Warning, some of our viewers might find it upsetting to see the dog’s wounds in the video.

  1. Jay says:

    I agree that the video is not for everyone but the story alone is something that I still can’t believe. A deputy shows up without any documents… does not allow the owner their right to any form of hearing and proceeds to shoot a dog three times on the property in a residential area. Granted this did not involve a human but the facts that I heard would cause me to pull this moron off the road faster than he could say shoot… Hopefully this idiot gets what he deserves and I pray that dog survives his wounds.

  2. ECA says:

    An officer comes out without a warrant??

  3. Gasbag says:

    What the hell. Some asshole deputy shows up then shoots the dog. What the fuck was he thinking? Ok, if the dog had attacked someone, you would at least take it to a vet and have it put down. This after you had looked into the matter. Come on, this so-called cop needs his ass kicked for this.

  4. moss says:

    Without taking either side in the 2nd Amendment blather, I still say – as would many of you – there are plenty of people who shouldn’t be allowed to have a gun under any circumstances. This schmuck cop is one of them.

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    #5, moss,

    Well said. I would add that many shouldn’t wear a badge either.

  6. tallwookie says:

    #3 – I wouldn’t shoot him… thats too easy and as we can see, even a dog can survive being shot at close range. Hamstring his ass. It’s painful as all hell and he’ll suffer permanent damage for the rest of his natural life.

    That or shatter his knee caps with an 8 lb. sledgehammer – pretty damn hard to walk w/ shattered knee caps…

  7. Aaron says:

    How much for the dog? Any dog that can take 3 shots and live, would make one hell of a watchdog! (what a badass)

  8. Unspeakable says:

    Yeah, I think I would have shot the cop. Some nut with a badge shows up and says he’s here to kill my dog (without documentation that he is acting within the law) he better be ready for a serious fire fight. I would defend any of my family members the same way.
    Some would say it’s wrong to kill a human over an animal. I would argue that anyone who does what this cop did doesn’t count as human so the point is moot.

  9. hhopper says:

    The guy should have never let the dog out of the house.

    Here’s a follow-up on the original story.

    This has created quite a stir around the country. I would have to say the deputy is toast.

  10. Rick says:

    Yep, once it hit the net deputy dipshit was screwed. I’d like to hear more from the guy in the cell who overheard the cops the night before. Thanks for that addendum hhopper.

  11. Joven says:

    Some cops just like killing dogs. In all those wrong/bad/fabricated information no-knock raids if there’s a dog either on the person’s property, or their even neighbors in some cases if they travel through that property to get around back, they will kill it outright regardless of what kind it is.
    Like the beagle or whatever dog it was when Joe Arpio’s goon squad burned that house down they kicked the dog back into the flames and laughed as the owners and neighbors were watching and screaming.

  12. the Three-Headed Cat says:

    #12 – Joven

    “Some cops just like killing dogs.”

    Let me let you in a tiny secret, brother. Some cops just like killing. Period. I have encountered a few – four that I can be 100% certain about – who became cops for one basic reason; they want to kill, whether animals or humans – they are deranged psychopathic life-takers. And being a cop is the best, most obvious way of killing someone and getting away with it. They hope for an opportunity to kill a person, but will make do with slaughtering an animal, on any pretext. This is the level of dysfunction Western society has descended to.

    It’s pretty rare, but not nearly rare enough. This piece of shit was judge, jury, executioner and a lousy shot to boot. He desparately needs a stretch in a prison psych unit, a long stretch. And any gun offense like this, by any person authorized to carry a firearm, should be a Federal crime, with a lifetime ban on possession of any gun as a mandatory sentencing provision,

    But who am I kidding? What a laugh, the idea of laws being enacted – or even proposed – holding cops, judges and prosecutors accountable for abusing their powers. Like that’ll happen. Pffffft.

  13. Nik says:

    The owner brings the dog out (after hearing the cop say he’s going to kill it), lets the dog be tied to a post, let’s the cop shoot him, leaves the dog bleeding on the ground and (from what it looks like) doesn’t treat the dog’s wounds after he realizes it’s alive. Those people don’t deserve a dog. I don’t even know if they should keep their kid! I’m not saying the cop wasn’t wrong – of course he was! – but there is more than one idiot in this story.

