
If you missed the Macy’s Parade on TV

Cartoonist Mike Luckovich received both a Pulitzer and a Reuben award in 2006 — a two-time winner for both, having received a Reuben in 2001 and a Pulitzer in 1995. The Atlanta Constitution cartoonist has received many other honors over the years, including the 1989 Overseas Press Club award …

Thanks, KB

  1. MikeN says:

    Looks like Bush Derangement Syndrome might give way to Rudy Derangement Syndrome. Fact is Rudy was a deserving presidential candidate before 9/11.

  2. Micromike says:

    I still haven’t decided on Rudy. I think he shamelessly tries to capitalize on his role in 9/11 and I can’t shake the image of him in a Nazi SS officer’s uniform. I think it would be a very natural and comfortable look for him.

    I think he would have to seriously disassociate himself from the current administration and its attack on the Constitution, and trading our freedoms for the illusion of safety, before I would consider him as a serious candidate for my vote.

  3. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Rudy is too much a poster boy for NY-style tolerance of corruption for my taste. I wouldn’t vote for the bastid for dogcatcher. We’ve had enough corruption these last two terms to last a lifetime; enough’s enough, to coin a phrase.

  4. Improbus says:

    Rudy has so much baggage he needs a personal valet. If I had to choose between Rudy and Hillary in the voting booth I wouldn’t vote … I would just go to a bar, get drunk and mourn for America.

  5. MikeN says:

    Yeah, the Hillary campaign has some dirt on Giuliani. They are attacking everyone but him. Mitt Romney, McCain, and even Fred Thompson before he was a candidate.

  6. pcheevers says:

    Ask any New Yorker, Rudy couldn’t get elected dogcatcher on 9/10. Yeah, he had more balls on 9/11 than Bush did but that wasn’t difficult.

    His record is awful, a vile mix of fear-mongering, corruption and open contempt for his employers: the American people.

    A vote for Rudy is a vote for fear!

  7. DeLeMa says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to all ! Even Rudy-tootie !
    I don’t like the repugnants and I do not like the dumbocraps. Can someone find a nice Chinaman ? I hear they got lots of money, if they’d just get the lead out…

  8. Pickle Monster says:

    The cartoonist should have drawn Robertson or Falwell manning that pump.

    Yup… Reaganites, run for your lives!!

    (#2, try an SS guy as a cross-dresser… and also Phantom of The Opera)


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