If you missed the Macy’s Parade on TV
Cartoonist Mike Luckovich received both a Pulitzer and a Reuben award in 2006 — a two-time winner for both, having received a Reuben in 2001 and a Pulitzer in 1995. The Atlanta Constitution cartoonist has received many other honors over the years, including the 1989 Overseas Press Club award …
Thanks, KB
Looks like Bush Derangement Syndrome might give way to Rudy Derangement Syndrome. Fact is Rudy was a deserving presidential candidate before 9/11.
I still haven’t decided on Rudy. I think he shamelessly tries to capitalize on his role in 9/11 and I can’t shake the image of him in a Nazi SS officer’s uniform. I think it would be a very natural and comfortable look for him.
I think he would have to seriously disassociate himself from the current administration and its attack on the Constitution, and trading our freedoms for the illusion of safety, before I would consider him as a serious candidate for my vote.
Rudy is too much a poster boy for NY-style tolerance of corruption for my taste. I wouldn’t vote for the bastid for dogcatcher. We’ve had enough corruption these last two terms to last a lifetime; enough’s enough, to coin a phrase.
Rudy has so much baggage he needs a personal valet. If I had to choose between Rudy and Hillary in the voting booth I wouldn’t vote … I would just go to a bar, get drunk and mourn for America.
Yeah, the Hillary campaign has some dirt on Giuliani. They are attacking everyone but him. Mitt Romney, McCain, and even Fred Thompson before he was a candidate.
Ask any New Yorker, Rudy couldn’t get elected dogcatcher on 9/10. Yeah, he had more balls on 9/11 than Bush did but that wasn’t difficult.
His record is awful, a vile mix of fear-mongering, corruption and open contempt for his employers: the American people.
A vote for Rudy is a vote for fear!
Happy Thanksgiving to all ! Even Rudy-tootie !
I don’t like the repugnants and I do not like the dumbocraps. Can someone find a nice Chinaman ? I hear they got lots of money, if they’d just get the lead out…
The cartoonist should have drawn Robertson or Falwell manning that pump.
Yup… Reaganites, run for your lives!!
(#2, try an SS guy as a cross-dresser… and also Phantom of The Opera)