporate customers.

    By the way, the article touted ubuntu, which seems to me to be second-rate compared to mepis or pclinuxos, but ubuntu does endless PR and I guess it pays off.

    One jaw-dropping thing about vista is the used-pc sellers I have seen that offer to ‘downgrade’ from vista to windows xp when you buy one of their pcs.

  20. DarthVCDr says:

    #43 you have all mighty stevereeno to blame for lack of gaming support in mac. So suck it up.

    # 47 I’m sorry, I must’ve missed the memo where “stevereeno” told all the game companies to NOT produce for the Apple platform. Could you be so kind as to point us all to the document where you got this supposed information?

  21. Krantz says:

    Hey people!

    I’m new at Linux but at the same time very interested in using this feature in Xubuntu that shows in the video above. What’s it called, how do I get that installed and working?

    Please leave me some intel about this by sending me an e-mail message if any of you feel you have the time for it!


  22. hey guys!! Super site! Just wanted to chip in, Being playing WOW for sometime and this is the most successful way to level up that I’ve found


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