Dude, you talkin’ to me?

BBC News– The outburst came after Mr Chavez called former Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar a “fascist”. Mr Chavez then interrupted Spanish PM Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero’s calls for him to be more diplomatic, prompting the king’s outburst. Latin American, Portuguese, Spanish and Andorran leaders were meeting in Chile.

Mr Chavez called Mr Aznar, a close ally of US President George W Bush, a fascist, adding “fascists are not human. A snake is more human.” Mr Zapatero said: “[Former Prime Minister] Aznar was democratically elected by the Spanish people and was a legitimate representative of the Spanish people.” Mr Chavez repeatedly tried to interrupt, despite his microphone being turned off. The king leaned forward and said: “Why don’t you shut up?”

He he

  1. babaganoosh says:

    This happened more than a week ago. You need to go find the story about how someone has made $2million by making this into a ringtone.

  2. MikeN says:

    Chavez is closer to fascism than anyone else alive.

  3. James Hill says:

    That’s how you talk to liberals. It’s the only language they understand.

  4. GigG says:

    The question is, did the nut case shut up?

  5. Frank IBC says:

    #4 –

    Are you kidding? He’s spent the whole last week whining about it incessantly.

  6. DaveW says:

    Finally, a good use for monarchs!

    Except for the UK tourism industry, of course.

  7. Alberto says:

    Long like the King! (the real none, not the wanna be)

  8. Peter Rodwell says:

    Later, the King got up and left in disgust when Daniel Ortega started harranguing the Spanish delegation about something or other.

  9. flyingelvis says:

    old “news”.

  10. god says:

    I wonder if it’s a mirror corollary of Godwin’s Law – when dweebs who would welcome fascism in America with open arms – still use the word as an imprecation to someone they hate?

  11. doug says:

    I wonder what’s Spanish for, “Jam a sock in it, you Venezuelan wingnut”?

  12. Juan Cardona says:

    It would be : ¡Cállate esa jeta, Venezolano izquierdoso! (ka- ya- tte eh-sah – hetah, venezo -lah -noh izkierdo -soh)

  13. tallwookie says:

    we REALLY need another coup in Venzuela, Chavez is beginning to piss me off… and dont fuck it up this time around, just shoot him in the head and get it over with

  14. Terry Lechecul says:

    He is a king?
    Shouldnt he be dead?

    Why are these asswipes allowed to walk the earth?
    Because they are ‘royalty’?

    Parasites like that are usually exterminated, or else they become lawyers later on.

    See a royal anywhere?
    Use Raid.

  15. Frank IBC says:

    Umm… it could be because the Spanish people voted in a referendum to continue the monarchy, Terry.

  16. Joshua says:

    #16…..this King actually did something worthwhile. When Franco died and left him King, he immediatly started moving the country to a democracy. When the Flangist’s attempted to stage a coup 3 year’s after Franco died the King went on the air and stopped the coup. He has enormous respect and gratitude from his people for what he has done to keep Spain a democracy.

  17. savagesteve13 says:

    Too bad for Spain. Like the UK it is holding onto its last vestiges of imperialist power. That’s why that Charlie Chaplain idiot Jose Aznar was so willing to go into Iraq, and why Spain still holds islands and pieces of Morocco.
    Imperial powers just can’t give up memories of the Olde Days. Spain still thinks it owns some of South America.


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