Paul McCartney’s estranged wife today accused consumers of meat and dairy products of fuelling global warming, as she launched a vegan campaign at London’s famous Speaker’s Corner.
Heather Mills, who is involved in an increasingly bitter divorce battle with the former Beatle, suggested people could drink the milk of rats or cats, rather than milking cows.
Viva, an animal rights campaign group, claims dairy and meat products are major causes of greenhouse gases.
The worst mistake my fav singer ever make was not signing a prepup with a goldigger
Let’s see, meat and dairy products are absolutely necessary to living an acceptable lifestyle, therefore if they cause global warming, that’s just something we will have to adapt to.
Vegans who are vegan for some moral reason are crackpots and have no credibility on any subject at all.
Fat Tony will be happy to sell you milk from rats at a very reasonable price.
#34 – (whatever)GW
“Vegans who are vegan for some moral reason are crackpots and have no credibility on any subject at all.”
This just in to CNN Headline News: Vegans are morans. Details at the top of the hour.
#36 – Exactly. “Meat….It’s what to eat…”
Someone needs to take that bitch’s leg off and beat her over the head with it.
John these are all legit news items – yea, some news is better than others.
Greg Focker: You can milk just about anything with nipples.
Jack Byrnes: I have nipples, Greg, could you milk me?
It was a very bizarre statement. I blogged on it myself a little while ago: http://www.arksark.org/blog/2007/11/21/dogs-milk-no-buggerll-drink-it/
I guess as a vegan, she is not well placed to judge how nice her cow alternatives would taste.
Urban dwelling predisposes one to getting excited about population and being closeted away from the natural world makes one think it is disappearing. All the humans in the world today would fit into the grand canyon with a lot of room left over. There are more earthworms (by weight) and ants (also by weight) than humans. New York State has increased its forested area from 28% in the 1920s to 68% today. Problem with a focus on single issues is that the environment is not singular.
shaman6 – Earth worms and ants don’t drive SUVs and have coal fired power plants. So don’t give the little buggers any ideas. I want one of those quad CPU, quad video card Spyder setups from AMD to play Call of Duty 4 on, and I don’t want any little critters competing for my electric power source. I don’t have a statistic handy, but I’ll bet there are more bacteria by weight than damn near the rest of the ecosphere combined. Why do you think I walk around with boxes of Kleenex for shoes and buy Lysol by the 55 gallon drum. God, they’re everywhere. Get ’em OFF ME!! Don’t TOUCH ME!!! YAARRGH!!
I bet that crazy bitch is wearing leather shoes
She arrived and departed in a Mercades 4×4 that get’s 15 miles per gallon. This woman is seriously bonker’s.
PG&E….the utility of Northern California is running ad’s about how they are converting Methane from cattle into power. I haven’t visited their site yet to see exactly what they are doing. In the ad’s they mention that cow manure is 20 time’s more polluting than CO2, therefore far more harmfull than auto emissions.
I immediatly thought of the Mad Max movie with the pig shit.
Heather Mills is a self-centered money grubbing bitch. That, according to her ex sister-in-law.
Evidently she has one hell of a temper and isn’t afraid to use it.
Interesting how many people have taken this out of context. She is comparing drinking milk from another species (cow) into adulthood with drinking milk from another species (rat, cat, dog, bat, whale, hedgehog) into adulthood. How can so many people and journalists have missed this?
FWSE ‘livestock long shadow’ if you ignore Heather simply because of who she is….