I am initiating a site template redesign. This iteration is TEMPORARY and designed to re-establish the lost RSS feeds. That said I still want to make it so it works. Comments welcome.

From Perkel: The reason for the change is that this blog is an old blog and the old look was created by modifying the index.php file instead of using themes. But the last upgrade broke the RSS feed so it’s time to use themes and do it right. I’m not a theme guy but I grabbed one that was functionally close and I’m trying to get the functionality working. So the “look” stuff will be done later when we find the right look person. So that’s what is happening today. Comments from Wordpress experts appreciated.

  1. wbskeet37 says:

    You have taken away the link to comments at the bottom of the story. Put the link back. I will wear out my little scroll wheel going back to the top of the story.

  2. andrewwi says:

    Make the posts closer together

  3. Raff says:

    This format blows.. keep the regular one…

  4. Jägermeister says:

    Center everything under the “Dvorak Uncensored” header. Also, validate the pages. Other than that… good work.

  5. manveru says:

    Well the RSS seems to be working on my end. I dont care how bad it looks as long as it is functional.

    That said… the bubbles for the comments are awful. It makes it look like the person below is commenting since it is pointing at them.

  6. BlackCat40 says:

    Centering would be good and losing the red. Maybe a pale gray instead of the bright white background.

  7. Matthew says:

    ANYTHING is better than the previous theme. I like the red since I see sooooo much blue in the blog world.

    Recent Comments and Pages are not really necessary. Authors and Archives could be abridged with an expand link below.

    And while you’re at it, spice up the logo and make it truly UNCENSORED. Maybe put the site title in a block on the left with the logo more of a slogan / eye candy thingy.

  8. sadtruth says:

    PLEASE fix the Dvorak Uncensored logo, PLEASE. Its compressed jpg VOMIT.

    However, i’m glad to see that the drop shadow is not getting clipped any more.

    +1 on get a designer. There’s nothing wrong with wanting your site to look good, really there isn’t.

    And ya, bring the numbers back.

  9. Matthew says:

    Change the vertical spacing of the text.

  10. Cursor_ says:

    Is it at all possible to have something other than a three column with header and footer layout?

    I mean it seems everyone in the world (aka people using CSS) has either this or the same with TWO columns.

    I mean this layout is as old as DTP apps from 1994!

    I think there can be inprovement in 13 years don’t you? Or maybe people LIKE to have sites that resemble bad templates from MS publisher 2.0???


  11. bill says:

    On my monitor, I’d like a little more contrast in the font. The text kind of get;s washed out by Safari and ,my iMac…

    All in all I like it.

  12. sadtruth says:

    …and since we’re redesigning, would it be too much to have the user returned to the post after typing in the kinda captcha er whatever thing?

    thanks, you’re a beautiful man dvorak

  13. AaronF says:

    It would be nice to have the links to MarketWatch etc… back on the left since it is easy to link to your other “Web” sites from there…

  14. Matt Garrett says:

    New look. Same cranky BS.

  15. Sid says:

    Where did the ghetto look go? haha

  16. squeecore says:

    It could be better

  17. Frank IBC says:

    I like the new colors. Crisp and balanced at the same time.

  18. Thomas says:

    The quotes at the top are harder to read than they were with the gray background.

    The blog posts are harder to read. The red bars on the sides and on the titles draw your eye away. I.e., you see more of the clutter and less of the text.

    Comment numbers or a threaded view I think are critical. Otherwise, it becomes difficult to know to what you are responding.

    It’d be nice if the middle content area was adjustable width instead of fixed. The fixed width somewhat negates the benefit of a larger monitor.

    It’d be nice if the sections in the right band were collapsible.

    The callout background on the comments is a bit corny and eats up space. It will make for longer scrolling.

    I notice that when I bookmark a comments page, that it does not prefix the bookmark with the Dvorak Uncensored.

  19. hhopper says:

    This format is only temporary. It will be tweaked considerably in the next few days. Please be constructive in your criticism and suggest changes that you would like to see.

  20. Frank IBC says:

    So what is the new font? Very graceful.

  21. Jess Hurchist says:

    I’d like more of a a barrier between the columns – my eyes keep drifting too far to the left, the right isn’t so much of a problem. Maybe centreing the comments would introduce enough white space to keep my eyes where they ought to be.

    On the subject of the RSS feed, there was a time when only about half a dozen at maximum appeared. Today there are 15. Six or so is a nice number to ‘Open all in tabs’ in Firefox, 15 is too many. I think today’s posts are the top 8

  22. Balbas says:

    Grey text is hard on the eyes in a lit room.

  23. Hal says:

    I’m sorry, but the old templete was much better than this one. It was more compact and easier to read thru. Go back!

  24. cobolcompiler says:

    The quotes must go, or at least make them smaller. The rest is actually pretty nice. It’s much clearer to read, and the layout is less confusing. I say keep it!

    And while “old” is nice (and familiar), the internet is generally dynamic, so it’s good that things change a little, even for “good ol'” Dvorak.

  25. James says:

    This blows. I liked the old way.

  26. RogueTess says:

    Way better. Keep the wider center, make letter contrast darker (less bright white). Lose the red (I prefer the blue family — red is like all caps to me). Just don’t skimp on content and I’ll be content.

  27. Ballmer says:

    Scrap it!
    This one sucks, it doesn’t even have numbers one the coments!

    Try an other one!

  28. Simon says:

    you’re old template looked like it was 10 years old. This is Much better, in my opinion.

  29. Two important comments that many have already done, but with more I hope you’ll go and address the issues:

    1) Centering (in my browser complete site is in the left half and the right half is empty).

    2) “Ink” color for the text is way too gray. Please forget “new age” designers and use real black for the text. (it is particularly bad now in the dark gray comment balloons, dark gray text on dark gray background)

    One technical issue no one have mentioned. My browser is Seamonkey 1.1.4 (Firefox 2 family). In it there is a stray blue text over the third article (to quote it: “SS0′); >? RSS 2.0′); >? XHTML’); >? WHP”), “in level” with the “categories” title on far right.

  30. QB says:

    It looks like you’re getting a lot more responses.


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