• Weird stories.
  • The Kindle plugged by New York Times. Dubious assertions made.
  • Mozilla Firefox 3 beta is out.
  • Sony BMG Yahoo deal is dull news.
  • MacWorld Magazine boosts Dell XPS-1 and makes weird errors in analysis.
  • Writer in Oz claims he was fired for not getting enough “hits.”
  • Harvard prof says that “pay-per-view” journalism is the future? Cripes!

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  1. Kindle will fail for technical reasons: too small, looks flimsy (regardless of the actual characteristics) and too expensive for what it offers.

    Strangely enough, no one talks about the iRex iliad. I am on the fence of buying one just because there are no reviews. By specifications it beats even the new Sony eBook and deserves its price premium… Price of being small company…

  2. Mike Voice says:

    The editors at Dvorak Uncensored all use the Firefox Browser. You should too.

    Are you going to remove this from the site?? 😉

    Or just change it to read: “We all use it, and it’s still slow, buggy, etc…”

    I share your mild disgust that the MacWorld writer is too young to remember the original Mac, instead of referencing the iMac…

    Or, is it just that he knows his audience can barely remember the iMac G4 [Pixar lamp] models.

    Osbourne’s “luggable” was another all-in-one which predated the Mac of 1984… but thinking about it all just makes me feel old!. 🙂

  3. V says:

    Leave in to Harvard to make wild claims about the “inevitable” without even considering whether an editor would ever implement such a policy.

  4. McCullough says:

    I’m liking the new look and yes, Firefox sucks.

  5. Peter Rodwell says:

    Im not sure I understand the problems with Firefox. The only problem I have is that it conflicts with IBM ViaVoice (which I use a lot, due to RSI after decades of frienzied typing), causing the latter to do odd things.

    Re all-in-one computers, does this mean just the CPU and display in the same casing, or with the keyboard too? In the latter case, didn’t the original Mac have a separate keyboard, meaning that it wasn’t really all-in-one?

  6. James Hill says:

    Maybe he should have baited Apple fan boys and used keywords irrelevant to the topic. That’s what a real journalist does.

  7. McCullough says:

    “Im not sure I understand the problems with Firefox.”

    One word…slow

  8. Great “5” iLove that fact that some kid labeled the iMac as the first all-in-one.

    iWill definitely check out Max Head-ra-ra-room.


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