  14. the Three-Headed Cat says:

    I’ve got to agree with you there…

  15. Lawman says:

    Each year there are thousands of cases where American Police shoot a family dog because the officer ‘felt threatened’ or the dog was a ‘problem animal’.

    The current law is written such that little to no proof of a real threat is required and no actual contact from the dog need be made.

    Some Police believe its enough justification to shoot if the dog approaches or growls, even when the dog’s owner is right there and is saying the dog doesn’t bite. Dogs are shot even when they are standing still and acting scared. Even when its a small dog or a breed that isn’t known to have ever seriously hurt a person.

    In nearly all cases, the officer has other less lethal ways to prevent or defend against a dog attack. And without exception, if an attack did occur by a single dog, the officer, and his fellow officers, could easily defeat it, non lethally or lethally.

    I’m glad these grotesque cases are finally reaching critical mass and making the mainstream media. This may finally lead towards a groundswell of support to revise the law regarding use of force against family pets.

    Currently, the burden of proof for what constitutes ‘being threatened’ by a dog is impossibly high. This leaves an officer in most cases free to shoot a dog with impunity, where in the exact same situation, a civilian without a gun would react far diffently and would not be harmed.

    This case represents an extreme example of how some Police view ‘perceived problem dogs.’ This officer clearly had no empathy and caring for the dog, that family, the kids around him, or the public. He gave no thought to safety in discharging a high power rifle 3 times in a crowded neighborhood. And he certainly didn’t think about how anyone else would feel about this tragic event.

    That alone is enough to fire and convict him. Who would want a man with that character ‘protecting’ the neighborhood.

    The Police in this small community decided to execute a family pet based solely on their frustration of having to deal with several complaints in a single week from one woman who was mentally handicapped and may have been making up all her ‘near attack’ stories. That the woman changed her story to the media shows she isn’t a reliable truth teller. That the Police had no warrent, no court order, and no witness statements shows that they acted solely on what was most likely false information. They also clearly violated their own statutes in that this dog was indoors when the shooting event started, and was neither ‘at large’ no ‘a threat’.

    We don’t know all the facts in this case yet. But what we do KNOW for certain is NEITHER DID THIS OFFICER or his department. The only chance of justice here is if some other entity investigates. Police tend to protect their own.

    America is finally waking up to the fact that its OPEN SEASON on all dogs, even yours, if any morally deficient officer decides he doesn’t like how your dog is growling at him or approaching him (even though this is what dogs do when you are in their territory or when you are scaring them.

    This law must be changed. The burden of proof should demand that an actual attack must have occured before lethal force is used. Its not like a dog can shoot you, so an officer does have many options even after an attack has started.

    As an ethical, caring, and moral society, lets finally change this law and ‘put down’ this tendency for some officers to shoot as their first reaction to a threatened and threatening dog.

  16. aoutman08 says:

    What this Sheriff’s Deputy did is appauling, disgusting, and morrally and ethically wrong, if not illegal! As a criminal investigations major I am embarrassed that this guy calls himself a Sheriff’s Deputy its people such as him that corrupts our police agencies!
    Not to mention that he had ABOSOLUTELY NO RIGHT to do what he did any way! Even if that dog was to be put down for being a danger to the community it is still a legal requirement for that dog to be put down in a one to themane way, and that means that the ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER or ANIMAL WARDEN would have to be the one to go in confiscate the animal and take it to the local shelter to be put down through euthinasian! That cop was obviously acting on his own accord with no legal backing, and simply just wanted the dog dead, in fact I would put money on that he was the one filing the complaints or his family was the ones filing the complaints against the dog and family!

  17. P says:

    Stupid schmuck cop a**hole. Although I am a law abiding person this is exactly why I stay the hell away from cops. There are too many lunatics with badges out there. I agree with the person that said he should be removed from the force and NEVER, EVER allowed to own/handle/fire a weapon ever again

  18. briangothic says:

    that cop would have been full of lead if he was stupid enough to do that in my hood without serious backup…i understand sometimes lethal force is called upon…i have not a problem disarming a cop who is clearly a rogue and not doing his job…


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