I am initiating a site template redesign. This iteration is TEMPORARY and designed to re-establish the lost RSS feeds. That said I still want to make it so it works. Comments welcome.

From Perkel: The reason for the change is that this blog is an old blog and the old look was created by modifying the index.php file instead of using themes. But the last upgrade broke the RSS feed so it’s time to use themes and do it right. I’m not a theme guy but I grabbed one that was functionally close and I’m trying to get the functionality working. So the “look” stuff will be done later when we find the right look person. So that’s what is happening today. Comments from Wordpress experts appreciated.

  1. Ho-Lip Tex says:

    Ditto on width; a lot of us have widescreen monitors, and narrow websites (even when centered) just look silly. It should also be centered, however.

    The folder icons are ok.

    The quotey-things should go. A quote button would be useful, but how about a modern one that just injects the quoted post into the edit field and adds a “Mr. Blah said: …”, perhaps also creating a div to contain the quote?

  2. tallwookie says:

    the main thing I dislike about it so far is that the speech bubbles or whatever they are dont have #’s – like in the past if I was disagreeing with ECA or somebody and they were #14 or whatever, then I coul start out w/ “#14 – etc” I really liked that.

    Also, background is a *little* to white… its glaring (or im tired an my eyes just hurt lol) perhaps make a light gray border around everything?

    thats about all Ive found annoying so far…

    Rest of it looks good though

  3. shogun308 says:

    I like the way it was set up in which I could quickly glance over the poster’s comments and an excerpt of the article. The Excerpt and the posters comments are in different color!! The font size is too big now. Talk about gigantic open quotation marks!!

    I like a simple look, nothing fancy, just clean easy to read!

  4. ChrisMac says:

    fuck the template excuse…
    today.. my favourite part of the internet just died.. a little

  5. BubbaRay says:

    Constructive, not meant negative:

    The major point — those folder icons left of each entry on the left and right margins — once they’re collapsible, it’ll look much better. Too bad you can’t use bullets instead of folder icons for non-collapsible entries.

    I’m certain you’ll come up with a better order for the contents of left / right columns.

    Increase the headline size each article and make the horizontal break line more apparent.

    Compress space between comments, add numbering, dump the talky background box for coments. (Said many times above).

    New top logo.

    I don’t know, less harsh red? (NOT PINK!)

    Just my 2 cents (3 new gold dollars worth).

  6. BubbaRay says:

    Oops, forgot — dump the quote marks and decrease the font size (except for article titles). My scroll wheel just died.

  7. ChrisMac says:

    since when did asking for help mean giving up?

  8. badcam says:

    As per all the others*

    Change the background by either different colours on the sides or the whole background. What about a pale yellow?

    After entering the Captcha – send me back!

    Comment numbering & less space between the comments

    Darker text, no grey.

    You really need to do something about checking visitors screen sizes and changing the width of the main text area to suit. Many people nowadays have widescreens and it’s only going to become more common. It’s not that difficult to do.

    Your RSS feeds at the top of the page are squashed together and overlapping

    Remove the bubbles on the comments.

  9. phishphiend says:

    Centered would be better

  10. vonchiz says:

    It looks OK to me, but it’s right justified on my widescreen monitor, that’s just annoying. I would rather it be left justified or centered, but not all the way over on the right.

  11. amazingmo says:

    Whatever you do, don’t leave any textual banner images in jpeg format. Use PNG or GIF (the patent expired so you can use it again).
    The sharp contrast edges cause “ringing” in the jpg algorithm.

  12. Steve says:

    Different color scheme
    Center it
    Number the comments

  13. tcc3 says:

    Put the comments link back on the bottom of each post. It makes more sense than scrolling all the back to the top after reading each one.

  14. morram says:

    Good Job! – IPYOTB
    (I’m patting you on the back)

  15. Chuck Colson says:

    Oh, please don’t take away the cheesiest design on the entire webtubes! The old design was so “f— you, we don’t care about bathing,” like Dvorak himself.

    But if you insist on keeping this layout, at least don’t improve the cheesy graphics with their adorable compression artifacts.

  16. Looks… Mid life crisis geek style.

  17. Oh, and another thing, the post numbers are missing, it’s hard to track back when there’s the usual catfight.

  18. Rich says:

    As a rule I don’t like change; thus my initial reaction was to dislike it. I’ll have to get used to it for a few days and then I’m sure I will love it.

  19. Norman Speight says:

    Don’t like it. FAR FAR too bloody awkward (writing this comment – finding a way to it – was appallingly difficult compared with the old way). I do know that the designer knows how it works, and, he,she,they, probably can’t understand that those of us out here find it problematic. However. If the users have probs, then, in my book its a dead duck. These things are not meant for the gratification of the designer, writer or whatever.
    Sorry mate. Ain’t worth the money. Its an Edsel

  20. Fabrizio says:

    Backspace to back out of an article doesn’t work…

  21. Frank IBC says:

    I really like the formatting of blockquotes. Much better than the old style.

    And thanks for bringing back comment numbers.

  22. Fabrizio says:

    I don’t have time to read the blog every day, so I usually go back to the last date I read it and then browse forward, but that information is no longer there…


  23. ibdense says:

    I find the new layout much more open and easier to read/view.
    About the fact that it is not centered — I find that my eyes seem to go to where the content is.
    And speaking of content … that is what I come here for. And now, the content is easier to read and view.
    I like it, John!

  24. Lulubelle says:

    I like it alot. 52-year-old eyes are grateful!

  25. Joshua says:

    The white is too white….hurt’s my eye’s. The upper part looks like bargain basement day at Wal-Mart….wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to busy. Very distracting. Damn the glare is awful.

    I noticed the lack of comment number’s yesterday, but see that’s back….good go.
    Don’t like the comment button above the post. Not that I can’t muster the energy to scroll up, just damn inconvient.

    Is it me or is it impossible to backspace to the post from the comment’s?

    A way to show quotes….and of course something we all have wanted….a sarcasm key.

  26. I thought of a web 2.0 stylish logo some thing like

  27. rkeys says:

    I usually read the blog on my smart phone and from a practical point of view the Quote gif uses up too much of the screen. A separate simple style sheet for mobile devices would be appreciated.

  28. rkeys says:

    Ok, I basically can’t view the site on my phone anymore. If you’re interested in your mobile users experience you might have a look at how Diggriver (www.diggriver.com), simple and fast.


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