Associated Press – November 21, 2007:

Authorities are speeding up their investigation of a state trooper who zapped a motorist with a Taser now that video of the traffic stop has been posted on YouTube, the Utah Highway Patrol said Wednesday.

The video, taken from Trooper John Gardner’s patrol car, shows him drawing his Taser after Jared Massey refused to sign a speeding ticket Sept. 14 and walked away from the officer on U.S. 40 in eastern Utah.

A surprised Massey asks, “What the heck is wrong with you?”

Gardner fires, and Massey shrieks and falls.

“Face down! Face down! Put your hands behind your back!” Gardner orders.

A woman screaming hysterically emerges from the passenger side of the sport-utility vehicle Massey was driving, and the trooper tells her to get back inside “or you’re going to jail, too.”

  1. natefrog says:

    To those asking how the cop determined the SUV’s speed:

    In all likelihood, the cop didn’t use a radar gun. Firstly, you can’t hear it’s distinctive tone. Second, the majority of radar guns out there cannot clock traffic moving in the same direction as the patrol if the patrol car is also in motion.

    I’m betting this cop used VASCAR (Visual Average Speed Computer And Recorder) or by using his speedometer (which is allowable in some states).

  2. the Three-Headed Cat says:

    natefrog – I dont know where you get your info, but moving radar that compensates for relative speed and direction is old news and common everywhere.

    Pls recall that insurance companies and other civic-minded organizations buy lots of radar and lidar units and donate them to PDs all over America. For that reason, but mainly due to the fact that it’s much more easily beaten in court then radar or lidar, most VASCAR units have been taken out of service.

  3. Russ says:

    Jerk face and fusion- you whiny little libs are going to be the death of this country yet. What do you propose the officer do to someone that won’t obey him? Give him a lollipop? He’ll have his day in court, take the ticket like a man and be done with it.
    If you’ll notice, the idiot didn’t learn his lesson and wouldn’t shut up. At that point he was performing for the camera. “Don’t tase me bro’Ahhhhhhhhhhh!”
    What would you do “if” you were men enough to be that cop?

  4. Mister Mustard says:

    >>take the ticket like a man…
    >>What would you do “if” you were man enough…

    Jeez, are you protesting too much, Russ, or what?

    How wide is your stance in the bathroom, anyway?

  5. DUSTY says:


  6. natefrog says:

    #33, cat;

    I’m not sure where you get your information, but VASCAR is quite common, it is used in (as of 2005) at least 38 states. I have been pulled over at least twice by VASCAR equipped officers (one ticket, one warning).

    Reference this article.

    VASCAR generally stands up well in court, also. Only if an officer makes mistakes with the equipment is it usually contestable, the same as radar and LIDAR. Also, all speed enforcement aircraft use VASCAR.

    Please reread what I said about radar limitations. Note that I never said anything about when cars are moving towards the officer (whether the patrol is moving OR stationary). I only stated that most radar units do not work if traffic is moving IN THE SAME DIRECTION as the officer WHILE THE OFFICER IS MOVING.

    This type of radar is relatively new and requires more expensive systems and higher installation costs. Generally only seen on highway units that have vast spaces to patrol and where this radar mode works best.

    And don’t try to tell me LIDAR can be used from moving vehicles.

  7. the Three-Headed Cat says:

    Here. Know thy enemies weapons. Very popular in S. Florida, the DC Metro area, Phoenix, LA County, Houston, Dallas, is what I am given to understand… the most lucrative auto insurance markets, and that’s no coïncidence. And yes, as you say, also a popular number with state troopers and highway patrols, which generally have fewer vehicles, better equipped. But lots of pro-insurance-industry putative do-gooders subsidize urban and county departments acquisitions these days as well. It’s an investment for them, since it steadily increases the number of drivers who can be screwed out of much significantly higher premiums due to speeding convictions. Unlike so many others, this really is a conspiracy against the public.

  8. Janie says:

    Now you know why I stay away from places like Utah. Too many out-of-control people who justify their aggressive/violent deeds and actions by citing ‘conservatism’ (and they’re always the first to complain about ‘liberals’).

