While most of us share a family event over the next few days, I thought I’d post a couple of news notes from Georgia. They could have originated in any portion of the Bible Belt – or elsewhere in the theocratic world.
The 80-year-old leader of a suburban Atlanta megachurch is at the center of a sex scandal of biblical dimensions: He slept with his brother’s wife and fathered a child by her….
In truth, this is not the first — or even the second — sex scandal to engulf Archbishop Earl Paulk and the independent, charismatic church. But this time, he could be in trouble with the law for lying under oath about the affair…
The living proof of that lie is 34-year-old D.E. Paulk, who for years was known publicly as Earl Paulk’s nephew.
A paternity test says otherwise. Then there is –
Georgia Baptists approved a record budget and an anti-blogging resolution…which said blogs are used by “certain people” for divisive and destructive rhetoric at the expense of peace among the brethren…
“Be it further resolved that all Georgia Baptists respectfully request and expect that individuals who disrupt the fellowship through blogging repent and immediately cease this activity and no longer cause disharmony for the advancement of their own personal opinions and agendas.”
Say, “Hallelujah!”
Thanks, KB
well… if no one reads the blogs that they write, how is that destructive?
Jebus made me do it!!!
What about all those books explaining what the bible really means? Can those books cause disharmony?
Actually, they seem to have banned divisive blogging, encouraging a “play nice” attitude. I’ll say that there are a lot of things posted publicly on blogs or sent in emails that wouldn’t get said in person.
Frankly, most people’s blogs should be banned as being too boring.
I’m still sticking with good old meth and man ass Ted Haggard.
If you want to find out what people really think, just read the comments on blogs.
“Christian hypocrites” are news.
“Liberal hypocrites” are not news.
Is this more “Man bites dog is news but dog bites man is not”? Do we have an assumption that all “liberals” are hypocrites?
I once wanted to become an atheist, but I gave up – they have no holidays.
Henny Youngman
OK, how many people read that intelligent post the other day by Phillep ???
Either did I.
Hey, It’s Georgia. What else needs to be said?
How about equal opportunity religious leader bashing? I know there must be some good Catholic priest stories out there.
Jeez, Nelson. I dunno what can be said to make the Catholic Church look worse. What with all their gimcrackery and hocus-pocus, they’re sorta self-parodying; when you add in all their reps, personally chosen by Gawd no less, who think young boys (and the occasional girl) are appropriate sex partners, and the whole operation would be pathetic if it weren’t so sinister. 🙂