
Yep, from the same source that says Jesus walked among Dinosaurs

The most viewed pages in Conservapedia seem to be offering a look as to what this group is most interested in. Could this be something similar to Google Bombing, where users of a particular group artificially inflate the numbers to skew the results?

Conservapedia statistics –

Most viewed pages

Main Page‎ [1,901,062]
Homosexuality‎ [1,535,767]
Homosexuality and Hepatitis‎ [516,505]
Homosexuality and Promiscuity‎ [419,068]
Homosexuality and Parasites‎ [387,769]
Homosexuality and Domestic Violence‎ [348,692]
Gay Bowel Syndrome‎ [339,701]
Homosexuality and Gonorrhea‎ [330,090]
Homosexuality and Mental Health‎ [273,598]
Homosexuality and Syphilis‎ [264,043]

  1. ECA says:

    Mommy, these guys scare me..

    Its funny that these folks are doing what Scientists do.
    Justifying an idea with a FACT..with out proof.
    the difference is that Scientists TRY to prove the idea.

    the only ground these folks have, is that a good share of THOUGHT/ideas/concepts havent been proven, and they can say ANYTHING they want, without proving it.

  2. sadtruth says:

    giddy up Dino!

    Please say that picture was photoshopped. PLEASE!

  3. tallwookie says:

    It wasnt – Jebus & Dino were best buddies

    Also note the pine trees in the background – which didnt exist prior to ~120 mya (million yrs ago) ( ) – while the brontosaurus stopped existing ~140 mya ( )…

    Oh wait, its Jebus! the time traveling Jebus!
    He can do majik (cuz he’s a demon in disguise)

  4. TheBlob says:

    You idiot. They didn’t have Photoshop back then so the picture must be real.

  5. panamajack says:

    Nope, that’s totally real ! I have a Seventh Day Adventist friend who once showed me this lovely video PROVING that Cain, assisted by the devil, meticulously buried dinosaur bones in order to fool people that evolution was real.

    The vid had great production values, let me tell you … they even had scientists in white lab coats with pointer sticks! Produced where you ask ? Waco TX of course!

  6. Personality says:

    Homosexuality is the most viewed because they are trying to learn how to cover up their urges.

  7. Frank IBC says:

    No entry for “gay bowel syndrome” in Wikipedia, but the search results are kind of funny.

  8. Billy says:

    Sen. Larry:
    Airport stall 3. Take wide stance.
    Tap foot. Wave hand.

  9. Clark says:

    Get thee behind me, Satan!

  10. James Hill says:

    Angry hack warning. Jesus doesn’t love hacks.

    LOL – Another sad day for this blog.

  11. traaxx says:

    Whatever, you’d think that Islam with it’s absolute enmity against everything liberal/communists believe in would garner more attention. All they can do is whine, they should go over to far greater enemy to gay freedom of Muslim countries and carry out their work and see if they come out a-head.

    It won’t be Christians that put gays to death, but Muslims will and currently do, what do the little cowardly commies do, nothing just attack Christians more. Is there something in the lie of Islam that attracts fellow sinners? Christ said that the sinning world would reject the truth, and as the continued assault on Christians and only Christians proves, it’s true.

  12. traaxx says:

    Another thing, your interest is just as enlightening. If Gasperinner is gay and this is always on their mind, just admit that you have a personnel stake in it and leave it alone. We haven’t asked and you don’t have to tell, but again you should reveal all personnel stakes in any issue you post on, just as a common standard of transparency of the blog – like any other journalist. You liberals/communist are big on transparency are you or is that just everyone else?

  13. David says:

    Are all conservatives gay, or just “obsessed” with gays? This is really really weird. It was funny enough that the facts/data in Wikipedia scared off conservatives and they had to make up their own encyclopedia with their own “facts”(tm). That was crazy enough but the scary part are these statistics. Homosexuals are the ONLY thing on their mind. What the f**K is mentally wrong with conservatives? Shouldn’t the top ten searches be on fiscal issues, gun rights, taxes, something? It’s all about gays? Something that even if you believe in the magical Bible, wasn’t ever mentioned by Jesus…not once, ever. It’s such a minor, technical sin (like wearing the wrong type of cloth to a funeral or eating shellfish) that of all of the material in the New Testament, Jesus never had a single word, parable or moment preaching about it…but it’s makes ALL of the top 10 searches on the conservative online encyclopedia. MAN THAT IS F**KING CREEPY!

  14. Gasparrini says:

    #14, I’m neither Gay, Liberal nor a professional journalist.
    By the way, learn some English composition and how to type my last name.
    If typing my last name proves to be too hard, you can always do ‘copy’ and ‘paste’, my last name is just below the headline of the post. Hope this tip helps.

  15. sadtruth says:

    # 4 TheBlob said, in November 21st, 2007 at 6:37 am

    You idiot. They didn’t have Photoshop back then so the picture must be real.

    Damn thats RIGHT. I AM an idiot :\

    He does look quite comfy on that bronto-mount though. Suppose he’d have to pull that robe up pretty high to straddle that beast, can’t have jebus doin that now…

  16. QB says:

    I am always amazed at the endless fascination that fundametalists have for homosexuality. I assume it’s because both groups are well groomed and can pull together a well coordinated outfit in a hurry.

  17. RBG says:

    15 David. It’s a phenomenon related to liberals being obsessed with religion.


  18. Li says:

    Oh please, RBG, try not to reveal your spooferific nature too explicitly.

    By the way, this reveals all that is left of the Republican platform after they made lies out of everything they ever supposedly stood for.


    How very inspiring.

  19. RBG says:

    It’s so refreshing to find someone above spoofing.


  20. GetSmart says:

    Jesus loves me this I know,
    ’cause his dino tells me so,
    Be real good, heed his call,
    and let his bronto stomp homo’s.

  21. GetSmart says:

    They should rename it “Whackopedia”

  22. tallwookie says:

    lol #23 that was hillarious!!

  23. JimD says:

    Well, it’s the monomania of the Closet Cases !!!


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