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    #34, Russ,

    What the eff are you talking about ??? The guy took the ticket. The cop insisted he sign for it and that is the contention.

    The law provides that police may use a reasonable use of force to make an arrest. In this instance, the guy was NOT under arrest.

    It can not be argued that he was resisting arrest because he was not told he was under arrest.

    The cop did not use or even try any lesser form of force.

    There is no law that states a citizen MUST obey every order of a cop. Yes, yes, he must pull over when told, etc,. Yes, yes, it is prudent because the cop has a gun, … . But it is not mandatory that this driver or any other civilian obey the whims of this or any cop.

    Now, maybe you love the idea that Americans are now subject to their new Bush Republican Overlords. Maybe you get your jollies over the suspension of Habeas Corpus. Maybe you even cream your girly undies at the thought of water boarding. But I would put that down more to the idea that you are an out and out asshole. It is the assholes like your type that are ruining America.

  10. natefrog says:

    #38, Cat;

    I never said same direction radar wasn’t used. I only said it wasn’t as common as regular radar. Three reasons: Same direction radar costs more to buy and install, same direction radar requires additional (yearly) training for officers, and same direction radar is more complicated to use while driving.

    These things add up to make it more unlikely to be encountered. I know that only half a dozen (out of hundreds) of patrol cars in my city are equipped with same direction radar, and all of them are assigned to the speed teams. Not a huge risk.

    I’m much more worried about LIDAR and, on the interstates, VASCAR. Most cops are just average people, and therefore, are lazy. They run their radar in the simplest modes and catch the inattentive drivers. It’s the cops that have a grudge against speeders that catch the hardcore speeders. Those cops know to use VASCAR, LIDAR, and instant-on radar (and occasionally same direction radar).

  11. savagesteve13 says:

    Cops are just criminals, but their job allows them to be insulated from indictment and conviction when they abuse the badge.

  12. zben says:

    I believe there is a crime in my state called “failure to obey a lawful police order”. If a police officer gives you an order, you’d better either obey or have a reasonable legal argument that the order was unlawful (like “kill your children”).

    I can’t believe that every state doesn’t have such a law. Do you people actually know what you are talking about?

  13. matt says:

    Typical douche bag cop. I’m sure he beats his wife too.

  14. Mister Mustard says:

    >>I believe there is a crime in my state called
    >>“failure to obey a lawful police order”

    And what do they do if you fail to, for example, move your car right away from an expired parking meter? Shoot you in the back with 50,000 volts while your pregnant wife and baby look on in horror?

    I’m not moving to THAT state.

  15. ChestyPuller says:

    ok first, didnt any of you notice that as soon as the officer put down his ticket book he went for the taser in one motion, looked like to me he already had in mind to use the taser. Isnt that premeditated?

    2nd , the guy was pointing at the sign when he went for the taser he wasnt walking away.

    why didnt he tell the driver if he didnt sign the ticket he would be under arrest? wouldnt that have helped? sure made me sign a ticket once.
    Cops have to much authority, race by at 90 mph to see them in drive thru window 2 min later. they think they are the law but truth is they are to ONLY uphold the current laws not make new ones or do as they please.

  16. Canadians&UKers suck says:

    I love how some dumb ass canadian or UKer will always leave a stupid comment. garaunteed

  17. twigonometry says:

    #47, it’s bigoted trolls like you which inspire me to leave my beloved homeland behind. Illegal wars, suspension of rights, crashing economy… And you’re saying people from OTHER countries suck?

    I just hope you aren’t a cop.

  18. James F says:

    Good think I carry a taser and know how to fast draw. The moment I saw the LEOs hand going for his taser I would have hit that fucker with fifty thousand volts of FUCK YOU…then I would have destroyed the tape in the officers car and bashed his fucking skull in so he couldn’t report about it later.

    But that’s just me.

  19. electriceel says:

    Amen James F. Amen

  20. jaker277 says:

    If a police officer is using excessive force a citizen has a right to respond with lethal force. The authority lies with the people. Its getting about time to take the power back.


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