Paul McCartney’s estranged wife today accused consumers of meat and dairy products of fuelling global warming, as she launched a vegan campaign at London’s famous Speaker’s Corner.
Heather Mills, who is involved in an increasingly bitter divorce battle with the former Beatle, suggested people could drink the milk of rats or cats, rather than milking cows.
Viva, an animal rights campaign group, claims dairy and meat products are major causes of greenhouse gases.
My only question is: Does SHE drink rat or cat’s milk?
You’ve probably heard of the old hiker’s maxim: Take out when you take in. I think we should apply that to food and should only eat our own shit and only drink our own pee. No harm no waste.
#2 I’m full. You can have mine.
Well, in my view of things, if we were to be strictly vegetarian animals, we would have four stomachs an spend most of our time grazing and chewing. The reason why we are omnivorous beasts, is because, we needed to get by with what was available to fuel a high metabolism as we are. Have you ever seen nature documentaries? Either herbivores or carnivores spend most of their time just resting. They are highly active when hunting or escaping, the rest of the time they just stand in the shade. Human beings evolved and succeeded by not being specialized animals. Of course that needs some intelligence, and that in turn needs some energy. And diverse nutrition. The problem (globally speaking in an ecologically point of view.) is that we became too good. We multiplied in numbers that are not compatible with any ecosystem. You can take any angle at it, but we are simply too many not to have some impact planetary wise… Either drinking cow or rat’s milk… Imagine that we got rid of cows and start using rats to provide us with milk…just how many rats would be needed to replace a cow?
Or soy milk. How much land would be needed to grow soy bean. I bet you that wouldn’t be far of the amount used on pasture.
There is just no way out: we are far too many to “fit” into the “natural” world, on it’s rules. We need more technologically advanced solutions and not less, as some may say.
And BTW, milk is not vegan…
I’d like to see her milk a cat…LOL.
Actually I believe it is true that cattle are a major source of methane, a greenhouse gas. The solution is probably not as simple as switching to cat’s milk, but the problem is real.
Apparently Ms. Mills has never compared the size of a cow’s udder (10 gallon capacity) to a rat’s breast.
And why did she not suggest humans market mother’s milk, before rats’ or cats’ milk?
you can milk anything with nipples
Wasn’t she on a Simpsons episode (with her hubby at the time) about being a vegetarian? And wasn’t there also a Simpsons episode about feeding rats’ milk in the school cafeteria (Fat Tony’s initiative)? I think there’s a connection here somewhere.
#8 – Frank
“why did she not suggest humans market mother’s milk, before rats’ or cats’ milk?”
Let me go out on a shaky limb here and hazard a wild guess;
Maybe because she’s a fuckin’ ijjit?
she hasn’t a leg to stand on.
Who cares what some pasty Brit has to say?
It’s pheasant season!!!
She may be crazy but she is right.
The meat and dairy industry is right up there with the oil and gas industry as far as global warming is concerned.
I would suggest that attacking the person with the message is not the same as attacking the message. The message is clear and verifiable calling her a crackpot is factious.
I listen to your rants and raves on a daily basis and on this on I have to call fowl. Animal agriculture is ignored as a cause of global warming and will continue to be ignored and played down so long as farmers have a vote. The methane comes mostly from the front end not the back end of the animal as assumed.
She may be a crackpot in your opinion but what she is saying is true. I have to call your comments BULLSHIT on this one.
I’ve always kinda wanted to date a girl with one leg.
By the way Heather arrived in the event in a large SUV. I am tired of these elite hypocrites telling everyone to how to live while they pig out and play with no thought of change or sacrifice for themselves.
I’ve long had this impression that Paul McCartney was basically a decent guy. Sure, he has the ego of a super talented, super rich guy but…
Then Heather Mills came along and basically painted him as an evil abuser. I then wondered if I was just duped by McCartney’s PR spin.
But now I’m wondering if it’s really Mills that is the jerk:
“Even Barbara Walters Thinks Heather Mills is a Jerk”
I’m not sure is this is worth caring about but McCartney is kind of a cultural fixture for guys my age.
Yeah we should go back to being agrarian – no wait that has a negative environamental impact too. Hunting / Gathering? How about that?
Sometimes I dont think the environmental lobby will be happy with anything short of
There is this to consider: she is using her celebrity to share a point of view that’s unpopular in some quarters. Whether you agree or disagree, there is something to be said for the courage to speak out when to stay silent is the more comfortable position.
Scratch that thought of milking a cat though.
” large amounts of fossil fuel and water resources consumed by intensive animal farming and the consequent emissions of harmful gases and chemicals. Animal agriculture has been pointed out as one of the largest sources of greenhouse gases — responsible for 18% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions as measured in CO2 equivalents. By comparison, all transportation emits 13.5% of the CO2. Animal farming produces 65% of human-related nitrous oxide (which has 296 times the global warming potential of CO2) and 37% of all human-induced methane (which is 23 times as warming as CO2). It is also accused of generating 64% of the ammonia, which contributes to acid rain and acidification of ecosystems [11]. The habitat for wildlife provided by large industrial monoculture farms is very poor, and modern industrial agriculture has been considered a threat to biodiversity compared with farming practices such as organic farming, permaculture, arable, pastoral, and rainfed agriculture.”
People are the cause of global warming (if global warming exists).
People breading uncontrollably is the reason we humans now exist in unbelievable numbers. And we are now burning through the available resources at the highest rate seen in the history of human existence.
I have been reading a little about Energy Returned on Energy Invested (EROEI). Even vegies and grains take enormous energy input (I’m not talking about sunlight, I’m talking fuel, fertilizer, etc). Having too many people may eventually cause big problems if (sorry WHEN)energy becomes scarce and expensive. Apparently it takes sever Joules of oil energy to produce a Joule of food energy, according to EROEI.com. Fewer people would put less stress on the available resources.
I don’t know what the scale of Dinosaur consumption was, may have been about the same scale as our human rate is today.
I’d still do her
Read the Milk Letter, get an education.
I still can’t understand swallowing semen, so to me milk is entirely okay. Does Heather swallow?
[this post is on thin ice…. — editors]
Yes, there was a episode of the simpsons where Fat Tony brought a line of beverages into the school based on the milking of rats. But, no Mills was not on the Simpsons as McCartneys wife. It was the older, deader one, Linda.
Commercial agriculture of all kinds (any agricorp) is bad for the environment. Unfortunately, in North American cities, somehow it’s cheaper to buy beef than broccoli, and ready made “meals” are cheaper than raw ingredients. I cook from scratch each and everyday, but I still shake my head when I wander the food aisles and see how out of whack pricing is… One of the reasons I buy organic meat is because I’m freaking terrified of the industrial strength meat industry. Some fruits and vegetables I lean heavily to organics, especially fruits and vegetable that I eat the skin. But, the prices of organics in my town pretty much level out on average with the cost of industrial produce. But, I still laugh when I see “organic” from China. Yeah, RIGHT!
To Pedro. Do not EVER compare me to Fascist population control freaks.
This this the Prequil to – Instant Stupification — Talk to a Blonde
John, have you got something on your mind?
@8 Frank, probably because she would have too many offers to test how nutritious her product is by comparison.
-I’d say a quart, a quart and a half on a good day.
If they are not the polluting synthetic type.
#29 Apparently blondes.
My wife used to complain that I was always posting blonde bimbos on the blog. So I refrained. Now this. It’s all proof of the random number theory.
Well, I am happy to report that all my chickens, ducks and goats are all fed on 100% Vegetarian Society Approved feed, so at least vegetarians can get a little bit of iron and protein by eating them.